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Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.

android android-app android-application android-library android-mvvm android-mvvm-architecture clean-architecture dagger dagger2 databinding mvvm navigation-architecture-component okhttp retrofit room rxandroid rxjava rxjava2 solid sqlite

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Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.




# Android MVVM Library + Comprehensive Demo Application

> ***Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.

The library is accompanied by a comprehensive Demo Application that is built around MVVM and Clean Architecture concepts. The Demo Application utilizes such popular libraries as: [RxJava](, [Dagger2](, [Android Navigation Architecture Component](, [OkHttp](, [Retrofit](, [Room](, [Glide](***

**Android MVVM Library** will make the implementation of your MVVM-based application a trivial task thus allowing you to spend more time focusing on other important things.

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## Contents

* [Demo](#demo)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Modules](#modules)
* [Basic Implementation](#basic-implementation)
* [Dagger Based Implementation](#dagger-based-implementation)
* [Navigation Component Based Implementation](#navigation-component-based-implementation)
* [Navigation Component and Dagger Based Implementation](#navigation-component-and-dagger-based-implementation)
* [Compilation](#compilation)
* [Contribution](#contribution)
* [Hall of Fame](#hall-of-fame)
* [License](#license)

## Demo

***Marvel Universe*** Application is an application built around MVVM and Clean Architecture concepts, as well as the data provided by the [Marvel API]( The application allows you to browse through the Marvel comics, events and characters; each of the aforementioned entities is accompanied by a corresponding detailed overview screen, which gives you even more insight into the Marvel Universe.

### Screenshots

### Application Architecture

![Application Architecture](

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

**1. Make sure that you've added the `jcenter()` repository to your top-level `build.gradle` file.**

buildscript {
repositories {

**2. Enable the **jetifier** and **androidX** support in the top-level `` file.**


**3. Update your `compileSdkVersion` in the module-level `build.gradle` file to **29+**.**

android {
compileSdkVersion 29

**4. Enable the Data Binding in the module-level `build.gradle` file.**

android {
dataBinding {
enabled true

**5. Replace your `*` dependency with the new `androidx.appcompat.*` alternative.**

dependencies {
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2"

**6. Add the [Android Lifecycle (ViewModel)](, [RxJava]( and [RxBus]( dependencies to the module-level `build.gradle` file.**

dependencies {
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel:2.0.0"
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.12"
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1"
implementation "com.arthurivanets.rxbus:rxbus:1.1.0"

### Android MVVM Dependencies

The basic implementation must include the core module
> ***Latest version:*** [ ![Download]( ](

`implementation "com.arthurivanets.mvvm:mvvm-core:X.Y.Z"`

Which should be added to your module-level `build.gradle` file.

ext {
androidMvvmLibraryVersion = "1.3.1"

dependencies {
implementation "com.arthurivanets.mvvm:mvvm-core:$androidMvvmLibraryVersion"

After that you can proceed with further implementation.
> ***See: [Basic Implementation](#basic-implementation), [Dagger Based Implementation](#dagger-based-implementation), [Navigation Component Based Implementation](#navigation-component-based-implementation), [Navigation Component and Dagger Based Implementation](#navigation-component-and-dagger-based-implementation)***

## Modules

The library is comprised of several modules, namely:

* [`mvvm-core`]( - core implementation (Required)
* [`mvvm-dagger`]( - Dagger DI based implementation (Optional)
* [`mvvm-navigation`]( - Android Navigation Component based implementation (Optional)
* [`mvvm-navigation-dagger`]( - Android Navigation Component + Dagger DI based implementation (Optional)

The [`mvvm-core`]( module is a core module the other modules depend on. It provides all the means necessary to create the MVVM-based Fragments and Activities, as well the corresponding ViewModels. (***See: [`MvvmFragment`](, [`MvvmActivity`](, [`BaseViewModel`](, [`AbstractViewModel`](, [`Command`](, [`ViewState`](, [`Route`](***)

The [`mvvm-dagger`]( module is a module that provides the [`MvvmActivity`]( and [`MvvmFragment`]( implementations that automatically handle the injection of the [`Dagger DI`]( dependencies.

