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Lightweight utilities that can make easier to access application storage in client browser.

javascript javascript-library javascript-utility local-storage npm-package session-cookie web-storage

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Lightweight utilities that can make easier to access application storage in client browser.




# Simple Web Storage

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> Lightweight utilities that can make easier to write and read application storage in client browser.

### Support :
- Local Storage
- Cookie Storage
- Session Storage



### 1. Use Package with NPM or YARN

# with npm
$ npm i simple-webstorage --save

# or with yarn
$ yarn add simple-webstorage

#### All API import

import SimpleWebStorage from 'simple-webstorage'

const storage = SimpleWebStorage()

storage.local.set('key', 'value') // empty the third parameter to store data permanently (only affected in local)
storage.cookie.set('key', 'value', 5)
storage.session.set('key', 'value', 5)

#### Partial API import

// # for local storage
import { get as getLocalStorage, set as setLocalStorage } from 'simple-webstorage/lib/local'

// # for session storage
// import { get, set } from 'simple-webstorage/lib/session'

// # for cookie storage
// import { get, set } from 'simple-webstorage/lib/cookie'

setLocalStorage('key', {
name: 'you',
skill: [

console.log(getLocalStorage('key')) // { name: 'you', skill: ['angry', 'crying'] }

##### or you can import partial API like this :

// # for cookie storage
import CookieStorage from 'simple-webstorage/lib/cookie'

// # for local storage
// import LocalStorage from 'simple-webstorage/lib/local'

// # for session storage
// import SessionStorage from 'simple-webstorage/lib/session'

const cookie = CookieStorage()

cookie.set('remembered', true)
cookie.set('forgotten', true)

console.log(cookie.get('remembered')) // true # get values from key. returns any
console.log(cookie.keys()) // ['remembered', 'forgotten'] # list all keys. returns array

### 2. All in minified js


var storage = SimpleWebStorage();

storage.local.set('key', 'value');
storage.cookie.set('key', 'value', 5);
storage.session.set('key', 'value', 5);


## API Details

| Storage | Method | Parameters |
| `local` | set | `key` (type: String), `value` (type: any, default: 0), `expiryInMinutes` (type: Number, default: null) |
| `cookie` or `session` | set | `key` (type: String), `value` (type: any, default: 0), `expiryInMinutes` (type: Number, default: 5) |
| `local` or `cookie` or `session` | get | `key` (type: String) |
| `local` or `cookie` or `session` | remove | `key` (type: String) |
| `local` or `cookie` or `session` | keys | none |
| `local` or `cookie` or `session` | clear | none |

## Support Me
### Global
### Indonesia
- [Trakteer](
- [Karyakarsa](

Feel free to contribute [simple-webstorage]( 🙂

Copyright © 2019 by Sutan Gading Fadhillah Nasution