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Simple flow library ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ

dataflow dataflow-programming drawflow editor flow flow-based-programming flowchart graph-editor javascript javascript-library nodebased visual-programming vue

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Simple flow library ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ




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# Drawflow


Simple flow library.

Drawflow allows you to create data flows easily and quickly.

Installing only a javascript library and with four lines of code.

โญ [LIVE DEMO](


## Table of contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Running](#running)
- [Mouse and Keys](#mouse-and-keys)
- [Editor](#editor)
- [Options](#editor-options)
- [Modules](#modules)
- [Nodes](#nodes)
- [Node example](#node-example)
- [Register Node](#register-node)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Methods example](#methods-example)
- [Events](#events)
- [Events example](#events-example)
- [Export / Import](#export-/-import)
- [Export example](#export-example)
- [Example](#example)
- [License](#license)

## Features
- Drag Nodes
- Multiple Inputs / Outputs
- Multiple connections
- Delete Nodes and Connections
- Add/Delete inputs/outputs
- Reroute connections
- Data sync on Nodes
- Zoom in / out
- Clear data module
- Support modules
- Editor mode `edit`, `fixed` or `view`
- Import / Export data
- Events
- Mobile support
- Vanilla javascript (No dependencies)
- Vue Support component nodes && Nuxt

## Installation
Download or clone repository and copy the dist folder, CDN option Or npm.
#### Clone
`git clone`

#### CDN
# Last

# or version view releases


#### NPM
npm i drawflow

### Typescript
External package. More info [#119](
npm install -D @types/drawflow

#### Import
import Drawflow from 'drawflow'
import styleDrawflow from 'drawflow/dist/drawflow.min.css'

#### Require
var Drawflow = require('drawflow')
var styleDrawflow = require('drawflow/dist/drawflow.min.css')

Create the parent element of **drawflow**.

### Running
Start drawflow.
var id = document.getElementById("drawflow");
const editor = new Drawflow(id);
Parameter | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`id` | Object | Name of module
`render` | Object | It's for `Vue`.
`parent` | Object | It's for `Vue`. The parent Instance

### For vue 2 example.
import Vue from 'vue'

// Pass render Vue
this.editor = new Drawflow(id, Vue, this);

### For vue 3 example.
import { h, getCurrentInstance, render } from 'vue'
const Vue = { version: 3, h, render };

this.editor = new Drawflow(id, Vue);
// Pass render Vue 3 Instance
const internalInstance = getCurrentInstance()
editor.value = new Drawflow(id, Vue,;

### Nuxt
Add to `nuxt.config.js` file
build: {
transpile: ['drawflow'],

## Mouse and Keys
- `del key` to remove element.
- `Right click` to show remove options (Mobile long press).
- `Left click press` to move editor or node selected.
- `Ctrl + Mouse Wheel` Zoom in/out (Mobile pinch).

## Editor
You can change the editor to **fixed** type to block. Only editor can be moved. You can put it before start.
editor.editor_mode = 'edit'; // Default
editor.editor_mode = 'fixed'; // Only scroll
You can also adjust the zoom values.
editor.zoom_max = 1.6;
editor.zoom_min = 0.5;
editor.zoom_value = 0.1;

### Editor options

Parameter | Type | Default | Description
--- | --- | --- | ---
`reroute` | Boolean | false | Active reroute
`reroute_fix_curvature` | Boolean | false | Fix adding points
`curvature` | Number | 0.5 | Curvature
`reroute_curvature_start_end` | Number | 0.5 | Curvature reroute first point and las point
`reroute_curvature` | Number | 0.5 | Curvature reroute
`reroute_width` | Number | 6 | Width of reroute
`line_path` | Number | 5 | Width of line
`force_first_input` | Boolean | false | Force the first input to drop the connection on top of the node
`editor_mode` | Text | `edit` | `edit` for edit, `fixed` for nodes fixed but their input fields available, `view` for view only
`zoom` | Number | 1 | Default zoom
`zoom_max` | Number | 1.6 | Default zoom max
`zoom_min` | Number | 0.5 | Default zoom min
`zoom_value` | Number | 0.1 | Default zoom value update
`zoom_last_value` | Number | 1 | Default zoom last value
`draggable_inputs` | Boolean | true | Drag nodes on click inputs
`useuuid` | Boolean | false | Use UUID as node ID instead of integer index. Only affect newly created nodes, do not affect imported nodes

### Reroute
Active reroute connections. Use before `start` or `import`.
editor.reroute = true;
Create point with double click on line connection. Double click on point for remove.

## Modules
Separate your flows in different editors.
// Default Module is Home
`RemovedModule` if it is in the same module redirects to the `Home` module

## Nodes
Adding a node is simple.
editor.addNode(name, inputs, outputs, posx, posy, class, data, html);
Parameter | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`name` | text | Name of module
`inputs` | number | Number of de inputs
`outputs` | number | Number of de outputs
`pos_x` | number | Position on start node left
`pos_y` | number | Position on start node top
`class` | text | Added classname to de node. Multiple classnames separated by space
`data` | json | Data passed to node
`html` | text | HTML drawn on node or `name` of register node.
`typenode` | boolean & text | Default `false`, `true` for Object HTML, `vue` for vue

You can use the attribute `df-*` in **inputs, textarea or select** to synchronize with the node data and **contenteditable**.

