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API-Driven, Geeky Bookmarking Service

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API-Driven, Geeky Bookmarking Service




Geekmarks: API-Driven, Geeky Bookmarking Service

* Project page: [Geekmarks](
* [Detailed article](
* [Backend API documentation](

So I wrote a new bookmarking service. We already have a lot of those, so why
bother writing another one? Good question.

## Rationale

In short, I want my bookmarking service:

* To be very quick to use;
* To provide a way to organize my bookmarks in a powerful way.

I tried a lot of existing bookmarking services, and I wasn't satisfied by any
of them, for a variety of reasons.

Let me elaborate on the organization part first. The simplest way to organize
bookmarks is to introduce folders to group them. This still poses a well-known
problem though: some bookmarks can logically belong to multiple folders. In
order to address this issue, some services use tags: now we can tag a bookmark
with more than one tag. So far so good.

Now, assume I have a generic tag programming, and a couple of more specific
tags: python and c. I definitely want my bookmarking service to be smart enough
to figure that if I tag some article with either python or c, it means
programming as well; I don't want to add the tag programming manually every
single time. So, what we need is a hierarchy of tags. Surprisingly enough, I
failed to find a service which would support that.

This hierarchical tags thing was a major motivation for me to start Geekmarks.

Another important thing is that I want bookmarking service to be very quick to
use. I don't want to go through these heavy user interfaces and look at all the
eye candy. In my daily life I just want to either add a bookmark or find one,
and I want to do that quickly: like, just a few keystrokes, and I'm done.

So, meet Geekmarks! A free, open-source,
API-driven bookmarking service.

## Building and running server locally

You'll need [Go]( 1.6 or higher,
and [docker](

You'll also need to create Google OAuth credentials, in order for the
authentication to work (at the moment, authentication is only via Google
account). You can create OAuth credentials in the
[Google Cloud Console](,
click Create credentials -> OAuth client ID -> Web application, and add two
authorized redirect URIs there:

- `` - for the
unpacked extension;
- `` - for the
extension from Chrome Web Store.

Here's a screenshot of how the whole thing looks:


Then, create a file `/var/tmp/geekmarks_dev/main/google_oauth_creds.yaml` on
your machine with the following contents:

client_id: "your-google-client-id"
client_secret: "your-google-client-secret"

Of course, replace placeholders with your actual OAuth credentials.

Install the dependencies needed to compile and run the server:

go get
go get

Now, make sure you have [`$GOPATH`](
set, clone the repository as `$GOPATH/src/`, and then
from the root of the repo:

$ make -C server/envs/dev

It will start two containers: posgresql (will be downloaded if needed) and
geekmarks (will be built). Geekmarks backend will listen at the port 4000.

All data will be stored in `/var/tmp/geekmarks_dev/posgresql`.

### Troubleshooting

In the event that you see the following error:

go install runtime/internal/sys: mkdir /usr/lib/go-1.9/pkg/linux_amd64_race: permission denied
Makefile:9: recipe for target 'docker-build' failed
make[1]: *** [docker-build] Error 1

you will need to create this folder as root and give your current user
permissions to write to it:

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/go-1.9/pkg/linux_amd64_race
sudo chown -R $YOUR_USER /usr/lib/go-1.9/pkg/linux_amd64_race

## Running tests

There are unit tests and integration tests.

For unit tests, only Go is required. For integration tests, docker is also

To run all tests:

$ make -C server/envs/test

To run unit or integration tests:

$ make -C server/envs/test unit-test
$ make -C server/envs/test integration-test