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For formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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For formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript.





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For formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript. Analogous to [`gofmt`](


`npm install -g jsfmt`


$ jsfmt --help
jsfmt [--no-format] [--save-ast] [--diff|--list|--write] [--validate] [--rewrite PATTERN|--search PATTERN] [--json|--ast] [...]
jsfmt (--version | --help)

-h --help Show this help text
--version Show jsfmt version
-d --diff Show diff against original file
-l --list List the files which differ from jsfmt output
-v --validate Validate the input file(s)
--no-format Do not format the input file(s)
-w --write Overwrite the original file with jsfmt output
-j --json Tell jsfmt that the file being parsed is json
-a --ast Tell jsfmt that the file being parsed is in JSON AST
--save-ast Output the resulting js in JSON AST format
-r=PATTERN --rewrite PATTERN Rewrite rule (e.g., 'a.slice(b, len(a) -> a.slice(b)')
-s=PATTERN --search PATTERN Search rule (e.g., 'a.slice')

If no path is given it will read from `stdin`. A directory path will recurse over all *.js files in the directory.

Note that the AST options (`--ast` and `--save-ast`) are experimental and may be removed.


For formatting `jsfmt` uses [esformatter](

### .jsfmtrc

Any of the [esformatter]( formatting
options can be overwritten via a `.jsfmtrc` file. The file is parsed using
[rc](, which accepts either a `json` or `ini` formatted file.

A `.jsfmtrc` will be read if it exists in any of the following directories:
* a local .jsfmtrc or the first found looking in ./ ../ ../../ ../../../ etc.
* $HOME/.jsfmtrc
* $HOME/.jsfmt/config
* $HOME/.config/jsfmt
* $HOME/.config/jsfmt/config
* /etc/jsfmtrc
* /etc/jsfmt/config

`jsfmt` will also attempt to pickup and use the configured `indent`
variable from your `.jshintrc` configuration file, if present.


The `--rewrite` flag allows rewriting portions of the JavaScript's AST before formatting. This is especially handy for intelligent renaming and handling API changes from a library. The rewrite rule must be a string of the form:

pattern -> replacement

Both `pattern` and `replacement` must be valid JavaScript. In `pattern`, single-character lowercase identifiers serve as wildcards matching arbitrary expressions; those expressions will be substituted for the same identifiers in the `replacement`.

### Example

Rewrite occurences of `_.reduce` to use native reduce:

jsfmt --rewrite "_.reduce(a, b, c) -> a.reduce(b, c)" reduce.js


The `--search` flag allows searching through a JavaScript's AST. The search rule is very similar to the rewrite rule but just outputs expressions that match the given search expression. The search expression must be valid JavaScript.

### Example

Find occurences of `_.reduce`:

jsfmt --search "_.reduce(a, b, c)" reduce.js


The `--validate` flag will print any errors found by esprima while parsing the JavaScript.

### Example

jsfmt --validate bad.js


### Formatting

jsfmt.format(, ) // Returns formatted JavaScript

jsfmt.formatJSON(, ) // Returns formatted JSON

var config = jsfmt.getConfig(); // Loads the jsfmt config from the appropriate rc file or default config object

#### Example

var jsfmt = require('jsfmt');
var fs = require('fs');

var js = fs.readFileSync('unformatted.js');
var config = jsfmt.getConfig();

js = jsfmt.format(js, config);

### Rewriting

jsfmt.rewrite(, ) // Returns rewritten JavaScript

#### Example

var jsfmt = require('jsfmt');
var fs = require('fs');

var js = fs.readFileSync('each.js');

js = jsfmt.rewrite(js, "_.each(a, b) -> a.forEach(b)");

### Searching

```javascript, ) // Returns array of matches

#### Example

var jsfmt = require('jsfmt');
var fs = require('fs');

var js = fs.readFileSync('component.js');, "R.Component.create(a, { dependencies: z })").forEach(function(matches, wildcards) {

### Validating

jsfmt.validate() // Returns errors found while parsing JavaScript

jsfmt.validateJSON() // Returns errors found while parsing JSON

#### Example

var jsfmt = require('jsfmt');
var fs = require('fs');

var js = fs.readFileSync('each.js');
var errors = jsfmt.validate(js);

for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {


Since `jsfmt` uses `esformatter` under the covers for formatting your code you can utilize any `esformatter` plugins with `jsfmt`. Please see for more information.

### JSX

There exists a plugin [esformatter-jsx]( which provides support for formatting JSX with `esformatter`. Please see for more information on setting up with `jsfmt`.


- vim-jsfmt.vim - - "Format javascript source on save."
- Atom Package - - "Automatically run jsfmt every time you save a JavaScript source file."
- Grunt Task - - "A task for the jsfmt library."
- Emacs Plugin - - "Run jsfmt from within emacs"
- Gulp Task - - "A gulp task for jsfmt."
- Sublime Text plugin - - "On-demand and automatic jsfmt from Sublime Text 2 and 3"


### v0.4.0

- Added two new command-line args for AST formatting. Note that these are experimental and may be removed.
- Removed `--config` option in favor of .jsfmtrc and better docs around rc.
- Updated esformatter and using new esformatter plugin for automatic brace insertion.
- Updated style guide to include esformatter changes.
- Fixes and cleanup for shebang.
- Support for variable arguments using ES6 rest syntax.
- General rewrite cleanup.
- Changing exit code to `-1` on missing arg failure.
- Updates to `rc` and other dependencies.

### v0.3.2

- Adding support for `UnaryExpression`
- Fixing bug where rewrite types were not being set properly

### v0.3.1

- Fixed bug when searching for expressions within BlockStatement or Program body
- Added JSON support

### v0.3.0

- Added tests
- Added Gruntfile for development
- Added CI support
- Added style guide
- Added default formatting config
- Exposed `jsfmt.getConfig` api method for loading jsfmt config
- Exposed `jsfmt.format(js[, options])` api method for formatting
- Added `--validate` option and exposed `jsfmt.validate` api method
- Pinned dependencies

### v0.2.0

- Add [rc]( and `--config config.json` support for formatting configuration
- Making `--format` the default action
- Fix support for shebang at the top of js files, e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env node`
- Fix jsfmt diff mode where whitespace was unaccounted for due to `-b` git diff option

### v0.1.1

- Initial release

Apache License, Version 2.0. Copyright 2014 Rdio, Inc.