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A rendering web crawler for Apache Mesos.

dcos dcos-orchestration-guild

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A rendering web crawler for Apache Mesos.




RENDLER :interrobang:

A rendering web-crawler framework for [Apache Mesos](

![YES RENDLER](./riddler.jpg?raw=true "RENDLER")

See the [accompanying slides]( for more context.

RENDLER consists of three main components:

- `CrawlExecutor` extends `mesos.Executor`
- `RenderExecutor` extends `mesos.Executor`
- `RenderingCrawler` extends `mesos.Scheduler` and launches tasks with the executors

## Quick Start with Vagrant

### Requirements

- [VirtualBox]( 4.1.18+
- [Vagrant]( 1.3+
- [git]( (command line tool)

### Start the `mesos-demo` VM

$ wget -O /tmp/
$ vagrant box add --name mesos-demo /tmp/
$ git clone
$ vagrant up

Now that the VM is running, you can view the Mesos Web UI here:

You can see that 1 slave is registered and you've got some idle CPUs and Memory. So let's start the Rendler!

### Run RENDLER in the `mesos-demo` VM

Check implementations of the RENDLER scheduler in the `python`, `go`,
`scala`, and `cpp` directories. Run instructions are here:

- [Python RENDLER framework](python/
- [Go RENDLER framework](go/
- [Scala RENDLER framework](scala/
- [C++ RENDLER framework](cpp/

Feel free to contribute your own!

### Generating a pdf of your render graph output
With [GraphViz]( (`which dot`) installed:

vagrant@mesos:hostfiles $ bin/make-pdf
Generating '/home/vagrant/hostfiles/result.pdf'

Open `result.pdf` in your favorite viewer to see the rendered result!

**Sample Output**

![Sample Crawl Crawl](

### Shutting down the `mesos-demo` VM

# Exit out of the VM
vagrant@mesos:hostfiles $ exit
# Stop the VM
$ vagrant halt
# To delete all traces of the vagrant machine
$ vagrant destroy

## Rendler Architecture

### Crawl Executor

- Interprets incoming tasks' `` field as a URL
- Fetches the resource, extracts links from the document
- Sends a framework message to the scheduler containing the crawl result.

### Render Executor

- Interprets incoming tasks' `` field as a URL
- Fetches the resource, saves a png image to a location accessible to the scheduler.
- Sends a framework message to the scheduler containing the render result.

### Intermediate Data Structures

We define some common data types to facilitate communication between the scheduler
and the executors. Their default representation is JSON.

"1234", # taskId
"", # url
["", ""] # links

"1234", # taskId
"", # url
"http://dl.mega.corp/foo.png" # imageUrl

### Rendler Scheduler

#### Data Structures

- `crawlQueue`: list of urls
- `renderQueue`: list of urls
- `processedURLs`: set or urls
- `crawlResults`: list of url tuples
- `renderResults`: map of urls to imageUrls

#### Scheduler Behavior

The scheduler accepts one URL as a command-line parameter to seed the render
and crawl queues.

1. For each URL, create a task in both the render queue and the crawl queue.

1. Upon receipt of a crawl result, add an element to the crawl results
adjacency list. Append to the render and crawl queues each URL that is
_not_ present in the set of processed URLs. Add these enqueued urls to
the set of processed URLs.

1. Upon receipt of a render result, add an element to the render results map.

1. The crawl and render queues are drained in FCFS order at a rate determined
by the resource offer stream. When the queues are empty, the scheduler
declines resource offers to make them available to other frameworks running
on the cluster.