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Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose on Android

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Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose on Android





### "Opinionated" Android type safe navigation for Compose's Navigation Component

A KSP library that helps you generate type safe code with minimal effort and provides out of the box solutions to bundle everything together and scale your app in easy manner.

### Main features
- Typesafe navigation arguments (special thanks for parsing the arguments to [compose destinations](
- Simple setup with minimal code
- ViewModel type safe arguments with injection support when using Hilt
- Screen "level" type safe arguments
- Callback arguments
- Bottom sheet support through [Accompanist Material](
- Nested navigation support out of the box
- Transitions enter/exit to and from screens
- Deep links
- Graph aggregator factory
- Custom navigator to open screens easily
- Global navigation
- Multi (out of the box) and single module support

Everything you can do with the Official Jetpack Compose Navigation but in a type safe way.

### Setup
The library is available through [JitPack](

1. Add JitPack to your project's settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { setUrl("") }

2. Add the dependency in the build.gradle
foSho =
ksp =

foSho-android = { module = "com.github.FunkyMuse.foSho:navigator-android", version.ref = "foSho" }
foSho-codegen = { module = "com.github.FunkyMuse.foSho:navigator-codegen", version.ref = "foSho" }

ksp = { id = "", version.ref = "ksp" }

Inside the project build.gradle make sure to add the [KSP]( plugin
plugins {
Inside the `:app` module
plugins {

dependencies {

If you intend to use `Hilt/Dagger/Anvil` with `foSho` and want your generated ViewModel arguments injectable,
inside `:app` module set `foSho.injectViewModelArguments` to "true", default is "false"
ksp {
arg("foSho.injectViewModelArguments", "true")

Single module

Inside the `:app` module make sure to add the KSP argument, the library is multi module by default.

ksp {
arg("foSho.singleModule", "true")

3. Make magic happen

There are three things you need to write code for and it's pretty natural
1. Graph
2. Destination (Argument, Callback Argument)
3. Content

All you need to do is click build or just run `./gradlew kspDebugKotlin` as a faster way to get the generated code.

- `Graph`: Starting point is a `@Graph`, each `Graph` has a `startingDestination` and other `destinations`, also a `Graph` can be a `rootGraph` (only one throughout your app).
- `Destination`: every destination that's part of `startingDestination` and `destinations` is marked with `@Destination` and you implement one of the three UI types `Screen`, `Dialog` for which you can control the [properties](,kotlin.Boolean,androidx.compose.ui.window.SecureFlagPolicy,kotlin.Boolean,kotlin.Boolean)) and `BottomSheet` for each one you can additionally control whether to generate view model arguments or nav stack entry arguments, `val generateViewModelArguments: Boolean = false`,
`val generateScreenEntryArguments: Boolean = false`, you can annotate a destination with `@Argument` and `@CallbackArgument` in order to control to/from arguments.
- `Content`: everytime you click build a `Destination` implementation is generated for you, it's your responsibility to implement it and annotate that object with a `@Content`
In code this will look like this

startingDestination = Home::class,
destinations = [HomeDetails::class],
rootGraph = true
internal object HomeGraph

name = "hideBottomNav",
argumentType = ArgumentType.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue = DefaultBooleanValueFalse::class
internal object Home : Screen

@Destination(generateViewModelArguments = true, generateScreenEntryArguments = false)
@Argument(name = "cardId", argumentType = ArgumentType.INT)
@CallbackArgument(name = "clickedShare", argumentType = ArgumentType.BOOLEAN)
internal object HomeDetails : Screen {
override val deepLinksList: List
get() = listOf(
action = Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
uriPattern = "custom:url/{cardId}"

internal object HomeContent : HomeDestination {
override fun AnimatedContentScope.Content() {
val argumentsFromHomeDetailsDestination = HomeDetailsCallbackArguments.rememberHomeDetailsCallbackArguments()
key = HomeDetailsCallbackArguments.CLICKED_SHARE,
onValue = {
if (it == true){
//user has clicked share
HomeScreen(onClick = {
Navigator.navigateSingleTop(HomeDetailsDestination.openHomeDetails(cardId = 42))

internal object HomeDetailsContent : HomeDetailsDestination {
override fun AnimatedContentScope.Content() {


A `GraphFactory` is generated for you which you can use with an extension function `addGraphs` to have ease of use like
navigationGraphs = GraphFactory.graphs
you can checkout [this line](

A `Navigator` is there for you to collect the navigation events and also to send navigation events, for a single module setup, you can check out the [sample](

Multi module

You would need to create one umbrella module, usually named "navigator" or however you see fit where you would write the code
for the Graphs

//:navigator module
startingDestination = UserAccountDetails::class,
destinations = [
internal object UserAccountGraph

internal object UserAccountDetails : Screen

internal object ChangePassword : BottomSheet

internal object DeleteAccount : Dialog

@Destination(generateScreenEntryArguments = true)
@Argument(name = "email", argumentType = ArgumentType.STRING)
@CallbackArgument(name = "isAccountUpdated", argumentType = ArgumentType.BOOLEAN)
internal object EditAccountDetails : Screen

@Graph(startingDestination = Home::class, rootGraph = true)
internal object HomeGraph

@Argument(name = "hideBottomNav", argumentType = ArgumentType.BOOLEAN, defaultValue = DefaultBooleanValueFalse::class)
internal object Home : Screen

Your `:navigator` module acts as the only point where you have the navigation codegen code and nothing else, here you can control the `arg` whether to generate injectable view model arguments through
ksp {
arg("foSho.injectViewModelArguments", "true")

Then inside your feature module

// :feature:user_details
internal object UserAccountDetailsContent : UserAccountDetailsDestination {
override fun AnimatedContentScope.Content() {

and also make sure to add the `:feature:user_details` in your `:app` module so that it can be aggregated into the `GraphFactory`.

- `Screen` has [AnimatedContentScope]( as a receiver
- `Dialog` doesn't have any receiver
- `BottomSheet` has a [ColumnScope]( as a receiver

#### Important for Kotlin < 1.8.0

When using Kotlin version older than 1.8.0, you need to make sure the IDE looks at the generated folder.
See KSP related [issue](

How to do it depends on the AGP version you are using in this case:

> **Warning**: In both cases, add this inside `android` block and replacing `applicationVariants` with `libraryVariants` if the module is not an application one (i.e, it uses `''` plugin).

Since AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) version 7.4.0

* groovy - build.gradle(:module-name)

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
new File(buildDir, "generated/ksp/${}/kotlin")

* kotlin - build.gradle.kts(:module-name)

applicationVariants.all {
File(buildDir, "generated/ksp/$name/kotlin")

For AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) version older than 7.4.0

* groovy - build.gradle(:module-name)

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
kotlin.sourceSets {
getByName( {

* kotlin - build.gradle.kts(:module-name)

applicationVariants.all {
kotlin.sourceSets {
getByName(name) {

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## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

## License
[Apache 2.0](