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more easily searchable list of explains playlist

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more easily searchable list of explains playlist





[update playlist]

the full [playlist] is on youtube

[update playlist]:

0. [introducing anthony explains!](
1. [python cli tested with pytest - (beginner to intermediate)](
1. [python @decorators - (intermediate)](
1. [my favorite python str method! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how to make a simple github PR (beginner)](
1. [the python @property decorator (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python type(x).\_\_name\_\_ vs x.\_\_class\_\_.\_\_name\_\_ (intermediate)](
1. [python return annotations: NoReturn vs None (intermediate)](
1. [what's wrong with python's blank except:? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how I use selenium + html/css to make thumbnails (intermediate)](
1. [python: raising Error without parens (intermediate)](
1. [python's tricky `for ...: else:` statement (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python's `pass` statement (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [shell bling strings! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [setting up an ubuntu focal virtual machine (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python executable zipapps (intermediate)](
1. [pretty python profiling (intermediate)](
1. [python implicit string joining (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [postmortem debugging in python (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [configuration management (devops) (intermediate)](
1. [how to pronounce PyPI (beginner)](
1. [all python argument / parameter types (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a tty? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [introduction to markdown (beginner)](
1. [how do I get started in open source? (beginner)](
1. [a flake8 plugin from scratch (intermediate)](
1. [finding regressions with git bisect (intermediate)](
1. [pytest's parametrize (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python curses "hello world" (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: empty initial commit (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [dockerfile RUN : \\ && syntax (beginner)](
1. [python variable unpackings (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker: ADD «url» considered harmful? (intermediate)](
1. [what is a shebang (#!)? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is test driven development? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python single vs double quote strings! (beginner)](
1. [git: ignoring noisy whitespace changes (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: useful trick for pushing branches (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python github actions w/ tox and pre-commit (intermediate)](
1. [releasing a python package to pypi (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [virtualenv vs. venv (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [implementing --version with importlib.metadata (intermediate)](
1. [string formatting in python (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [introduction to tox (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python argparse tutorial (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [typing \_\_getitem\_\_ (python / mypy) (intermediate)](
1. [fixing a git mistake with reflog (intermediate)](
1. [introduction to python typing + mypy (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python packaging: src layout (intermediate)](
1. [three ways to edit git commits (intermediate)](
1. [stdin / stdout / stderr (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [hacker mode tmux debugging (intermediate)](
1. [regular expressions crash course (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [web security: what is a csrf exploit? (intermediate)](
1. [python: functools.lru\_cache (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python \_\_future\_\_ "module" (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [undoing an accidental git commit (intermediate)](
1. [python packaging: basic and declarative metadata (intermediate)](
1. [what is deadsnakes? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [getting started with programming (beginner)](
1. [git show (+ some tips!) (beginner)](
1. [python star imports (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [intro to apt (debian / ubuntu) (beginner + intermediate)](
1. [correct conditional arguments in bash (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [using the python \_\_import\_\_ builtin correctly (intermediate)](
1. [special paths: ~, ~user, ., .. (beginner)](
1. [protip: exiting really fast! (beginner)](
1. [python: Ellipsis (...) and typing (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git cherry-pick (intermediate)](
1. [customizing the python repl (intermediate)](
1. [what is PATH? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python packaging: data files (intermediate)](
1. [a virtualenv from nothing! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [tox --devenv (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python packaging: optional dependencies (intermediate)](
1. [regexes: capture groups (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python typing: why not self? (intermediate)](
1. [generator basics (+typing) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [stop using `git add .` (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [why not global pip / virtualenv? (intermediate)](
1. [bash hash cache! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: a checked-in directory (intermediate)](
1. [typing: exception types (intermediate)](
1. [why you should end a file in a newline (beginner)](
1. [git workflow: branch name collisions (intermediate)](
1. [sort your imports! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is the underscore (\_) for? (beginner)](
1. [python curses: color (intermediate)](
1. [semantic versioning (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [file modes and chmod (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [making a regex not match itself! (intermediate)](
