
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Git client for Android.

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A Git client for Android.




A Git client for Android.

# This project is no longer being maintained. Further development on this app is now being done in the [MGit project]( Please submit all PRs and issues there.

## Notes

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* All repositories are stored in `[sdcard dir]/Android/data/me.sheimi.sgit/files/[repo name]`. If you want to delete this app, you can manually backup repositories from this location.
* The GitHub repo of this project is: [sheimi/SGit](
* If you encounter any issues (bugs, crashes, etc.) and want to help improve this project, please open an issue on [GitHub]( describing: what the issues are; and how they were caused, to allow for re-creation and fixing of bugs.
* This app is for Android v4.x. It **might** work on Android v2.x, but will not be supported officially due to lack of resources for testing.

## Supported Features

* Create local repositories
* Clone remote repositories
* Pull from origin
* Delete local repositories
* Browse files
* Browse commit messages (short)
* Checkout branches and tags
* HTTP/HTTPS/SSH are supported (without private key passphrase)
* Username/Password authentication is supported
* Search local repositories
* Private keys management
* Manually choose code language
* `git diff` between commits (to be enhanced)
* Import copied repositories (that is, you can copy a repository from computer and import to SGit)
* Checkout remote branches
* Merge branches
* Push merged content
* Edit file (you must have some app that can edit file)
* Commit and push changed files (commit all changes)
* Committer information
* Prompt for password
* Choose not to save password and username (will not be saved in disk but may be temporarily saved in memory)
* `git status`
* Cancel when cloning
* Add modified file to stage
* `git rebase`
* `git cherrypick`
* `git checkout ` (reset changes of a file)

Android app on Google Play
Android app on F-Droid

## Quick start

### Clone a remote repository

1. Click on the *+* icon to add a new repository.
2. Enter remote URL (see URL format below).
3. Enter local repository name - note that this is not a path since SGit stores all repositories in the same directory on the mobile device.
4. Username - username to use to clone the remote repo.
5. Password - password to use to clone the remote repo.
6. Click the *Clone* button.
7. If all the credentials are correct, SGit will download the repository (all branches) to your device.

### Create a local repository
1. Click on the *+* icon to add a new repository.
2. Click on *Init Local* to create a local repository.
3. Enter the name for this repository when prompted.
4. A local repo will be created.

### URL format

#### SSH URLs

* SSH running on standard port (22): `ssh://username@server_name/path/to/repo`
* SSH running on non-standard port: `ssh://username@server_name:port/path/to/repo`
* `username` is needed - by default, SGit tries to connect as root.

#### HTTP(S) URLs

* HTTP(S) URL: `https://server_name/path/to/repo`

## To Do List

* Private key passphrase
* Submodule support
* Dark theme
* Commits related to a file
* Commit graph (low priority)

## License


## Help

If you want to help improve this project, contributions are very welcome.

Fork from this repo: [sheimi/SGit](, create a new branch, commit your changes and then send a pull request against the **master** branch of this repo.