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Public repository for PromLens documentation, issues, bugs, and feature requests

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Public repository for PromLens documentation, issues, bugs, and feature requests




# PromLens

**NOTE: This repository documents the former commercial version of PromLens. PromLens has since been open-sourced to the Prometheus project and now lives at PromLens is now free for anyone to use without a license key!**

This repository contains documentation and public issues and feature requests for the [PromLens PromQL query builder, analyzer, and visualizer](

## Reporting issues

Please file issues on the [GitHub issue tracker](

## Running PromLens

The following documents how to run PromLens yourself using the [official Docker image](

### Example deployment

To run PromLens as a preview version without a license key, and with commercial features (link sharing, Grafana integration, etc.) disabled:

docker run -p 8080:8080 promlabs/promlens

To run PromLens with a license key, and with link sharing and Grafana integration enabled, using SQLite for link sharing:

docker run -p 8080:8080 promlabs/promlens \
--license.key=$LICENSE_KEY \
--shared-links.sql.driver=sqlite3 \
--shared-links.sql.dsn=/tmp/promlens-links.db \
--grafana.url=$GRAFANA_URL \

Then head to http://localhost:8080/ to see the PromLens web UI.

### Flags

The `promlens` binary in the Docker image has the following flags:

./promlens --help
usage: promlens []

The PromLens server

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--license.key="" License key for PromLens (set either this or --license.key-file).
--license.key-file="" Path to a file containing the license key for PromLens (set either this or --license.key).
Name of the GCS bucket for storing shared links. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to the JSON file defining your service account credentials (needs to have permission to create, delete, and view objects in the provided bucket).
The SQL driver to use for storing shared links in a SQL database. Supported values: [mysql, sqlite3].
--shared-links.sql.dsn="" SQL Data Source Name when using a SQL database to shared links (see for MySQL, for SQLite3). Alternatively, use the environment variable PROMLENS_SHARED_LINKS_DSN to indicate this value.
Whether to automatically create the required tables when using a SQL database for shared links.
The maximum retention time for shared links when using a SQL database (e.g. '10m', '12h', '30d'). Set to 0 for infinite retention.
--grafana.url="" The URL of your Grafana installation, to enable the Grafana datasource selector.
--grafana.api-token="" The auth token to pass to the Grafana API.
A file containing the auth token to pass to the Grafana API.
The default Grafana datasource ID to use (overrides Grafana's own default).
The address to listen on for the web API.
--web.external-url="" The URL under which PromLens is externally reachable (for example, if PromLens is served via a reverse proxy). Used for generating relative and absolute links back to PromLens itself. If the URL has a path portion, it will be used to prefix all HTTP endpoints served by PromLens. If omitted, relevant URL components will be derived automatically.
--web.route-prefix="" Prefix for the internal routes of web endpoints. Defaults to path of --web.external-url.
The default Prometheus URL to load PromLens with.
--log.level=info Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
--log.format=logfmt Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]

For boolean flags that default to `true`, you can set them to `false` by specifying `--no-`, e.g. `--no-shared-links.sql.create-tables`.

### Providing a license key (OPTIONAL, for non-free features)

To enable non-free PromLens features such as the Grafana datasource selector and link sharing, you will need to provide a license key. If you are interested in a trial license key, please just ask for one at [email protected] or sign up at

To start PromLens with the license key provided directly as a flag value:

docker run -p 8080:8080 promlabs/promlens --license.key=$LICENSE_KEY

Alternatively, you can provide the license key in a file:

docker run -p 8080:8080 promlabs/promlens --license.key-file=$LICENSE_KEY_FILE

### Enabling link sharing

**NOTE:** Link sharing requires a valid PromLens license key.

Link sharing allows persisting the state of an entire PromLens query page and sharing it with others.

By default, the link sharing backend is disabled. You can enable link sharing either via Google Cloud Storage, MySQL, or SQLite3:

#### Google Cloud Storage

To use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for link sharing, set the `--shared-links.gcs.bucket=` flag and set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to point to a JSON file containing your service account credentials (needs to have permission to create, delete, and view objects in the provided bucket).

#### SQlite3

To save shared links to a local SQLite3 database, set the `--shared-links.sql.driver=sqlite3` and `--shared-links.sql.dsn=` flags.

#### MySQL

To save shared links in a MySQL database, set the `--shared-links.sql.driver=mysql` and `--shared-links.sql.dsn=` flag (see for MySQL DNS specifications).

By default, PromLens will try to auto-create the necessary tables in your MySQL database. This requires the PromLens database user to have `CREATE` permissions. To turn off automatic table creation for MySQL, set the `--no-shared-links.sql.create-tables` flag. If you want to create tables manually, run the following against your PromLens MySQL database:

short_name VARCHAR(11) UNIQUE,
page_state TEXT

link_id INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY(link_id) REFERENCES link(id)

### Enabling Grafana datasource integration

**NOTE:** Grafana datasource integration requires a valid PromLens license key.

To enable selection of datasources from an existing Grafana installation, set the `--grafana.url` flag to the URL of your Grafana installation, as well as either the `--grafana.api-token` flag (providing an API token directly as a flag) or the `--grafana.api-token-file` flag (providing an API token from a file).

#### Creating a Grafana API token

To create an API token suitable for looking up datasources in Grafana:

- Head to "Configuration > API Keys" in Grafana.
- Click "Add API key".
- Give the key a descriptive name, set the "Role" to "Admin", and set its life time to the desired duration (long is recommended, as you will need to regenerate it frequently otherwise).
- Press "Add" and note down the displayed API key.

### Direct links to queries

If you have a valid license key, you can link to a specific query without creating a persisted shared link, by appending a `q` query parameter to the PromLens URL. For example, directly displays and executes the query `up`. For more complex shared pages, we still recommend creating a full shared page link, as this allows more control over the tree view state, as well as the selected visualization methods.

### Architecture

Depending on whether you enable commercial features with a license, the PromLens backend has fewer or more responsibilities:

#### Preview features

When running the preview version of PromLens without a license key, the backend is only used to serve static assets and parse PromQL queries into a tree view:

![Basic PromLens architecture](images/promlens_basic_architecture.svg)

#### Full features (with license)

If you enable link sharing and/or Grafana datasource integration when using PromLens with a license key, the backend also stores and retrieves shared links and connects to Grafana to list datasources and proxy queries:

![Advanced PromLens architecture](images/promlens_advanced_architecture.svg)