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A flexible icon family for React

icon-font icon-pack icons react reactjs svg svg-icons

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A flexible icon family for React




> **ATTENTION:** As part of a major update, we will be replacing the existing `phosphor-react` package with `@phosphor-icons/react`. We recommend using this new version, as it has improved performance and a significantly smaller bundle size. No APIs have been changed, so drop-in replacement should be straightforward. The legacy package will continue to receive maintenance, but will not be updated with new icons upstream. [Take me to the legacy version ➜](

# @phosphor-icons/react

Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really. Explore all our icons at [](

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## Installation

npm i @phosphor-icons/react

## Usage

Simply import the icons you need, and add them anywhere in your render method. Phosphor supports tree-shaking, so your bundle only includes code for the icons you use.

import { Horse, Heart, Cube } from "@phosphor-icons/react";

const App = () => {
return (


### React Server Components and SSR

When using Phosphor Icons in an SSR environment, within a React Server Component, or in any environment that does not permit the use of the Context API ([Next.js]( Server Component, for example), import icons from the `/dist/ssr` submodule:

import { Fish } from "@phosphor-icons/react/dist/ssr";

const MyServerComponent = () => {
return ;

> **Note**: These variants do not use React Context, and thus cannot inherit styles from an ancestor `IconContext`.

### Props

Icon components accept all props that you can pass to a normal SVG element, including inline `style` objects, `onClick` handlers, and more. The main way of styling them will usually be with the following props:

- **color?**: `string` – Icon stroke/fill color. Can be any CSS color string, including `hex`, `rgb`, `rgba`, `hsl`, `hsla`, named colors, or the special `currentColor` variable.
- **size?**: `number | string` – Icon height & width. As with standard React elements, this can be a number, or a string with units in `px`, `%`, `em`, `rem`, `pt`, `cm`, `mm`, `in`.
- **weight?**: `"thin" | "light" | "regular" | "bold" | "fill" | "duotone"` – Icon weight/style. Can also be used, for example, to "toggle" an icon's state: a rating component could use Stars with `weight="regular"` to denote an empty star, and `weight="fill"` to denote a filled star.
- **mirrored?**: `boolean` – Flip the icon horizontally. Can be useful in RTL languages where normal icon orientation is not appropriate.
- **alt?**: `string` – Add accessible alt text to an icon.

### Context

Phosphor takes advantage of React Context to make applying a default style to all icons simple. Create an `IconContext.Provider` at the root of the app (or anywhere above the icons in the tree) and pass in a configuration object with props to be applied by default to all icons:

import { IconContext, Horse, Heart, Cube } from "@phosphor-icons/react";

const App = () => {
return (

{/* I'm lime-green, 32px, and bold! */}
{/* Me too! */}
{/* Me three :) */}


You may create multiple Contexts for styling icons differently in separate regions of an application; icons use the nearest Context above them to determine their style.

> **Note:** The context will also pass any provided SVG props down to icon instances, which can be useful E.G. in adding accessible `aria-label`s, `classNames`, etc.

> **Note**: React Context is not available in some environments. See [React Server Components and SSR](#react-server-components-and-ssr) for details.

### Composability

Components can accept arbitrary SVG elements as children, so long as they are valid children of the `` element. This can be used to modify an icon with background layers or shapes, filters, animations, and more. The children will be placed _below_ the normal icon contents.

The following will cause the Cube icon to rotate and pulse:

const RotatingCube = () => {
return (


> **Note:** The coordinate space of slotted elements is relative to the contents of the icon `viewBox`, which is 256x256 square. Only [valid SVG elements]( will be rendered.

### Imports

You may wish to import all icons at once for use in your project, though depending on your bundler this could prevent tree-shaking and make your app's bundle larger.

import * as Icon from "@phosphor-icons/react";


For information on using Phosphor Icons in Server Components, see See [React Server Components and SSR](#react-server-components-and-ssr).

### Custom Icons

It is possible to extend Phosphor with your custom icons, taking advantage of the styling and context abstractions used in our library. To create a custom icon, first design your icons on a 256x256 pixel grid, and export them as SVG. For best results, flatten the icon so that you only export assets with `path` elements. Strip any `fill` or `stroke` attributes, as these will be inherited from the wrapper.

Next, create a new React `forwardRef` component, importing the `IconBase` component, as well as the `Icon` and `IconWeight` types from this library. Define a `Map` that maps each icon weight to _the contents of each SVG asset_, effectively removing the wrapping `` element from each. Name your component, and render an ``, passing all props and the ref, as well as the `weights` you defined earlier, as JSX props:

import { forwardRef, ReactElement } from "react";
import { Icon, IconBase, IconWeight } from "@phosphor-icons/react";

const weights = new Map([
["thin", ],
["light", ],
["regular", ],
["bold", ],
["fill", ],


const CustomIcon: Icon = forwardRef((props, ref) => (


CustomIcon.displayName = "CustomIcon";

export default CustomIcon;

> **NOTE:** If you have multiple child elements, wrap them in a `Fragment`. Typically our `duotone` icons have multiple elements, with the background layer at 20% opacity.

If Custom Icons are intended to be used in [React Server Components](#react-server-components-and-ssr), use `` instead of `` as the render component.

## Our Related Projects

- [@phosphor-icons/homepage]( ▲ Phosphor homepage and general info
- [@phosphor-icons/core]( ▲ Phosphor icon assets and catalog
- [@phosphor-icons/web]( ▲ Phosphor icons for Vanilla JS
- [@phosphor-icons/vue]( ▲ Phosphor icon component library for Vue
- [@phosphor-icons/elm]( ▲ Phosphor icons for Elm
- [@phosphor-icons/flutter]( ▲ Phosphor IconData library for Flutter
- [@phosphor-icons/webcomponents]( ▲ Phosphor icons as Web Components
- [@phosphor-icons/figma]( ▲ Phosphor icons Figma plugin
- [@phosphor-icons/sketch]( ▲ Phosphor icons Sketch plugin

## Community Projects

- [phosphor-react-native]( ▲ Phosphor icon component library for React Native
- [phosphor-svelte]( ▲ Phosphor icons for Svelte apps
- [phosphor-r]( ▲ Phosphor icon wrapper for R documents and applications
- [blade-phosphor-icons]( ▲ Phosphor icons in your Laravel Blade views

If you've made a port of Phosphor and you want to see it here, just open a PR [here](!

## License

MIT © [Phosphor Icons](