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Print documents in echo area.

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Print documents in echo area.




# echodoc.vim

Displays function signatures from completions in the command line.


## Installation

Use a package manager and follow its instructions.

Note: echodoc requires v:completed_item feature. It is added in Vim 7.4.774.

### Global options

|Flag |Default |Description |
|`g:echodoc#enable_at_startup` |`0` |If the value of this variable is non-zero, `echodoc` is automatically enabled at startup. |
|`g:echodoc#type` |` "echo"` |Where the documentation is displayed. Choose between:` "echo"`,` "signature"`, `"virtual" `or `"floating"` |
|`g:echodoc#events` |`['CompleteDone']` |If the `autocmd-events` are fired, echodoc is enabled. |
|`g:echodoc#floating_config` |`{}` |The configuration for the floating window. |
|`g:echodoc#highlight_identifier` |`"Identifier"` |The highlight of identifier. |
|`g:echodoc#highlight_arguments` |`"Special"` |The highlight of current argument. |
|`g:echodoc#highlight_trailing` |`"Type"` |The highlight of trailing. |

## Type "echo" Usage

When using
let g:echodoc#type = "echo" " Default value
The command line is used to display `echodoc` text. This means that you will
either need to `set noshowmode` or `set cmdheight=2`. Otherwise, the `--
INSERT --` mode text will overwrite `echodoc`'s text.

When you accept a completion for a function with ``, `echodoc` will
display the function signature in the command line and highlight the argument
position your cursor is in.

## Examples

Option 1:
" To use echodoc, you must increase 'cmdheight' value.
set cmdheight=2
let g:echodoc_enable_at_startup = 1

Option 2:
" Or, you could disable showmode alltogether.
set noshowmode
let g:echodoc_enable_at_startup = 1

Option 3:
" Or, you could use neovim's virtual virtual text feature.
let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:echodoc#type = 'virtual'

Option 4:
" Or, you could use neovim's floating window feature.
let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:echodoc#type = 'floating'
" You could configure the behaviour of the floating window like below:
let g:echodoc#floating_config = {'border': 'single'}
" To use a custom highlight for the float window,
" change Pmenu to your highlight group
highlight link EchoDocFloat Pmenu

Option 5:
" Or, you could use vim's popup window feature.
let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:echodoc#type = 'popup'
" To use a custom highlight for the popup window,
" change Pmenu to your highlight group
highlight link EchoDocPopup Pmenu