1. [I run 'rm -rf /' and see what happens (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git fetch (--prune) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [top 10 new things in python3.9 (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [testing functools.lru\_cache with pytest! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: commit message pro tip (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [typing: what is Type\[X\]? (intermediate)](
1. [python debugger crash course: pdb / breakpoint (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [why pytest.mark.usefixtures? (intermediate)](
1. [git apply and manual stashing (intermediate)](
1. [intro to python namedtuples! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [namedtuple to json and other pitfalls (intermediate)](
1. [how namedtuple works (advanced)](
1. [why python -m pip? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [fixing NameError / TypeError in python type annotations (intermediate)](
1. [why backslash in triple-quoted-strings """\\ (intermediate)](
1. [what's (wrong with) hacktoberfest? (beginner)](
1. [pure python windows .exe (no compiler!) (intermediate)](
1. [python dist-packages vs. site-packages (intermediate)](
1. [testing optional python dependencies (intermediate)](
1. [typing: why main() -˃ int (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [debugging with dir() (+\_\_dir\_\_) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: pretty headers with (beginner)](
1. [don't put passwords in commands! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: comma, = assignment! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python typing: re.match and Optional (intermediate)](
1. [python: .sort() vs sorted(...) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python typing: @property (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: 4 ways to set namedtuple defaults (intermediate)](
1. [what is the /opt directory? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: visualizing main line commits (intermediate)](
1. [bash: passing string as stdin (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: what is \_\_slots\_\_ and \_\_dict\_\_ (intermediate)](
1. [why \_\_slots\_\_ = () (namedtuples) (intermediate)](
1. [how do editable pip installs work? (intermediate)](
1. [what is argv (and argc)? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [is python with types faster? (intermediate)](
1. [bash: multiple lines to stdin with heredocs (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [a python plugin system via entrypoints (intermediate)](
1. [git diff A...B (3 dots) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [faster than git clone! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: len(x) vs x.\_\_len\_\_() (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python typing: Final / @final (intermediate)](
1. [python: raw (NOT REGEX) r'strings' (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [a "hello world" python C extension (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [making python releases less painful with abi3 (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [useful interview datastructures: defaultdict (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [reset a clone with git clean! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [with + context managers (part1: the hard way) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [with + context managers (part2: the easy way) (intermediate)](
1. [how @contextmanager works (with/contexts part 3) (advanced)](
1. [is python's round() broken? (beginner)](
1. [useful interview datastructures: Counter (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [easy fake objects with python's SimpleNamespace (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a git tag? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: typing \*args / \*\*kwargs (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: Optional is not optional! (intermediate)](
1. [mypy's "implicit optional" (and why I disable it) (intermediate)](
1. [customize ANY website (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: more advanced breakpoint() usage (intermediate)](
1. [what is docker and how does it work? (intermediate)](
1. [docker run: always use --rm! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is sass vs scss? (beginner)](
1. [repeatedly checking command output (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [why do asset urls have hex segments? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python cffi tutorial (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [python regex: \\d gotcha! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [customizing "command not found" (intermediate)](
1. [why `docker build --pull`? (intermediate)](
1. [useful commands: `pstree` (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [don't use os.system! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: all about comprehensions! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: os.exec\* vs subprocess (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: @overload (intermediate)](
1. [structural subtyping in python with Protocol! (intermediate)](
1. [what is virtualenvwrapper + quick start (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [github tweak: custom tab width (beginner)](
1. [what is advent of code? (beginner)](
1. [what is atomicity (intermediate)](
1. [python: what is `nonlocal` (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: Literal (intermediate)](
1. [counting in binary / 2s complement (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [oops I typed `git git ...` again (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: binary search the easy way (interview tips) (intermediate)](
1. [pytest: parametrize permutation (intermediate)](
1. [more powerful than control-C (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [pytest: testing exceptions (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a pager / less ? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: naming and underscores (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is the bang (!) in git aliases (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python typing: aliases (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [argparse: making a command wrapper (parse\_known\_args) (intermediate)](