The [`mvvm-navigation`]( module is a module that provides the [`MvvmActivity`]( and [`MvvmFragment`]( implementations with built-in support for the [`Android Navigation Component`]( based navigation.

[`mvvm-navigation-dagger`]( module is a module that provides the [`MvvmActivity`]( and [`MvvmFragment`]( implementations that have both the built-in support for the [`Android Navigation Component`]( based navigation and automatic handling of the injection of the [`Dagger DI`]( dependencies.

## Basic Implementation

The basic implementation consists of 5 simple steps, namely:
1) Creation of the ViewModel
2) Creation of the ViewModel-specific View States & Commands
3) Creation of the application screen routes
4) Creation of the `layout.xml` for the Activity/Fragment
5) Implementation of the Activity/Fragment

So, let's start with the creation of the ViewModel for our Activity and/or Fragment.

SimpleViewModel.kt [contract] (click to expand)

interface SimpleViewModel : BaseViewModel {

// The rest of your observable fields and event propagation methods should be defined here


> The ViewModel contract should implement the [`BaseViewModel`]( interface.

SimpleViewModelImpl.kt [concrete implementation] (click to expand)

class SimpleViewModelImpl : AbstractViewModel(), SimpleViewModel {

// Your concrete implementation...


> The concrete implementation of the ViewModel should extend the [`AbstractViewModel`]( class and implement the corresponding contract interface.

Then, create the ViewModel-specific View States & Commands.

GeneralViewStates.kt (click to expand)

sealed class GeneralViewStates(payload : T? = null) : ViewState(payload) {

class Initial : GeneralViewStates()

class Loading(payload : T? = null) : GeneralViewStates(payload)

class Success(payload : T? = null) : GeneralViewStates(payload)

class Error(payload : T? = null) : GeneralViewStates(payload)

// The rest of your View State go here...


> The implementation of the ViewModel-specific View States should be based upon the [`ViewState`]( class.

GeneralViewModelCommands.kt (click to expand)

sealed class GeneralViewModelCommands(payload : T? = null) : Command(payload) {

class ShowToast(text : String) : GeneralViewModelCommands(text)

class RestartApplication : GeneralViewModelCommands()

// The rest of your ViewModel Commands go here...


> The implementation of the ViewModel-specific Commands should be based upon the [`Command`]( class.

Then, create the application screen routes.

MarvelRoutes.kt (click to expand)

sealed class MarvelRoutes(payload : T? = null) : Route(payload) {

class CharacterInfoScreen(character : Character) : MarvelRoutes(character)

class ComicsInfoScreen(comics : Comics) : MarvelRoutes(comics)

class EventInfoScreen(event : Event) : MarvelRoutes(event)

// The rest of your Application Routes go here...


> The implementation of the Application Screen Routes should be based upon the [`Route`]( class.

After that, let's create the `layout.xml` files for both our Activity and Fragment.

activity_simple_mvvm.xml + fragment_simple_mvvm.xml (click to expand)



Finally, let's implement the MVVM-based Activity and Fragment.

SimpleMvvmActivity.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.MvvmActivity

class SimpleMvvmActivity : MvvmActivity() {

private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel

override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()

// The rest of the Activity Initialization goes here...

override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...

override fun onHandleCommand(command : Command<*>) {
// handle the ViewModel-specific command here... (e.g. Restart the Application, Show Toast, etc.)

override fun onViewStateChanged(state : ViewState<*>) {
// handle the View State Change here... (adjust your UI correspondingly)

override fun onRoute(route : Route<*>) {
// handle the Application Route here... (navigate to the corresponding screen)

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_simple_mvvm

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel


> The implementation of the MVVM Activity should be based upon the Core [`MvvmActivity`]( class.

SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.MvvmFragment

class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment() {

private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel

override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()

// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...

override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...

override fun onHandleCommand(command : Command<*>) {
// handle the ViewModel-specific command here... (e.g. Restart the Application, Show Toast, etc.)

override fun onViewStateChanged(state : ViewState<*>) {
// handle the View State Change here... (adjust your UI correspondingly)

override fun onRoute(route : Route<*>) {
// handle the Application Route here... (navigate to the corresponding screen)

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel


> The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Core [`MvvmFragment`]( class.

