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Let's get familiar with Windows pwn 😎

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Let's get familiar with Windows pwn 😎




Windows Pwn Step-by-Step
- [Intro](#Goal)
- [Environment](#Environment)
- [Tools](#Tools)
- [ExploitMe_1](#ExploitMe_1)
- [Reference](#Reference)

# Intro
In Linux pwn, I often need to debug dynamically between chal and exploit script

The steps are:
1. Add a `raw_input('>')` to exploit python script
2. Run exploit script
3. Find out chal process `pid`
- Linux
- `pidof chal`
- Windows
- Use tools (e.g. 火硨劍, Process Explorer)
4. Attach debugger to this process with the `pid`
- Linux
- `gdb at $(pidof chal)`
- Windows
- Use tools (e.g. WinDbg)
5. The debugger stops at internal of something like `read()` of standard lib
- Windows
- There are many threads in process, and debugger may not stop at the thread executing `read()`
- Switch to this thread with command like `~0s`
6. Input `finish` (command of gdb), until the process return to some function like `main()`
- Windows WinDbg
- `Shift` + `F11`
7. Check whether my exploit script writes bytes to memeory correctly
- gdb
- `x/10xg $ebp-0x20`
- WinDbg
- `d @esp-0x20`

Check out ExploitMe Demo ;)

# Environment
Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.657)

# Tools
## [pwintools](
Basic pwntools for Windows written in python 2.7
### Deps
- [PythonForWindows](
git clone
python install
- [capstone](
pip install capstone

### Install
git clone
- Revise [](#) from

## WinDbg
Install `WinDbg Preview` in Microsoft $tore

## ncat
`ncat` is part of `nmap`

Install [nmap](

## ROPgadget
Install [ROPgadget](
pip install ropgadget

The path is `C:\Python27\Scripts\ROPgadget`


## 火硨劍
You can use other process explorer tools as a alter
- 火硨劍:

## PE-bear
Install [PE-bear](

# ExploitMe_1
`ExploitMe_1.exe` is a simple program with buffer overflow vuln

This is a similar example of [this book](, at page 89

The book also teaches you to build shellcode ;)

## Disable mitigation
- Disable `DEP`
Set VS2019 project property
- Linker
- Advanced
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP): No (/NXCOMPAT:NO)
- Disable `GS`
Set VS2019 project property
- Configuration Properties
- C/C++
- Code Generation
- Security Check: Disable Security Check (/GS-)
- Disable `ASLR`
Run [setting.bat](#)

## Demo
First, let's disable `ASLR`

### Debug
1. Edit ``
Add `raw_input('>')` at line7

2. Run ``

3. Find `pid`
In this demo, it's `3168`

4. Attach to this process with WinDbg
- Check `Show processes from all users`



- command `k`: Display the stack frame
- There is no something like `main`

- command `~`: See a list of all threads
- Switch to thread 0: `~0s`
- Display the stack frame again
- `ExploitMe_1!main+0x4d` that's what I want to see!
5. Return to main
- `Shift` + `F11`
WinDbg is stuck, waiting for input
- Press Enter at exploit
- `Shift` + `F11` until return to main

6. Check memory

7. Continue process
- `F10`

#### Find gadget
1. Use ROPgadget to find gadgets in kernel32.dll
- In this demo we disable ASLR, so we can use gadget in dll
python \Python27\Scripts\ROPgadget --binary \Windows\SysWoW64\kernel32.dll > gadget

2. Find `push esp ; ret`
0x6b86ade5 : push esp ; ret

3. Find Image base of `\Windows\SysWoW64\kernel32.dll`
- Use PE-bear
- Find out the Image base is `0x6b800000`
- So the offset of `push esp ; ret` gadget is `0x6b86ade5 - 0x6b800000 = 0x6ade5`

4. Do the steps of debug to step 5 again
- Then find out the where Kernel32 starts
- command `lm`: List modules
- Find out the base is `0x76f70000`
- So the gadget address is `0x76f70000 + 0x6ade5 = 0x76fdade5`

5. Check gadget
- Remember to revise exploit script

### Pwn

# Reference
- [Modern Windows Exploit Development](

###### tags: `security`