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A plugin of maptalks.js to draw markers with animation.

map mapping maptalks maptalks-layer maptalks-plugins marker

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

A plugin of maptalks.js to draw markers with animation.




# maptalks.animatemarker

[![NPM Version](](

A plugin of [maptalks.js]( to draw markers with animation.


## Examples

* [Locations of this week's earthquakes](

## Install

* Install with npm: ```npm install maptalks.animatemarker```.
* Download from [dist directory](
* Use unpkg CDN: ``````

## Usage

As a plugin, ```maptalks.animatemarker``` must be loaded after ```maptalks.js``` in browsers.

var data = [marker1, marker2, marker3];
var animMarkerLayer = new maptalks.AnimateMarkerLayer('anim-markers', data).addTo(map);


## Supported Browsers

IE 9-11, Chrome, Firefox, other modern and mobile browsers.

## API Reference

```AnimateMarkerLayer``` is a subclass of [maptalks.VectorLayer]( and inherits all the methods of its parent.

### `Constructor`

new maptalks.AnimateMarkerLayer(id, data, options)

* id **String** layer id
* data **Marker[]** layer data, an array of maptalks.Marker
* options **Object** options
* animation **String** animation effects: 'scale', 'fade' or 'scale,fade' ('scale,fade' by default)
* animationDuration **Number** the animation duration (3000 by default)
* randomAnimation **Boolean** animation begins randomly (true by default)
* animationOnce **Boolean** whether animation only run once (false by default)
* fps **Number** fps of animation (24 by default)
* Other options defined in [maptalks.VectorLayer](

### `config(key, value)`

config layer's options and redraw the layer if necessary

animMarkerLayer.config('animation', 'scale');

**Returns** `this`

### `toJSON()`

export the layer's JSON.

var json = animMarkerLayer.toJSON();
var animLayer = maptalks.Layer.fromJSON(json);
**Returns** `Object`

## Contributing

We welcome any kind of contributions including issue reportings, pull requests, documentation corrections, feature requests and any other helps.

## Develop

The only source file is ```index.js```.

It is written in ES6, transpiled by [babel]( and tested with [mocha]( and [expect.js](

### Scripts

* Install dependencies
$ npm install

* Watch source changes and generate runnable bundle repeatedly
$ gulp watch

* Tests
$ npm test

* Watch source changes and run tests repeatedly
$ gulp tdd

* Package and generate minified bundles to dist directory
$ gulp minify

* Lint
$ npm run lint