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A rewrited Scarlets framework for website based on PHP

backend cli console fast framework php php-command scarletsfiction simple

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A rewrited Scarlets framework for website based on PHP




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# Scarlets
> This framework still under development

Scarlets is a web framework for PHP that can help you build a website with API and another build-in system. This framework have a lazyload on it's system, so you can select which system that you want to use to keep your website in a high performance state.

## Installation instruction

Clone/download this repository and put it on a folder.

Then copy the example folder and edit the framework path on `root.php`

### Install by using command prompt
Make sure you have installed PHP on your computer (Windows and OSX can use [XAMPP](

and make sure the php command is available on the command prompt

$ php -v

If not, then you need to set it up on the [environment variables](

When the php command is available, open your command prompt and enter this line

$ php -r "copy('', 'net-install');"
$ php net-install

The framework will automatically installed, and the example files will be prepared on your project folder.

## Upgrade
Scarlets have internal upgrade feature
$ php scarlets upgrade

But if there are any error and the framework was unable to be loaded

Please clone this repository and extract it to `/vendor/scarletsfiction/scarlets`

## Getting Started

### Setup your custom website domain
Before we started, we need to setup Apache or Nginx to route every HTTP request into `/public/` directory.
- On Apache, you could setup [VirtualHost](
- On Nginx, you will need to add [new site configuration](

If you're using Windows, you can use [Laragon]( to easily `Switch Document Root` that will automatically create new Apache VirtualHost and modify `drivers\etc\hosts` for you. So you can easily access your project with a custom domain.

This framework has a build-in server by calling
$ php scarlets serve (port) (address) (options)

> Address: localhost, network, IPAddress

> Options: --log, --verbose


Even the build-in server was blazingly fast, it still have some problem because it's running in a single thread for every request. So it's very recommended to setup your website using Nginx. But if you want to deploy a small server into Raspberry PI, Android, or other linux devices it may be better to use the build-in server.

You can also create your own command for your project


The user defined command are editable on `/routes/console.php`

### Documentation
The usage on how to use this framework is in the [Wiki](

## Contribution
If you want to help in Scarlets framework, please fork this project and edit on your repository, then make a pull request to here.

## License
Scarlets is under the MIT license.

Help improve this framework by support the author \(≧▽≦)/