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An utf-8/truecolor image and video viewer for the terminal

c image linux macos terminal terminal-app terminal-graphics video videos youtube

Last synced: 4 months ago
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An utf-8/truecolor image and video viewer for the terminal




Terminal Media Viewer

View images and videos without leaving the console

>>> Improved version at PyTerminalMediaViewer <<<


### Features

* View **images** form any terminal
* Watch **videos** from any terminal
* Watch **youtube** videos from any terminal (`-y`, `--youtube`)
* Play videos at **any fps** (`-f`, `--fps`, `-F`, `--origfps`)
* **Resize** images / videos (`-w`, `-h`, `--width`, `--height`)
* Easy to use


### Examples

**Viewing an image**

**Watching a video**


### Requirements

* A terminal that supports **truecolor** ([list]( and **utf-8** (most terminals should support utf-8).
* [ffmpeg]( (only for videos)
* [youtube-dl]( (only for youtube videos)


### Usage

**tmv [`OPTIONS...`] `[INPUT FILE / URL]`**

* **`INPUT`**
File to display/play

* **`OPTIONS...`**
* `-y`. `--youtube`
View youtube videos
* `-h`, `--height`
Set height (setting both `width` and `height` will ignore original aspect ratio)
* `-w`, `--width`
Set width (setting both `width` and `height` will ignore original aspect ratio)
* `-f`, `--fps`
Set fps (default 15 fps)
* `-F`, `--origfps`
Use original fps from video (default 15 fps)
* `-s`, `--no-sound`
Disable sound
* `-i`, `--no-info`
Disable progress bar for videos
* `-?`, `--help `
Display help
* `-V`
Display version


### Installation

#### Linux

1. Install dependencies.
* `libavcodec-dev`
* `libavformat-dev`
* `libavfilter-dev`
* `libavdevice-dev`

In addition, to watch videos install:
* `ffmpeg`
* `youtube-dl`
2. Clone the repository and run make.
git clone
cd TerminalMediaViewer
To install tmv to `/usr/local/bin` you can run `make install` (needs sudo privileges).
To uninstall run `make uninstall` (needs sudo privileges).

#### MacOS

* `homebrew`
* `iterm2`

1. Install dependencies
brew install argp-standalone
In addition, to watch videos:
brew install ffmpeg
brew install youtube-dl
2. Clone the repository and run make.
git clone
cd TerminalMediaViewer
To install tmv to `/usr/local/bin` you can run `make install` (needs sudo privileges).
To uninstall run `make uninstall` (needs sudo privileges).

> **Only works on iTerm2.**

> There are some performance issues. Depending on the video encoding, your mileage may vary.


### Releases

* **[`v0.1.1`]( Youtube Support**
TerminalMediaViewer can now play videos directly from youtube.
To play videos from youtube, use the `-y` option.

* Improved memory usage
* Cursor is now hidden during videos
* Supports spaces in video filenames
* **Play videos directly from youtube**
* Check if ffmpeg and YouTube exist before playing videos
* Better error and debug messages

* **[`v0.1`]( Initial release**
Initial release of tmv.
It is in a very early state so bugs are expected.

* View images
* Watch videos (with sound)
* Resize images / videos


### Contributing
Any contributions are greatly appreciated.


**kal39**( - [email protected]
Distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` for more information.