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Running Tailscale on Ubiquiti EdgeOS

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Running Tailscale on Ubiquiti EdgeOS




# Tailscale on EdgeOS

This is a short guide for getting [Tailscale]( running on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter platform. EdgeOS 2.0+ is required to make use of the systemd unit file shipped by Tailscale.

This was originally inspired by [lg]('s [gist]( and [joeshaw]('s [suggestion]( of putting everything under `/config/tailscale` rather than directly in `/config`, however this guide uses Tailscale's Debian package repository instead of downloading the tarball and manually managing the files.

## Installing Tailscale

1. Configure the Tailscale apt repository

set system package repository tailscale url '[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-stretch-stable.gpg]'
set system package repository tailscale distribution stretch
set system package repository tailscale components main
commit comment "Add Tailscale repository"
save; exit

2. Create required directories and download and run firstboot script

Scripts in the `firstboot.d` directory are run after firmware upgrades.
This script ensures that the Tailscale daemon's state is symlinked to
`/config` so it persists across firmware upgrades (otherwise you'll have to
set up as a new device on every upgrade) and installs a `post-config.d`
script to ensure Tailscale is installed after each boot.

The `post-config.d` script also copies the Debian package to
`/config/data/firstboot/install-packages` so the package can be installed
during `firstboot` after a firmware upgrade to ensure the package gets
installed and doesn't require downloading it again. This also means the
same version will be consistently installed.

sudo bash
mkdir -p /config/scripts/firstboot.d
curl -o /config/scripts/firstboot.d/
chmod 755 /config/scripts/firstboot.d/

3. Log in to Tailscale

The example below enables subnet routing for one subnet, enables use as an exit node (Tailscale 1.6+), and uses a one-off pre-auth key, which can be generated at

:warning: Remember to change `` with the subnet(s) you *actually want to expose* to the tailnet.

tailscale up --advertise-routes --advertise-exit-node --authkey tskey-XXX

4. (Optional) If you want `sshd` to explicitly listen on the Tailscale address instead of all addresses:

1. Fetch the override unit

curl -o /config/tailscale/systemd/tailscaled.service.d/before-ssh.conf
systemctl daemon-reload

2. Exit the shell, enter configure mode and set the listen-address

If you don't currently have any listen-address directives, make sure you add any other addresses you want to access the router by, such as a private network IP.

The Tailscale IP can be found in the admin console, or using `tailscale ip`.

set service ssh listen-address
commit comment "sshd listen on Tailscale IP"

## Firmware Upgrades

After an EdgeOS upgrade third-party packages are no longer installed, but the
`firstboot` script described above ensures Tailscale gets reinstalled.

Note that it will install the Tailscale version from the first time the
`post-config.d` script ran. If you had upgraded Tailscale since you will need
to re-upgrade it.

## Upgrading Tailscale

Upgrading is straightforward as the package manager will do everything for you.

**Note:** DO NOT USE `apt-get upgrade`. This is not supported on EdgeOS and may
result in a broken system.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tailscale

If you want to install a specific version of Tailscale use:

sudo apt-get install tailscale=X.Y.Z

Where `X.Y.Z` is the version you want. This also works for downgrading.

If you consider this version to be "stable" for your use-cases you should think
about copying the package to flash memory so it survives firmware upgrades,
otherwise an older version may get installed.

First check if old packages are saved:

sudo bash
ls -l /config/data/firstboot/install-packages

If old versions exist delete them, e.g.

rm /config/data/firstboot/install-packages/tailscale_1.6.0_mips.deb

Then copy the latest version:

cp /var/cache/apt/archives/tailscale_*.deb /config/data/firstboot/install-packages

If you still receive an **out of space** error when upgrading, try cleaning the system's images using:

delete system image

If you have a **certificate error** when upgrading, unfortunately it is an [EdgeOS problem](, but to correct it manually you can run the following commands:

sudo -i
sed -i 's|^mozilla\/DST_Root_CA_X3\.crt|!mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt|' /etc/ca-certificates.conf
curl -sk -o /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ISRG_Root_X1.crt
update-ca-certificates --fresh

## Uninstalling

sudo apt-get purge tailscale
sudo rm /config/scripts/firstboot.d/ /config/scripts/post-config.d/
delete system package repository tailscale
commit comment "Remove Tailscale repository"
save; exit