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The most powerful headless CMS for Node.js — built with GraphQL and React

cms cms-framework graphql keystonejs nodejs react

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

The most powerful headless CMS for Node.js — built with GraphQL and React




Keystone: The superpowered CMS for developers


Keystone helps you build faster and scale further than any other CMS or App Framework. Describe your schema, and get a powerful GraphQL API & beautiful Management UI for your content and data.

No boilerplate or bootstrapping – just elegant APIs to help you ship the code that matters without sacrificing the flexibility or power of a bespoke back-end.

## Contents

- [Usage & Documentation](#usage--documentation)
- [Versioning](#versioning)
- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
- [Security](#security)
- [License](#license)

## Usage & Documentation

Keystone 6 is published to npm under the `@keystone-6/*` namespace.

You can find our extended documentation on our [website](, but some quick links that might be helpful:

- Read [Why Keystone]( to learn about our vision and what's in the box.
- [Getting Started]( walks you through first steps with the `create-keystone-app` CLI.
- Our [Examples](./examples) contain a growing collection of projects you can run locally to learn more about a [Keystone feature](
- An [API Reference]( contains the details on Keystone's foundational building blocks.
- Some [Guides]( offer practical walkthroughs on how to build with those blocks.

> 💡 While our `API Reference` is generally complete, we are are still working hard on increasing the fidelity of our `guides` and `examples`. If you have an example you'd like see, please [open a GitHub discussion](!

Our `@keystone-6/*` packages are written for the [Node Maintenance and Active LTS]( versions of Node; and our continuous integration seamlessly tracks that.
You may have success with Node versions that are Pending or End-of-Life, but you may have problems too.

### Looking for Keystone 5?

The [Keystone 5]( codebase is now in maintenance mode and lives at [keystonejs/keystone-5]( For more information read [Keystone 5 and beyond](

## Enjoying Keystone?

- Star this repo 🌟 ☝️
- Follow Keystone on [Twitter](
- Join the conversation in [Keystone community Slack](

### Interested in what's new?

For a birds-eye view of what the Keystone project is working towards, check out our [Roadmap](

### Feedback

Share your thoughts and feature requests on Slack (preferred) or Twitter. [Bugfixes and issues always welcome](

## Versioning

Keystone follows [semver](

## Code of Conduct

Keystone adheres to the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](/

## Security

For vulnerability reporting, please refer to our [security policy](/

## License


Copyright (c) 2023 [Thinkmill Labs]( Pty Ltd. Licensed under the MIT License.