1. [bash protip: fc "fix command" (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python integer literal underscores! (beginner)](
1. [what is `git -C ...` (intermediate)](
1. [bash: pushd / popd (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is `cd -` / `git checkout -` (beginner)](
1. [typing: Protocol + @runtime\_checkable (intermediate)](
1. [what is a singleton? (and python patterns) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [python: conditional context and ExitStack (intermediate)](
1. [python deque (useful interview datastructures) (intermediate)](
1. [images in the terminal? what is a sixel (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [useful tools: uq (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: cleaning up merged branches (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: decorating a class (intermediate)](
1. [python: class-based @decorators (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [intro to git lfs (intermediate)](
1. [python scoping (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker: deleting files makes your image bigger! (intermediate)](
1. [getting started with packer (intermediate)](
1. [all about xargs ! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [bash "strict mode": -euo pipefail (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [3 ways to clear / fix the terminal (beginner)](
1. [python is compiled? (+ disassembler) (intermediate)](
1. [what is a boolean trap? (programming antipattern) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: str.translate (intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: \_\_future\_\_ braces (beginner)](
1. [the `wc` command (beginner)](
1. [debugging python segfaults with gdb (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [interview question: 4 / 7 swap (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [github actions vulnerability or "why bug bounties are a scam" (intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: antigravity (beginner)](
1. [python insertion-ordered dicts (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python @decorator stacking (intermediate)](
1. [typing: dealing with import cycles (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: easiest hello world! (beginner)](
1. [what is dynamic programming? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [unix commands: fold (beginner)](
1. [listing only directories with `ls` (beginner)](
1. [github tip: getting perma-links (beginner)](
1. [finding python source code and docs (beginner)](
1. [how I sped up python's tokenize module by 25% (intermediate)](
1. [python: why is -c faster than -m? (intermediate)](
1. [python: {...} is faster than dict(...) (intermediate)](
1. [showing actual file bytes with hexdump (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: how do any / all work? (beginner)](
1. [python: why str('foo') (python 2 / 3 compat) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [bash: /bin/\[ is an executable ? (intermediate)](
1. [the `install` command (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [3 ways to fix an accidental git commit to main (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [don't use time.time() for performance measurement (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how to search a repo using `git grep` (beginner)](
1. [the 2 modes of python's str.split (beginner)](
1. [python: what are \*splat \*\*args? (intermediate)](
1. [why doesn't flake8 mark this import as unused? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [pathlib is slow? how I improved black's caching by 40x (intermediate)](
1. [how to make a virtualenv from cpython source (intermediate)](
1. [enable tab completion in pdb! (beginner)](
1. [sed command basics (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what pythons should I support? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: what is assert? (beginner)](
1. [python: shlex module (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: what is hashability? (intermediate)](
1. [python: why object() in this code? (intermediate)](
1. [intro to terraform (intermediate)](
1. [git rebase (and git rebase -i) (intermediate)](
1. [testing output with pytest (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: exception catching and isinstance gotcha (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [one-off 3rd party mypy types (intermediate)](
1. [PS1, coloring, and fixing weird wrapping (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python match statement (PEP 634) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [NotImplemented vs NotImplementedError (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [packaging python typed code (intermediate)](
1. [interview questions: anagrams (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: functools.partial (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [speed up git in big repos with this trick (beginner)](
1. [correct `apt-get` for ubuntu / debian in docker (intermediate)](
1. [what is podman vs docker (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [a file even root can't delete! (chattr) (intermediate)](
1. [python: yield from (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [pytest: xfail vs xpass and all test statuses (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: \_\_peg\_parser\_\_ (beginner)](
1. [what is the XDG base directory specification? (intermediate)](
1. [move a virtualenv! (intermediate)](
1. [atomic file replacement (os.rename vs os.replace) (intermediate)](
1. [floats are broken? (+3 solutions in python!) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how I find standard python type signatures (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python curses: mouse integration (intermediate)](
1. [the `rlwrap` command (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [can cpython be 76% faster by changing hash()? (no) (intermediate)](
1. [what is a .pth file? (intermediate)](
1. [nesting context managers with classes (intermediate)](
1. [a FREE stateful cron using aws (intermediate)](
