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Kotidgy aka "Kotlin Text Indexed Data Generator" is an index-based text data generator written in Kotlin

bash data-generator kotlin library text-generator

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Kotidgy aka "Kotlin Text Indexed Data Generator" is an index-based text data generator written in Kotlin




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Kotidgy _aka_ "**Ko**tlin **T**ext **I**ndexed **D**ata **G**enerator"
is an index-based text data generator written in [Kotlin](

Write **this**
kotidgy {
templates {
t { +"Hello" }
t { +"Hi" / "Aloha" + ", man !" }
t { +f { any { 2..100 } } + " apples " + "on the " + "plate" / "table" }
t { +f { all { 2..3 } } + " apples " + "on the " + "plate" / "table" }
Get **that**
Hi, man !
Aloha, man !
2 apples on the plate
3 apples on the plate
2 apples on the table
3 apples on the table
... skipped 194 other lines
100 apples on the table
100 apples on the table
23 apples on the plate
23 apples on the table

## Use it as a library

### Declare dependency

#### Maven

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):




#### Gradle

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

Groovy DSL
dependencies {
implementation 'com:meiblorn:kotidgy:1.0.0.RELEASE'

Make sure that you have either `jcenter()` or `mavenCentral()` in the list of repositories:

repository {

#### Gradle Kotlin DSL

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

dependencies {

Make sure that you have either `jcenter()` or `mavenCentral()` in the list of repositories.

### Write the code

Kotlin example:
val engine = KotidgyEngine()

val project = kotidgy {
templates {
t { +"Hello" }
t { +"Hi" / "Aloha" }
t { +f { 2..3 } + " apples" }

val samples = engone.generate(project)
// Assert here is just for an illustration
assert(samples.toList() == listOf(
Sample(IndexId(0), "Hello"),
Sample(IndexId(0), "Hi"),
Sample(IndexId(1), "Aloha"),
Sample(IndexId(0), " apples")
Sample(IndexId(0), " apples")

for (sample in samples) {

Output will be:
2 apples
3 apples

## Use it as a script

- Provide jar directly:

java -jar <%path_to%>/kotidgy.jar <%path_to%>/examples/kotlin/script/index.kotidgy.kts

- Or use it via [kscript](
#!/usr/bin/env kscript

// Declare dependencies

import com.meiblorn.kotidgy.dsl.*

kotidgy {
templates {
t { +"hi" }
t { +"hello" / "aloha" }

## Use it as a docker container
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/examples/kotlin/script:/data \
meiblorn/kotidgy \

## Kotidgy DSL

Project definition:

- `kotidgy` / `project` — kotidgy project definition wrappers
- `templates` — templates definitions wrapper
- `t` / `template` — template definition

Template definition:
- Every template must start from the `+` sign.
It is mandatory cast to the Kotlin [Type-Safe Builders DSL](
- Template operators:
- unary `+` — start of the template
- binary `+` — concatenation
- `/` — alternative operator
- `all` and `any` - collection/iterable wrapper operators.
- `any` — converts collection items to alternatives (like it is written using `/` operator: e.g. `item1 / item2 / ...`)
- `all` — concatenates collection items (e.g. `item1.toString() + item2.toString() + ...`)
- `f` or `lambda` or `call` — kotlin call operator.
- All return types are accepted
- If `call` operator returns instance of `list` or `iterable` types
then instance will be automatically converted to `any` collection
- `.toString()` is called for the object rendering.

## Why Kotlin ?
1) Kotlin is a [mature]( programming language
2) Kotlin is a type safe language
3) Kotlin has a native DSL builder support.
4) Writing a new own programming language is a very expensive operation both in time and effort.
5) Kotlin can do much more than own language and has less bugs.
6) It has an amazing huge community: Java + Kotlin
7) Kotlin can be used to write Bash scripts
8) Native IDE support and highlighting: [Intellij Idea]( (it is also available for Free)

## Contributing

You are welcome to contribute ! Just submit your PR and become a part of Kotidgy community!

Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

* **Vadim Fedorenko** - [Meiblorn]( -*Initial work*

See also the list of [authors]( who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Acknowledgments

* Your questions will appear here. Feel free to ask me.