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This is a home to a family of Elementary library packages.

architecture dart flutter mvvm

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This is a home to a family of Elementary library packages.




# Flutter Elementary repository

Elementary Logo


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## Description

This repository is a home to packages and tools from the Elementary library family.

| Package | Version |
| [elementary]( | [![Pub Version](]( |
| [elementary_helper]( | [![Pub Version](]( |
| [elementary_test]( | [![Pub Version](]( |
| [elementary_cli]( | [![Pub Version](]( |

## Elementary overview

Elementary is a simple and reliable way to build applications with MVVM in Flutter.
Benefits from using:

- maximum Flutter-like, you don't need to spend a lot of time learning the library if you are already familiar with the
standard Flutter approaches;
- splitting code into different layers by responsibility, that bring low coupling, make code simpler as well as more
- high testability of all layers from widgets to business logic;
- speed boost for a team consisting of more than one person, due to the easy sharing of independent task-parts among
team members.

## Environment

For reduce amount of boilerplate and the manual work, for Elementary there are few options:

- [elementary_cli]( - command line util helps with boilerplate generation;
- [plugin for IntelliJ]( - plugin for IntelliJ IDE family,
based on elementary_cli;
- [plugin for VSCode]( - plugin for VSCode,
based on elementary_cli;
- [elementary brick]( - command line util helps with boilerplate generation,
based on mason.

## Examples

[Country]( - general example how to use elementary for development;

[Elementary with Redux]( - example how to use elementary + redux;

[Profile]( - example shows the feature with the process that spread by separate screens, and also how to use elementary + bloc;

## Maintainer

Maintainer avatar

Mikhail Zotyev

## Contributors thanks

Big thanks to all these people, who put their effort to help the project.


Special thanks to:

[Dmitry Krutskikh](, [Konoshenko Vlad](,
[Denis Grafov]( for the early adoption and the first production feedback;

[Alex Bukin]( for IDE plugins;

All members of the Surf Flutter Team for actively using and providing feedback.

## Sponsorship

Special sponsor of the project:


For all questions regarding sponsorship/collaboration connect with [Mikhail Zotyev](