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Reference implementation of the Picnic post-quantum signature scheme

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Reference implementation of the Picnic post-quantum signature scheme




# Picnic: Post Quantum Signatures

The Picnic signature scheme is a family of digital signature schemes secure
against attacks by quantum computers. This is a reference implementation of these schemes.
The scheme and parameter sets are specified in the [Picnic Specification Document](

Research papers describing the signature scheme are also available on the [Picnic website](

The library is provided under the MIT License. The authors are Steven Goldfeder and Greg Zaverucha.

The library builds a static library. The public API surface is defined in [picnic.h](

## Linux Build Instructions

Tested on Ubuntu Linux, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10 (build 1709).

1. `make`
This will build the project. `make debug` will build with symbols.

2. `./example`
Runs an example program that exercises the keygen, sign, verify and
serialization APIs. See [example.c](

## Windows Build Instructions

Tested on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017.

Open the solution in `VisualStudio\picnic.sln`, and build the projects.

The project `libpicnic` creates a `.lib` file, containing the functions defined `in picnic.h`.
See the `example` project for a simple application that calls functions in the library.

### Acknowledgments
Thanks to Christian Paquin for providing feedback on picnic.h and for adding
support for a Windows build.

### Contributing

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with any additional questions or comments.