1. [what are git submodules? (intermediate)](
1. [programmable nintendo switch controller (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: object vs Any (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: NotImplemented is a bool? (intermediate)](
1. [the `find` command (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [use the clipboard from the terminal (beginner)](
1. [pgrep / pkill commands (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [SUPER FAST cpython with mypyc (intermediate)](
1. [updating a forked repository (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker takes so much disk! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: traceback basics + raise from (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [git: check in executable file (+ on windows) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [line buffering vs. block buffering (intermediate)](
1. [the `comm` command! (intermediate)](
1. [man pages for git subcommands (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [flake8: avoiding F401 in \_\_init\_\ (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [top 10 new things in python 3.10 (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a deadletter queue? (intermediate)](
1. [atomically replace / delete directories (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [☃.com and punycode / idna (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how to get pip for deadsnakes / docker pythons (intermediate)](
1. [@staticmethod / @classmethod (beginner + advanced)](
1. [ is twice as slow as (intermediate)](
1. [simple python dockerfile w/ flask (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: Generator\[T, S, R\] (intermediate)](
1. [python: explicit relative imports (intermediate)](
1. [debugging mypy types (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what are python doctests? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [terminal keyboard shortcut for unicode! (beginner)](
1. [bash: strings with `!` / !... event not found (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [default zoom key shortcut (beginner)](
1. [smaller / faster builds with dockerignore (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: why reload() is a bad idea (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is the py launcher? (intermediate)](
1. [the `uniq` command (+ some `sort`) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [gradual typing python (and my approach) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [importing non-module python files (intermediate)](
1. [the `cut` command (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [bash: special redirection (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: TYPE\_CHECKING (intermediate)](
1. [`else` is good, actually (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [Fussy Fox + flake8 vulnerability (intermediate)](
1. [setting up required github PR checks (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python has an optimizer? (intermediate)](
1. [pytest: testing env variables (intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: this (beginner)](
1. [git: main vs. origin/main (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python warnings (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker beside docker (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [what is manylinux? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [pip install from git (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python tempfile module (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [virtualenv: --system-site-packages (intermediate)](
1. [python: what is repr? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [making an omni-executable (intermediate)](
1. [assign vs. shallow vs. deep copy (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is `source` and why? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [mypy! this key exists I promise! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: raise SystemExit (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python easter eggs: barry\_as\_FLUFL (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [don't name things "...\_new" (beginner)](
1. [what is "idempotent" in programming (beginner)](
1. [interview tips: what language should I use? (beginner)](
1. [porting code to python \*\*ZERO\*\* (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [interview tips: "your story" (beginner)](
1. [a python extension in go (advanced)](
1. [debugging a failed docker build (intermediate)](
1. [the most important skill I've learned for software engineering (beginner)](
1. ["graceful exit" SIGTERM doesn't run finally / destructors ? (intermediate)](
1. [--argument prefix matching (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [why does id(float(1)) == id(float(2)) ??? (intermediate)](
1. [python: what is `__main__` / `` ? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [range(len(...)) is almost always wrong in python (beginner)](
1. [what is umask? (intermediate)](
1. [opinion: don't bother typing tests (intermediate)](
1. [multiprocessing: slow things first! (intermediate)](
1. [bash shortcut: curly expansion (intermediate)](
1. [make your own timeout with alarm(...) (intermediate)](
1. [pretty recursive diffs! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [github wikis are repos! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python: easy comparable classes with\_ordering (intermediate)](
1. [git without `cd` (intermediate)](
1. [why remove the python GIL? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [python: unicode names and why they're bad (intermediate)](
1. [makefile basics (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how to ace the coding interview (intermediate)](
1. [python try except and best practices (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [sorting basics in python (beginner)](
1. [multiplying str / list / tuple and pitfalls (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [making your own custom git commands (intermediate)](
1. [python --version --version is not a typo! (beginner)](
1. [python parameter defaults are (mutable) globals (intermediate)](
1. [python typing: explicit TypeAlias (PEP 613) (intermediate)](
