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Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C...

4a-gigabit firmware miwifi-3c openwrt router routers xiaomi xiaomi-routers

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Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C...




# Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C...

## How to run

**NOTE: FROM VERSION `0.0.2` THE ROUTER NEEDS INTERNET ACCESS**. If you require to run the exploit without internet access please try version `0.0.1`. Find the versions here:

**NOTE: THERE ARE REPORTED ISSUES WITH ROUTER IN AP MODE**. If you're not able to succeed in the AP mode, try to switch to some other (WiFi Repeater or Gateway)

**NOTE: THERE ARE COMPATIBILITY ISSUES REPORTED WHEN USING WINDOWS**. This script only runs on Mac or Linux. If you run from Windows, please use docker (explained below)

### Using Docker (also works on Windows)

docker build -t openwrtinvasion
docker run --network host -it openwrtinvasion

### Using the command line

pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install requirements
python3 # Run the script

You will be asked for the router IP address and for the `stok`. You can grab the `stok` from the router URL after you log in to the admin interface:


Note that [the script must be run from the same IP address used when login into the router](

After that, a telnet server will be up and running. You can connect to it by running:


* User: `root`
* Password: `root`

The script also starts an ftp server at port 21, so you can get access to the filesystem using a GUI (for example [cyberduck](

## Supported routers and firmware versions

* MiRouter 4A Gigabit:
* `2.28.62`: user [ksc91u]( claims that this method works
* `2.28.65`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `2.28.132`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `3.0.10`: see [here](
* `3.0.24`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `3.0.27`: see [here](
* `3.2.30`: see [here](
* `3.10.18`: see [here](
* MiRouter 4A 100M (non gigabit):
* `2.18.51`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `2.18.58`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `3.0.12`: see [here](
* Find a troubleshooting guide [here](
* MiRouter 4C:
* `2.14.81`: [OpenWrt forum](
* `2.14.87`: see [here](
* `2.14.92`: see [here](
* Find [here]( a troubleshooting guide for this router
* Mi Router 3Gv2:
* `2.28.8`: user [Massimiliano Mangoni]([email protected]) claims that this method works (message posted in Slack)
* Mi Router 4Q (aka R4C):
* `2.28.48`: user cadaverous claims that this method works (message posted in Slack), but because the router is mips architecture (not mipsel), he needed to use version `0.0.1` of the script (the other versions use a busybox binary built for the mipsel architecture that is used to start a telnet sever)
* MiWifi 3C:
* `2.8.51_INT`: [OpenWrt forum](, [OpenWrt forum](
* `2.9.217`: [OpenWrt forum](, [OpenWrt forum](
* `2.14.45`: [OpenWrt forum](, [OpenWrt forum](
* [Mi Router 4](
* `2.18.62`: see [here](
* `2.26.175`: see [here](
* Xiaomi Mi R3P:
* Xiaomi Dev firmware: see [here](
* [Xiaomi 3Gv1](
* The stock firmware coming with the router: see [here](
* [AC2350 AIOT](
* `1.3.8CN`: see [here](

## Unsupported routers and firmware versions

* MiRouter 4A Gigabit:
* `2.30.20`: see details [here](
* `3.2.26`: see details and alternatives [here](
* Mi Extender AC1200 (RA75): see [here](

## Xiaomi 4A Gigabit Global Edition

Find [here]( a very complete introductory video to the router and the OpenWrt installation

### Firmwares

This repository contains the following firmwares:

* Official Xiaomi - `2.28.62` - in Chinese. SHA256: `a3db7f937d279cf38c2a3bec09772d65`
* URL in this repository:
* Official Xiaomi - `3.0.24` - in English. MD5: `9c4a60addaad76dc13b6df6b4ac03233`
* URL in this repository:
* URL in the official Xiaomi site:

If you have a pending update in your Xiaomi stock firmware, you can check its md5 hash and the download url by navigating to:


### Install OpenWrt

When installing OpenWrt on the Xiaomi 4A Gigabit, there are several options:

* **[PREFERRED OPTION]**: use the latest supported stable release of OpenWrt. Find it in the [official OpenWrt wiki page](

* Build your own image with `imagebuilder`, using the latest source code on `master`:

docker pull openwrtorg/imagebuilder:ramips-mt7621-master
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/imagebuilder:ramips-mt7621-master
make PROFILE=xiaomi_mir3g-v2 image

If **after reading above text** you still want to proceed, after login to the router through telnet run the following commands:

cd /tmp
curl --output firmware.bin # Put here the URL you want to use to download the firmware
./busybox sha256sum firmware.bin # Verify the firmware checksum before flashing, very important to avoid bricking your device!
mtd -e OS1 -r write firmware.bin OS1 # Install OpenWrt

This will install the snapshot version of OpenWrt (without Luci). You can now use ssh to connect to the router (and install Luci if you prefer it).

### Performance:

Please see [here]( for a complete performance analysis

## For more info and support go to:

* [OpenWrt forum thread](

## If you brick your device

You can find solutions in the following links:

* User [albertcp]( posted a very detailed guide: [OpenWrt forum](
* User [micky0867]( has some more comments about the topic: [OpenWrt forum](
* User [hoddy]( created a [video tutorial](

## Acknowledgments

* Original vulnerabilities and exploit: [UltramanGaia](
* Instructions to install OpenWrt after exploit execution: [rogerpueyo](
* Testing and detailed install instructions: [hey07](
* Checking the URL of pending updates: [sicklesareterrible](

## Demo

### Version 0.0.2 and higher: telnet

![Alt Text](readme/exploit-002.gif)

### Version 0.0.1: netcat (legacy)

![Alt Text](readme/exploit-001.gif)