Atrributs multiples parents support `df-*-*...`

### Node example
var html = `

var data = { "name": '' };

editor.addNode('github', 0, 1, 150, 300, 'github', data, html);
### Register Node

it's possible register nodes for reuse.
var html = document.createElement("div");
html.innerHTML = "Hello Drawflow!!";
editor.registerNode('test', html);
// Use
editor.addNode('github', 0, 1, 150, 300, 'github', data, 'test', true);

// For vue
import component from '~/components/testcomponent.vue'
editor.registerNode('name', component, props, options);
// Use for vue
editor.addNode('github', 0, 1, 150, 300, 'github', data, 'name', 'vue');

Parameter | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`name` | text | Name of module registered.
`html` | text | HTML to drawn or `vue` component.
`props` | json | Only for `vue`. Props of component. `Not Required`
`options` | json | Only for `vue`. Options of component. `Not Required`

## Methods
Other available functions.

Mehtod | Description
--- | ---
`zoom_in()` | Increment zoom +0.1
`zoom_out()` | Decrement zoom -0.1
`getNodeFromId(id)` | Get Info of node. Ex: id: `5`
`getNodesFromName(name)` | Return Array of nodes id. Ex: name: `telegram`
`removeNodeId(id)` | Remove node. Ex id: `node-x`
`updateNodeDataFromId` | Update data element. Ex: `5, { name: 'Drawflow' }`
`addNodeInput(id)` | Add input to node. Ex id: `5`
`addNodeOutput(id)` | Add output to node. Ex id: `5`
`removeNodeInput(id, input_class)` | Remove input to node. Ex id: `5`, `input_2`
`removeNodeOutput(id, output_class)` | Remove output to node. Ex id: `5`, `output_2`
`addConnection(id_output, id_input, output_class, input_class)` | Add connection. Ex: `15,16,'output_1','input_1'`
`removeSingleConnection(id_output, id_input, output_class, input_class)` | Remove connection. Ex: `15,16,'output_1','input_1'`
`updateConnectionNodes(id)` | Update connections position from Node Ex id: `node-x`
`removeConnectionNodeId(id)` | Remove node connections. Ex id: `node-x`
`getModuleFromNodeId(id)` | Get name of module where is the id. Ex id: `5`
`clearModuleSelected()` | Clear data of module selected
`clear()` | Clear all data of all modules and modules remove.

### Methods example


## Events
You can detect events that are happening.

List of available events:

Event | Return | Description
--- | --- | ---
`nodeCreated` | id | `id` of Node
`nodeRemoved` | id | `id` of Node
`nodeDataChanged` | id | `id` of Node df-* attributes changed.
`nodeSelected` | id | `id` of Node
`nodeUnselected` | true | Unselect node
`nodeMoved` | id | `id` of Node
`connectionStart` | { output_id, output_class } | `id` of nodes and output selected
`connectionCancel` | true | Connection Cancel
`connectionCreated` | { output_id, input_id, output_class, input_class } | `id`'s of nodes and output/input selected
`connectionRemoved` | { output_id, input_id, output_class, input_class } | `id`'s of nodes and output/input selected
`connectionSelected` | { output_id, input_id, output_class, input_class } | `id`'s of nodes and output/input selected
`connectionUnselected` | true | Unselect connection
`addReroute` | id | `id` of Node output
`removeReroute` | id | `id` of Node output
`rerouteMoved` | id | `id` of Node output
`moduleCreated` | name | `name` of Module
`moduleChanged` | name | `name` of Module
`moduleRemoved` | name | `name` of Module
`click` | event | Click event
`clickEnd` | event | Once the click changes have been made
`contextmenu` | event | Click second button mouse event
`mouseMove` | { x, y } | Position
`mouseUp` | event | MouseUp Event
`keydown` | event | Keydown event
`zoom` | zoom_level | Level of zoom
`translate` | { x, y } | Position translate editor
`import` | `import` | Finish import
`export` | data | Data export

### Events example
editor.on('nodeCreated', function(id) {
console.log("Node created " + id);

## Export / Import
You can export and import your data.
var exportdata = editor.export();
### Export example
Example of exported data:
"drawflow": {
"Home": {
"data": {}
"Other": {
"data": {
"16": {
"id": 16,
"name": "facebook",
"data": {},
"class": "facebook",
"html": "\n
Facebook Message
\n ",
"inputs": {},
"outputs": {
"output_1": {
"connections": [
"node": "17",
"output": "input_1"
"pos_x": 226,
"pos_y": 138
"17": {
"id": 17,
"name": "log",
"data": {},
"class": "log",
"html": "\n
Save log file
\n ",
"inputs": {
"input_1": {
"connections": [
"node": "16",
"input": "output_1"
"outputs": {},
"pos_x": 690,
"pos_y": 129


## Example
View the complete example in folder [docs](
There is also an [example](docs/drawflow-element.html) how to use Drawflow in a custom element. (based on [LitElement](

## License
MIT License