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Automatically generate a style guide from your stylesheets.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Automatically generate a style guide from your stylesheets.





StyleDocco generates documentation and style guide documents from your stylesheets.

Stylesheet comments will be parsed through [Markdown]( and displayed in a generated HTML document. You can write HTML code prefixed with 4 spaces or between [code fences]( (```) in your comments, and StyleDocco show a preview with the styles applied, and displays the example HTML code.

The previews are rendered in a resizable iframes to make it easy to demonstrate responsive designs at different viewport sizes.

Suggestions, feature requests and bug reports are welcome either at [GitHub]( or on Twitter ([@jacobrask](


StyleDocco requires [Node.js]( After installing Node.js, run `npm install -fg styledocco` or clone this repository and run `./bin/styledocco`.

StyleDocco is free and open source software, released under the [MIT license](


`styledocco [options] [STYLESHEET(S)]`


* `--name`, `-n` Name of the project
* `--out`, `-o` Output directory *(default: "docs")*
* `--preprocessor` Custom preprocessor command. *(optional)* (ex: `--preprocessor "~/bin/lessc"`)
* `--include` Include specified CSS and/or JavaScript files in the previews. *(optional)* (ex: `--include mysite.css --include app.js`)
* `--verbose` Show log messages when generating the documentation. *(default: false)*
* Stylesheet (or directory of stylesheets) to process.

Usage examples

Generate documentation for *My Project* in the `docs` folder, from the files in the `css` directory.

`styledocco -n "My Project" css`

Generate documentation for *My Project* in the `mydocs` folder, from source files in the `styles` folder. Use the `--compass` option for SASS to make Compass imports available.

`styledocco -n "My Project" -o mydocs -s mydocs --preprocessor "scss --compass" styles`


/* Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons.

Primary */
.btn.primary {
background: blue;
color: white;

Would display the description, a rendered button as well as the example HTML code. The CSS will be applied to the preview.

See the `examples` folder for more in-depth examples.

Tips and tricks

* StyleDocco will automatically compile any SASS, SCSS, Less or Stylus files before they are applied to the page. You can also enter a custom preprocessor command if you want to pass custom parameters to the preprocessor.
* If your project includes a `` file, it will be used as the base for an `index.html`.
* If you don't specify a custom name, StyleDocco will use the name from a `package.json` file if it finds one.
* Put some whitespace before a comment block to exclude it from the documentation.
* Level 1 headings will automatically create a new section in the documentation.
* Add `:hover`, `:focus`, etc as class names in example code and the pseudo class styles will be applied in the preview.

Change Log

v0.6.6 - Jan 28, 2014

* Fix failure to render iframes in new versions of Chrome (#100)
* Make it an option to minify the code (#106)

v0.6.5 - Nov 17, 2013

* Fix failure to install on some systems (#94)

v0.6.4 - Oct 07, 2013

* Large preprocessor outputs hit the maxBuffer limit (#87)
* Relative image path is no longer added to data: URLs (#88)
* Replace path.exists with fs.exists (#92)
* Can now use a backslash to separate directories on Windows (#95)
* HTTP URLs in paths now behave correctly (#97)

v0.6.3 - July 09, 2013

* Do not add relative paths to data URLs

v0.6.2 - June 30, 2013

* Find assets recursively in Windows
* Fail gracefully on no files error
* Relative url() paths are now preserved

v0.6.1 - August 20, 2012

* Mute all preprocessor errors unless using verbose option
* Don't try to preprocess SASS partials
* Design tweaks

v0.6.0 - August 15, 2012

* Remove custom resources option, as client side scripts/styles are vital to the functionality
* Editable, auto-updating code examples
* Documentation-wide search
* Page specific Table of Contents

v0.5.0 - July 23, 2012

* Render previews in sandboxed iframes
* Resizing of iframes for responsive debugging
* All processed CSS is included in all previews
* Allow custom JavaScript and CSS files to be included in previews
* Updated design with topbar instead of sidebar and new colors


A lot of the heavy lifting in StyleDocco is done by the excellent [Marked]( module by Christopher Jeffrey. The original [Docco]( by Jeremy Ashkenas and [Knyle Style Sheets]( have also been sources of inspiration for StyleDocco.