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An aggregated data set of chess opening names

chess dataset lichess

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

An aggregated data set of chess opening names




Chess opening names

An aggregated data set of chess opening names.

field | `/` | `dist/` | description
--- | --- | --- | ---
eco | x | x | [ECO]( classification
name | x | x | Opening name (English language)
pgn | x | x| Well known sequence of moves, or the most common moves to reach the opening position based on master games, as PGN
uci | | x | Same moves as `pgn` in [UCI notation](
epd | | x | [EPD]( (FEN without move numbers) of the opening position, en passant field only if legal

To generate `dist/`, install Python, then `pip3 install chess` and run `make`.
Or select the latest
[workflow run]( and
download build artifacts.


* Title case is used for opening names.
* Names are structured like `Opening family: Variation, Subvariation, ...`,
e.g., `Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, English Attack`.
* The suggested way to classify games is to play moves backwards until
a named position is found. To make this work well with common transpositions,
multiple entries for a single opening may be added.
* However, each name has a unique *shortest* line. If necessary,
a distinguishing move is appended, e.g.,
`King's Gambit Accepted: Schurig Gambit, with Bb5`.


Improvements, additions and fixes are welcome. If you have concrete
suggestions, please be bold and submit the proposed changes directly as pull

The changes will be live on after the next update of
[scalachess]( (no fixed schedule)
and the
[opening explorer](


As a collection of facts, this data set is in the public domain.
Considerable effort was spent curating and cleaning the data. Insofar as that
qualifies for copyright, the work is released under the
CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
