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:lock: Simple zero-config SSL reverse proxy for Tailscale users (LetsEncrypt certs)

https proxy ssl tailscale

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:lock: Simple zero-config SSL reverse proxy for Tailscale users (LetsEncrypt certs)





Simple single-command SSL reverse proxy for Tailscale

A handy way to add Tailscale SSL support to your locally running thing -- be it your personal jupyter notebook, nodejs app or any other http application.

`tailscale-ssl-proxy` uses the official Tailscale go package to get trusted LetsEncrypt SSL certs and then proxies HTTPS traffic to your existing HTTP server in a single command. `tailscale-ssl-proxy` also redirects unencrypted HTTP traffic on port 80 to HTTPS.

## Installation

Download the latest version of tailscale-ssl-proxy using the installer script in the github release:

# Install the correct binary to ./bin
curl -L | sh -s

The installer script will fetch the latest `tailscale-ssl-proxy` binary for your OS and place it in `./bin/tailscale-ssl-proxy`

To use `tailscale-ssl-proxy` from anyhwere you now need to add it to your PATH:

#### For most linux-based systems including Mac OS

Move the binary to `/usr/local/bin`

# Move the binary to /usr/local/bin
mv ./bin/tailscale-ssl-proxy /usr/local/bin

#### For Windows systems

TBC - need to figure out what the instructions for Windows systems are

## Quickstart

# Listening on [::]:443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :443
This will immediately fetch, real LetsEncrypt certificates for the machine's Tailscale address.

## Usage

Print usage using the `-help` option

tailscale-ssl-proxy -help

Usage of tailscale-ssl-proxy
-from string
the tcp address and port this proxy should listen for requests on (default ":443")
-redirectHTTP string
the tcp address and port this proxy should listen for http->https request redirects. Set to 'off' to disable http->https redirect (default ":80")
-to string
the address and port for which to proxy requests to (default "http://localhost:8080")

## Warning

The ssl certificate files (including the private key) are written to the current working directory as `cert.pem` and `key.pem` - that is the behaviour of the tailscale client. The private key is sensitive use at your own risk.

### Examples

#### Proxy to port 3000 (instead of 8080)

tailscale-ssl-proxy -to :3000
# Listening on [::]:443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:3000
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :443

#### Disable HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect

tailscale-ssl-proxy -redirectHTTP off
# Listening on [::]:443
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080
Simply include the `-redirectHTTP` flag when running the program.

#### Serve https on port 8443 (instaead of 443)

tailscale-ssl-proxy -from
# Listening on [::]:8443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080
# WARN: You must serve on port :443 for the LetsEncrypt certs that tailscale uses to be valid
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :8443
Simply include the `-redirectHTTP` flag when running the program.

### Build from source
#### Build from source using Docker
You can build `tailscale-ssl-proxy` for all platforms quickly using the included Docker configurations.

If you have `docker-compose` installed you can use the `./docker-make` script:
./docker-make build
That will build a binary for your local system and place it in the root directory.

#### Build from source locally
You must have Golang installed on your system along with `make`. Then simply clone the repository and run `make`.

## Attribution
Forked from ssl-proxy by Suyash Kumar