1. [python: what is weakref? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [pip: requirements vs. constraints (intermediate)](
1. [python: NewType vs aliases (intermediate)](
1. [quick debugging tool: python -i (beginner)](
1. [what is the log4shell vulnerability? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what are python wheels? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [recursively import python modules (intermediate)](
1. [git commit as someone else? (intermediate)](
1. [what is PROMPT\_COMMAND? (+aactivator) (intermediate)](
1. [python: what is `__file__`? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [job management: fg / bg / ^Z, & and more! (intermediate)](
1. [for loops are just while loops in disguise (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [configuring git from environment vars (intermediate)](
1. [mypy: possible cyclic definition fix (intermediate)](
1. [git: what does "fast forward" mean? (intermediate)](
1. [pathlib is slow! falsey is tricky! (pytest bug) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [don't lru\_cache methods! (intermediate)](
1. [github: give people credit! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [dropping old python versions (intermediate)](
1. [useful interview data structures: heapq (intermediate)](
1. [decorator typing (PEP 612) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [python: what is 0-arg raise? (beginner)](
1. [time vs. /bin/time (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is an open redirect vulnerability? (intermediate)](
1. [how an exit(n) bug introduced 100s of lint errors (intermediate)](
1. [hiding big noisy git diffs (intermediate)](
1. [recovering from git mistakes w/ ORIG\_HEAD (intermediate)](
1. [the `timeout` command (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python code formatter tutorial (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [why did I run `cd $PWD` ??? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [my python project setup (+ all tools) (intermediate)](
1. [python can import from zips! (intermediate)](
1. [from imports aren't faster! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a .so / .dll / shared object? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [what is inlining? and how does it make code faster? (intermediate)](
1. [finding and fixing test pollution! (intermediate)](
1. [how to modify a list while iterating (intermediate)](
1. [fix flaky tests with detect-test-pollution! (intermediate)](
1. [a python curses wordle clone from scratch! (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [why does `cd --` go to ~ ? (intermediate)](
1. [the `split` command! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [don't run `python my/`! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what's that unicode character‽ (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is the `shred` command? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [getting a python stacktrace from gdb! (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [the fastest python startup with `python -S` (intermediate)](
1. [what is immutability? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is rpath? (+relocatability) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [`pip install pkg❮1.999` ? (intermediate)](
1. [10 protips I wish I knew sooner as a software dev (beginner)](
1. [embedding images in github (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how I sped up python by 20ms (intermediate)](
1. [typing Self (PEP 673) (intermediate)](
1. [you don't need .git! (beginner)](
1. [I don't need ``? PEP 420 and namespace packages (intermediate)](
1. [repr(...) doesn't work the way you expect (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [DVD screensaver in python curses (intermediate)](
1. [double underscored names are NOT "more private" (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [FizzBuzz... but in sqlite? (intermediate)](
1. ["z3" is actual magic (intermediate)](
1. [bash quoting is really not that difficult! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [I made pip startup 25% faster (intermediate)](
1. [how to use python backports + (intermediate)](
1. [setting up an ubuntu jammy (22.04) development machine (beginner)](
1. [python Generics (intermediate)](
1. [babi+ast helped me not break sentry! (intermediate)](
1. [python comprehensions leak scope again (intermediate)](
1. [python variadic generics (PEP 646) (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [top 10 new things in python 3.11 (beginner - advanced)](
1. [assert\_never / assert\_type \*\*CORRECTION\*\* (intermediate)](
1. [a git workflow for \*only my branches\* (intermediate)](
1. [regex lookahead / lookbehind (intermediate)](
1. [are your python tests even running? (intermediate)](
1. [python TypeGuard (PEP 647) (intermediate)](
1. [how I fixed a 9GB memory leak in cargo (rust) (intermediate)](
1. [dealing with merge conflicts (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is an --orphan git branch? (intermediate)](
1. [narrow python? len('🙃') == 2??? (intermediate)](
1. [what is gbp? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [argparse: boolean option pitfall (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [cd is not an executable (beginner)](
1. [what is a universal2 wheel? (intermediate)](
1. [docker: fast CI rebuilds with --cache-from (intermediate)](
1. [debugging a real issue and googling (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [regex backreferences (intermediate)](
1. [why I banned python's assertRaises (intermediate)](
1. [safer github personal access tokens (intermediate)](
1. [bash strict mode gotcha (intermediate)](
1. [javascript sucks at unicode (intermediate)](
1. [pip freezing (==) isn't safe (intermediate)](
1. [python regex dynamic replacements (intermediate)](
1. [how I made my import sorter 7x faster (intermediate)](
1. [what release was this fixed? (workflow) (intermediate)](
1. [safely stealing github secrets with cryptography (intermediate)](
1. [how I sped up flake8 by 20% (intermediate)](
1. [github's semi-secret by-id apis (intermediate)](
1. [what is a natural sort? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [relocatable macos binaries (advanced)](
