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Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.

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Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.





Google Material Design Progress Linear bar.

It uses CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript which doesn't depend on any other libraries.

## Types and preview

Type 1. `Determinate`

Type 2. `Buffer`

Type 3. `Indeterminate`

Type 4. `Query Indeterminate and Determinate`

Or you can see all types together:

[Vedio:Material Progress & activity](

### DEMO

[See the Online demo](

## How to start

#### Install it

Include `mprogress.min.js` and `mprogress.min.css` in your target html file.



You can also install it via [Bower]( or [npm](

bower install --save mprogress
npm install --save mprogress

## Basic usage

Example for the `Determinate` type


var mprogress = new Mprogress();

2.Show and start the bar by using:


Or you can just use `the following code` to replace step 1 and 2:

var mprogress = new Mprogress('start'); //start it immediately

3.Finish the loading and hide it :


## Advanced usage

All types have `start` and `end` methods.

#### Type1: Determinate

`Determinate` also has `set` and `inc` methods.

##### set(n)

Sets the progress bar status, where `n` is a number from `0.0` to `1.0`.


##### inc()

Increases by a random amount.

```js; // Increase the bar with a random amount.; // This will get the current status value and adds 0.3 until status is 0.994

#### Type2: Buffer

Its always used for video loading, and you can use for other case.

Init Type Buffer :

var bufferIntObj = {
template: 2
var bufferProgress = new Mprogress(bufferIntObj);

##### Start it:


If you want to start it immediately after instantiating it,you can use:

var bufferIntObj = {
template: 2, // type number
start: true // start it now
var bufferProgress = new Mprogress(bufferIntObj);

##### End it:


`Buffer` also has `set` , `inc` and `setBuffer` methods

Type `Buffer` has two progress: main progress and buffer progress.

##### `set(n)`

Sets the main progress bar status (0,1)

##### `setBuffer(num)`

Sets the buffer progress bar status (0,1)

##### inc()

Increases by a random amount, including buffer bar.

#### Type3:Indeterminate

Init Type Indeterminate :

var intObj = {
template: 3,
parent: '#customId' // this option will insert bar HTML into this parent Element
var indeterminateProgress = new Mprogress(intObj);

Type Indeterminate just has `start` and `end` methods.



#### Type4:Query Indeterminate and Determinate

Init Type Query :

var intObj = {
template: 4,
parent: '#anothercustomId' // to other position
var queryProgress = new Mprogress(intObj);

Type Query just has `start` and `end` methods.



## Configuration

Passing an object(configuration) to instantiated Mprogress

var mp = new Mprogress(configuration);


Set the progress bar type. (default: 1)

var mp = new Mprogress({
// vaule {
// 1: Type Determinate,
// 2: Buffer,
// 3: Indeterminate,
// 4: Query,
// '

': 'yourcustomHTML'
// }
template: 2


Change the parent container where the bar is shown. (default: body)

var mp = new Mprogress({
parent: '#customContainer'


Start the bar immediately. (default: false)

var mp = new Mprogress({
template: 4,
start: true

For type1 Determinate, you can just use:

var mp = new Mprogress('start');

## Advanced Configuration








## Browser Support

Mobile First.

All types work in Chrome and Firefox.

Type Determinate works in all browsers.

## License

[MIT]( © [gctang](