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Image loading, processing, caching and preheating

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Image loading, processing, caching and preheating




Advanced framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images.

**This framework is no longer maintained.**

**Programming in Swift? Check out [Nuke](!**

## Features

- Zero config
- Works great with both Objective-C and Swift
- Performant, asynchronous, thread safe

##### Loading
- Uses [NSURLSession]( with [HTTP/2]( support
- Optional [AFNetworking](#installation) integration, combine the power of both frameworks!
- Uses a single fetch operation for equivalent requests
- [Intelligent preheating]( of images close to the viewport

##### Caching
- Doesn't reinvent caching, relies on [HTTP cache]( and its implementation in [Foundation](
- Caching is completely transparent to the client
- Two cache layers, including [top level memory cache]( for decompressed images

##### Processing
- Optional [FLAnimatedImage]( integration
- Optional [WebP]( integration
- Progressive image decoding including progressive JPEG
- Background image decompression and scaling in a single step
- Resize and crop loaded images to [fit displayed size](, add rounded corners or circle

##### Advanced
- Customize different parts of the framework using dependency injection
- Create and [compose image managers]( into a tree of responsibility

## Getting Started
- Take a look at comprehensive [demo]( using `pod try DFImageManager` command
- Check out complete [documentation]( and [Wiki](
- [Install](#installation), `@import DFImageManager` and enjoy!

## Usage

#### Zero Config

[[DFImageManager imageTaskForResource:<#imageURL#> completion:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, DFImageResponse *response, DFImageTask *task){
// Use loaded image
}] resume];

#### Adding Request Options

DFMutableImageRequestOptions *options = [DFMutableImageRequestOptions new]; // builder
options.priority = DFImageRequestPriorityHigh;
options.allowsClipping = YES;

DFImageRequest *request = [DFImageRequest requestWithResource:<#imageURL#> targetSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:DFImageContentModeAspectFill options:options.options];

[[DFImageManager imageTaskForRequest:request completion:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, DFImageResponse *response, DFImageTask *imageTask) {
// Image is resized and clipped to fill 100x100px square
if (response.isFastResponse) {
// Image was returned synchronously from the memory cache
}] resume];

#### Using Image Task

DFImageTask *task = [DFImageManager imageTaskForResource:<#imageURL#> completion:nil];
NSProgress *progress = task.progress;
task.priority = DFImageRequestPriorityHigh; // Change priority of executing task
[task cancel];

#### Using UI Components
Use methods from `UIImageView` category for simple cases:
UIImageView *imageView = ...;
[imageView df_setImageWithResource:<#imageURL#>];

Use `DFImageView` for more advanced features:
DFImageView *imageView = ...;
imageView.allowsAnimations = YES; // Animates images when the response wasn't fast enough
imageView.managesRequestPriorities = YES; // Automatically changes current request priority when image view gets added/removed from the window

[imageView prepareForReuse];
[imageView setImageWithResource:<#imageURL#>];

#### UICollectionView

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UICollectionViewCell *cell = <#cell#>
DFImageView *imageView = (id)[cell viewWithTag:15];
if (!imageView) {
imageView = [[DFImageView alloc] initWithFrame:cell.bounds];
imageView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
imageView.tag = 15;
[cell addSubview:imageView];
[imageView prepareForReuse];
[imageView setImageWithResource:<#image_url#>];
return cell;

Cancel image task as soon as the cell goes offscreen (optional):

- (void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didEndDisplayingCell:(UICollectionViewCell *)cell forItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
[((DFImageView *)[cell viewWithTag:15]) prepareForReuse];

#### Preheating Images

NSArray *requestsForAddedItems = <#requests#>;
[DFImageManager startPreheatingImagesForRequests:requestsForAddedItems];

NSArray *requestsForRemovedItems = <#requests#>;
[DFImageManager stopPreheatingImagesForRequests:requestsForRemovedItems];

#### Progressive Image Decoding

// Enable progressive image decoding
[DFImageManagerConfiguration setAllowsProgressiveImage:YES];

// Create image request that allows progressive image
DFMutableImageRequestOptions *options = [DFMutableImageRequestOptions new];
options.allowsProgressiveImage = YES;
DFImageRequest *request = <#request#>;

DFImageTask *task = <#task#>;
task.progressiveImageHandler = ^(UIImage *__nonnull image){
imageView.image = image;
[task resume];

#### Customizing Image Manager

id fetcher = <#fetcher#>;
id decoder = <#decoder#>;
id processor = <#processor#>;
id cache = <#cache#>;

DFImageManagerConfiguration *configuration = [[DFImageManagerConfiguration alloc] initWithFetcher:fetcher];
configuration.decoder = decoder;
configuration.processor = processor;
configuration.cache = cache;

[DFImageManager setSharedManager:[[DFImageManager alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration]];

#### Composing Image Managers
The `DFCompositeImageManager` constructs a [tree of responsibility]( from image managers and dynamically dispatch requests between them. Each manager should conform to `DFImageManaging` protocol. The `DFCompositeImageManager` also conforms to `DFImageManaging` protocol so that individual managers and compositions can be treated uniformly.

id manager1 = <#manager#>
id manager2 = <#manager#>
id composite = [[DFCompositeImageManager alloc] initWithImageManagers:@[manager1, manager2]];

## Design

|`DFImageManaging`|A high-level API for loading images|
|`DFImageFetching`|Performs fetching of image data (`NSData`)|
|`DFImageDecoding`|Converts `NSData` to `UIImage` objects|
|`DFImageProcessing`|Processes decoded images|
|`DFImageCaching`|Stores processed images into memory cache|

## Installation

### [CocoaPods](

To install DFImageManager add a dependency in your Podfile:
pod 'DFImageManager'

By default it will install these subspecs:
- `DFImageManager/Core` - DFImageManager core classes
- `DFImageManager/UI` - UI components

There are four more optional subspecs:
- `DFImageManager/AFNetworking` - replaces networking stack with [AFNetworking](
- `DFImageManager/GIF` - GIF support with a [FLAnimatedImage]( dependency
- `DFImageManager/WebP` - WebP support with a [libwebp]( dependency
- `DFImageManager/PhotosKit` - Photos Framework support

To install optional subspecs include them in your Podfile:
pod 'DFImageManager'
pod 'DFImageManager/AFNetworking'
pod 'DFImageManager/GIF'
pod 'DFImageManager/WebP'
pod 'DFImageManager/PhotosKit'

### [Carthage](

DFImageManager has a limited Carthage support that doesn't feature [FLAnimatedImage]( and [AFNetworking]( integration. To install DFImageManager add a dependency to your Cartfile:
github "kean/DFImageManager"

## Requirements
- iOS 8.0+ / watchOS 2
- Xcode 7.0+

## Supported Image Formats
- Image formats supported by `UIImage` (JPEG, PNG, BMP, [and more](
- GIF (`GIF` subspec)
- WebP (`WebP` subspec)

## Contribution

- If you **need help**, use [Stack Overflow]( (Tag 'dfimagemanager')
- If you **found a bug**, and can provide steps to reproduce it, open an issue.
- If you **have a feature request**, open an issue.
- If you **want to contribute**, branch of the `develop` branch and submit a pull request.

## Contacts

## License

DFImageManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.