1. [what is nullcontext? (conditional contexts, pytest) (intermediate)](
1. [why do I use azure pipelines instead of github actions? (intermediate)](
1. [how is list append possibly O(1)? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is musllinux (PEP 656) (intermediate)](
1. [easy try rust as a python dev (intermediate)](
1. [why can't I signal a MagicMock() ? (intermediate)](
1. [why does python think -1\*\*0 is -1 ? (intermediate)](
1. [how do from imports keep their globals? (intermediate)](
1. [python int DoS vulnerability (CVE 2020-10735) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker multi-arch images (intermediate)](
1. [python: don't use urlparse! (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [why does python report macos 10.16 ??? (intermediate)](
1. [the docker registry api (advanced)](
1. [urllib3\[secure\]'s clever deprecation trick (intermediate)](
1. [functools.wraps for classes (intermediate)](
1. [avoiding shell injection in github actions (intermediate)](
1. [what is coverage? (intermediate)](
1. [don't make images of code / text! (beginner)](
1. [what is "short circuiting"? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is the "unraisable" hook (intermediate)](
1. [how does swapping work in python? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [hiding your email on github (beginner)](
1. [python warnings defaults suck (intermediate)](
1. [pytest: everything you need to know about fixtures (intermediate)](
1. [python os / platform-specific deps (PEP 508) (intermediate)](
1. [I don't use pytest-cov (intermediate)](
1. [RegCPython: a 10% faster python for free? (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [avoid notification spam with draft PRs! (beginner)](
1. [multiprocessing: fork() vs. spawn() (intermediate)](
1. [this clever hack let me kill py (intermediate)](
1. [do this first before opening an issue (beginner)](
1. [securing python with audit hooks (PEP 578) (intermediate)](
1. [python sucks at copy-on-write (and one fix!) (intermediate)](
1. [git is just a key value store? (advanced)](
1. [refcount ONE BILLION? (immortal objects, PEP 683) (advanced)](
1. [partial git commits (intermediate)](
1. [sqlite is my favorite database (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [virtualenv isn't reproducible! (by default) (intermediate)](
1. [--extra-index-url is unsafe! (intermediate)](
1. [docker: multi-stage builds (intermediate)](
1. [git: the several ways to "--sign" (intermediate)](
1. [why I use the colon (:) command (intermediate)](
1. [how should I organize my project? (beginner)](
1. [don't git clone over https! (beginner)](
1. [don't use cat! (intermediate)](
1. [module level \_\_getattr\_\_ (intermediate)](
1. [why are some things shell builtins? (intermediate)](
1. [python: zip and unzip (intermediate)](
1. [I've moved off of azure pipelines for CI (intermediate)](
1. [swapping without a third variable (intermediate)](
1. [when should I pin deps: never and always! (intermediate)](
1. [make a github commit using only the api! (intermediate)](
1. [a simpler `try` / `except` (and why maybe shouldn't) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [you're probably doing case-insensitive wrong (intermediate)](
1. [getting started with pytest (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [python descriptors! (advanced)](
1. [don't use short options in scripts (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how to escape this VERY MEAN prank (beginner)](
1. [how do virtualenvs actually work (advanced)](
1. [python's optimization mode is mostly useless (intermediate)](
1. [merge queues (intermediate)](
1. [all string syntaxes (beginner)](
1. [my first rust open source PR (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [tuples! (and their syntax quirks) (beginner)](
1. [how I use git blame (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [positional / named only without `*` or `/`? (intermediate)](
1. [why git's --intent-to-add ? (intermediate)](
1. [rerunning github checks (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [shell aliases and bypassing them? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [how I made pre-commit's github actions 3x faster (intermediate)](
1. [don't use localhost (intermediate)](
1. [what is a "canary" deploy? (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [avoiding noisy git matches (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [docker pull by sha256 digest (advanced)](
1. [weird python identity quirk? (intermediate)](
1. [when `git add .` doesn't work (intermediate)](
1. [I made every sentry page 300ms faster (intermediate)](
1. [docker: don't mount files! (mount dirs instead) (intermediate)](
1. [you can't always trust argv\[0\] (intermediate)](
1. [shell: use this instead of `cd` (intermediate)](
1. [docker: secrets at build time! (intermediate)](
1. [every Dockerfile should have this line! (intermediate)](
1. [python's "soft" keywords (intermediate)](
1. [shell vs environment variables (and env, export, etc.) (intermediate)](
1. [python 3.12 release highlights (beginner - advanced)](
1. [how does .exe magic work? (PATHEXT) (intermediate)](
1. [python is removing the GIL! (PEP 703) (advanced)](
1. [tuple syntax doesn't have parens (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is `Symbol` in js (intermediate)](
1. [debugging a sentry test pollution! (intermediate)](
1. [stopping xargs early (intermediate)](
1. [docker: connecting to localhost outside the container (intermediate)](
1. [the system design interview (intermediate - advanced)](
1. [don't delete from pypi! (yank instead) (intermediate)](
1. [git: --first-parent (intermediate)](
1. [I don't use backslashes (with one exception) (beginner - intermediate)](
1. [what is a BOM (byte-order-marker) (intermediate)](
1. [NEW generic / alias syntax for python 3.12 (PEP 695) (intermediate)](
1. [new 3.12 f-strings syntax! (intermediate)](
1. [pesky reDOS and python 3.11 (intermediate)](
1. [prefer tuples to lists! (intermediate)](
1. [git: inline diffs with --word-diff! (intermediate)](
1. [ONE TERABYTE of RAM saved with a single line of code (advanced)](
1. [using memray to debug (and fix) a memory leak in krb5! (advanced)](
1. [py-spy saved our python 3.11 rollout (intermediate)](