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Seamlessly load environment variables. Supports cli, esbuild, rollup, vite, webpack, angular. ESM and Monorepos.

angular builder configuration dotenv environment environment-variables schematics system typescript variables

Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation

Seamlessly load environment variables. Supports cli, esbuild, rollup, vite, webpack, angular. ESM and Monorepos.





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`dotenv-run` is a collection of packages that use **dotenv** to support loading environment variables from `.env` files with multiple integrations.

Here are some of the benefits of using `dotenv-run`:

- ✅ **Monorepo ✨**: supports monorepo projects with multiple applications.
- ✅ **Universal**: supports multiple integrations including CLI, Webpack, Rollup, Vite, ESbuild and Angular.
- ✅ **TypeScript**: supports TS projects with type definitions for `process.env` and `import.meta.env`.
- ✅ **ESM**: supports `process.env` and `import.meta.env` in ESM modules.
- ✅ **Secure**: supports filtering environment variables by prefix.


| Integration | Package | Status |
| --------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------ |
| CLI | [@dotenv-run/cli](#dotenv-runcli) | ✅ |
| Core | [@dotenv-run/core](#dotenv-runcore) | ✅ |
| ESBuild | [@dotenv-run/esbuild](#dotenv-runesbuild) | ✅ |
| Rollup | [@dotenv-run/rollup](#dotenv-runrollup) | ✅ |
| Vite | [@dotenv-run/rollup](#dotenv-runrollup) | ✅ |
| Node.js preload | @dotenv-run/load | ✅ |
| Angular | [@ngx-env/builder](#ngx-envbuilder) | ✅ |

## Quick start

- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- [@dotenv-run/cli](#dotenv-runcli)
- [@dotenv-run/core](#dotenv-runcore)
- [@dotenv-run/esbuild](#dotenv-runesbuild)
- [@ngx-env/builder](#ngx-envbuilder)
- [Demos](#demos)
- [Quick start](#quick-start-1)
- [@dotenv-run/webpack](#dotenv-runwebpack)
- [@dotenv-run/rollup](#dotenv-runrollup)
- [Credits](#credits)
- [License](#license)

Assuming you have the following monorepo structure:

├── apps
│ ├── vite-app
│ ├── ng-app
│ └── esbuild-app
│ │ ├── .env.local # API_BASE=http://localhost:3001
│ │ ├── package.json
│ │ └── webapp.config.mjs
├── libs
│ └── rollup-lib
│ ├── package.json
│ └── rollup.config.mjs
├── # API_BASE=
├── # API_BASE=
├── .env # API_USERS=$API_BASE/api/v1/users;API_AUTH=https://$API_BASE/auth
├── nx.json
└── package.json

and the following `dotenv-run` options:

"verbose": true, // print debug information
"unsecure": true, // display environment variables values
"root": "../..", // root directory to search for .env files
"environment": "dev", // environment to load (default: NODE_ENV)
"files": [".env"], // .env files to load (default: .env)
"prefix": "^API_" // prefix to filter environment variables (used with bundlers)

`dotenv-run` will search and load `.env.*` files located in the root workspace `/home/code/platform` down to the current working directory of the application.

- Root directory: /home/code/platform
- Working directory: /codes/code/platform/apps/esbuild-app
- Files: .env
- Environment: dev
- Environment files:
✔ /home/code/platform/apps/esbuild-app/.env.local
✔ /home/code/platform/
✔ /home/code/platform/.env
- Environment variables: API (Unsecure Mode)
✔ API_USERS http://localhost:3001/api/v1/users
✔ API_AUTH https://localhost:3001/auth

### @dotenv-run/cli

[`@dotenv-run/cli`]( is a standalone CLI that can be used to run a script.

❯ npx dotenv-run

Usage: dotenv-run [options] --

-v, --verbose [regexp] display debug information
-u, --unsecure display environment variables values
-e, --env [environment] environment to load (default: NODE_ENV)
-r, --root root directory to search for .env files
-f, --file [.env,.secrets] .env files to load (default: .env)
-h, --help output usage information

dotenv-run -d
dotenv-run -- npm start
dotenv-run -r ../.. -f .env,.secrets -- npm start
dotenv-run -f ../.env,../.env.api -- npm start

### @dotenv-run/core

[`@dotenv-run/core`]( is the core package that can be used to load environment variables from `.env` files.

root: "../..",
verbose: true,
prefix: "^API_",
files: [".env"],

### @dotenv-run/esbuild

[`@dotenv-run/esbuild`]( is a plugin for esbuild that can be used to inject environment variables into your applications.

import { dotenvRun } from "@dotenv-run/esbuild";

await build({
write: false,
bundle: true,
entryPoints: [`test/app.js`],
plugins: [
verbose: true,
root: "../../",
prefix: "^API",

### @ngx-env/builder

[`@ngx-env/builder`]( is a plugin for Angular CLI and a wrapper around `@dotenv-run/esbuild` or `@dotenv-run/webpack` that can be used to inject environment variables into your Angular applications.

- ✅ Official recommendation in [dotenv documentation]( 🔥
- ✅ Runtime environment variables (Experimental) 🎉
- ✅ Webpack and ESBuild support 🚀
- ✅ Easy to use, no configuration required
- ✅ Up to date with latest Angular versions
- ✅ Supports all Angular CLI commands
- ✅ Used by popular repositories
- [Official Microsoft Azure Samples]( ![GitHub Repo stars](
- [Official Quarkus Workshop]( ![GitHub Repo stars](
- [Scholarsome by Redhat]( ![GitHub Repo stars](
- [Dan Wahlin's Angular-JumpStart]( ![GitHub Repo stars](
- ✅ Active development and support

#### Demos

- [v17 with vite/esbuild builder](
- [v16 with webpack builder](

#### Quick start

ng add @ngx-env/builder

Environment variables should start with `NG_APP_` prefix, you can define a custom prefix.


selector: "app-footer",
template: `{{ branch }} - {{ commit }}`,
standalone: true,
export class MainComponent {
branch = import.meta.env.NG_APP_BRANCH_NAME; // Recommended
commit = process.env.NG_APP_COMMIT; // Deprecated




Configuration options can be passed to `@ngx-env/builder` using `ngxEnv` section in `angular.json` file.

"builder": "@ngx-env/builder:application",
"options": {
"ngxEnv": {
"verbose": true,
"root": "../..",
"prefix": "^NG_APP_"

If you want to update the environment variables at runtime, you can use the `runtime` option.

You can find the full `@ngx-env/builder` documentation [here](

### @dotenv-run/webpack

[`@dotenv-run/webpack`]( is a plugin for webpack that can be used to inject environment variables into your applications.

import { DotenvRunPlugin } from "@dotenv-run/webpack";
import path from "path";

const __dirname = path.resolve();

export default {
entry: "./src/index.js",
output: {
filename: "main.js",
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
plugins: [
new DotenvRunPlugin(
{ prefix: "^API", verbose: true, root: "../.." },

### @dotenv-run/rollup

[`@dotenv-run/rollup`]( is a plugin for rollup that can be used to inject environment variables into your applications.

import env from "@dotenv-run/rollup";

export default {
input: "src/index.js",
output: {
file: "dist/index.js",
plugins: [env({ prefix: "API", verbose: true, root: "../../.." })],

## Credits

- [dotenv](

## License

MIT © [Chihab Otmani](