The [`MvvmActivity`](, [`MvvmFragment`]( and [`AbstractViewModel`]( classes provide many convenience methods for dealing with the lifecycle of the ObservableField subscriptions and Rx disposbles, so it's definitely a good idea to look through the implementations in order to familiarize yourself with the available APIs.

> ***See: [`MvvmActivity`](, [`MvvmFragment`](, [`BaseViewModel`](, [`AbstractViewModel`](, [`Command`](, [`ViewState`](, [`Route`](, [`GeneralViewStates`](, [`MarvelRoutes`](***

## Dagger Based Implementation

The Dagger-based implementation process is almost identical to the one of the [Basic Implementation](basic-implementation), the only thing that's different here is the fact that you need to use the [`MvvmActivity`]( and [`MvvmFragment`]( provided by the [`mvvm-dagger`]( module instead of the ones coming from the [`mvvm-core`]( module.

SimpleMvvmActivity.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.dagger.MvvmActivity

class SimpleMvvmActivity : MvvmActivity() {

private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel

// The rest of the Activity Initialization goes here...

override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...

override fun onHandleCommand(command : Command<*>) {
// handle the ViewModel-specific command here... (e.g. Restart the Application, Show Toast, etc.)

override fun onViewStateChanged(state : ViewState<*>) {
// handle the View State Change here... (adjust your UI correspondingly)

override fun onRoute(route : Route<*>) {
// handle the Application Route here... (navigate to the corresponding screen)

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_simple_mvvm

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel


> The implementation of the MVVM Activity should be based upon the Dagger [`MvvmActivity`]( class.

SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.dagger.MvvmFragment

class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment() {

private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel

// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...

override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...

override fun onHandleCommand(command : Command<*>) {
// handle the ViewModel-specific command here... (e.g. Restart the Application, Show Toast, etc.)

override fun onViewStateChanged(state : ViewState<*>) {
// handle the View State Change here... (adjust your UI correspondingly)

override fun onRoute(route : Route<*>) {
// handle the Application Route here... (navigate to the corresponding screen)

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel


> The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Dagger [`MvvmFragment`]( class.

> ***See: [`MvvmActivity`](, [`MvvmFragment`](***

## Navigation Component Based Implementation

The Navigation Component based implementation process has many things in common with the [Basic Implementation](basic-implementation); the differences are shown in the code snippets below.

activity_host.xml (click to expand)



> The [`MvvmNavHostFragment`]( should be used as a Navigation Host Fragment of the Host Activity.

HostActivity.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.navigation.MvvmActivity

class HostActivity : MvvmActivity() {

private var localViewModel : StubViewModel

override fun injectDependencies() {
localViewModel = StubViewModelImpl()

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_host

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : HostActivityViewModel {
return localViewModel

override fun getNavigationGraphId() : Int {
return R.navigation.your_navigation_graph


> The implementation of the Host Activity should be based upon the Navigation [`MvvmActivity`]( class.

SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)

import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.navigation.MvvmFragment

class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment() {

private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel

override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()

// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...

override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...

override fun onHandleCommand(command : Command<*>) {
// handle the ViewModel-specific command here... (e.g. Restart the Application, Show Toast, etc.)

override fun onViewStateChanged(state : ViewState<*>) {
// handle the View State Change here... (adjust your UI correspondingly)

override fun onRoute(route : Route<*>) {
// handle the Application Route here... (navigate to the corresponding screen)

override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm

override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel

override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel


> The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Navigation [`MvvmFragment`]( class.

> ***See: [`MvvmActivity`](, [`MvvmFragment`](, [`MvvmNavHostFragment`](***

## Navigation Component and Dagger Based Implementation

Shares many implementation-specific aspects with the previously described implementation types and is used in the [`Demo Application`](

> ***See: [`MvvmActivity`](, [`MvvmFragment`](***

## Compilation

In order to compile the [`app`]( module you need to obtain the `PUBLIC_API_KEY` and `PRIVATE_API_KEY` from the [`Marvel API`]( portal, which should be saved in either global `` file or the project-specific one thereafter.


## Contribution

See the []( file.

## Hall of Fame

> Using Android MVVM Library in your app and want it to get listed here? Email me at [email protected]!

## License

Android MVVM Library is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE).