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High performance Python GLMs with all the features!

elastic-net gamma glm lasso logit poisson ridge tweedie

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High performance Python GLMs with all the features!




# glum



Generalized linear models (GLM) are a core statistical tool that include many common methods like least-squares regression, Poisson regression and logistic regression as special cases. At QuantCo, we have used GLMs in e-commerce pricing, insurance claims prediction and more. We have developed `glum`, a fast Python-first GLM library. The development was based on [a fork of scikit-learn](, so it has a scikit-learn-like API. We are thankful for the starting point provided by Christian Lorentzen in that PR!

The goal of `glum` is to be at least as feature-complete as existing GLM libraries like `glmnet` or `h2o`. It supports

* Built-in cross validation for optimal regularization, efficiently exploiting a “regularization path”
* L1 regularization, which produces sparse and easily interpretable solutions
* L2 regularization, including variable matrix-valued (Tikhonov) penalties, which are useful in modeling correlated effects
* Elastic net regularization
* Normal, Poisson, logistic, gamma, and Tweedie distributions, plus varied and customizable link functions
* Box constraints, linear inequality constraints, sample weights, offsets

This repo also includes tools for benchmarking GLM implementations in the `glum_benchmarks` module. For details on the benchmarking, [see here](src/glum_benchmarks/ Although the performance of `glum` relative to `glmnet` and `h2o` depends on the specific problem, we find that when N >> K (there are more observations than predictors), it is consistently much faster for a wide range of problems.

![Performance benchmarks](docs/_static/headline_benchmark.png#gh-light-mode-only)
![Performance benchmarks](docs/_static/headline_benchmark_dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only)

For more information on `glum`, including tutorials and API reference, please see [the documentation](

Why did we choose the name `glum`? We wanted a name that had the letters GLM and wasn't easily confused with any existing implementation. And we thought glum sounded like a funny name (and not glum at all!). If you need a more professional sounding name, feel free to pronounce it as G-L-um. Or maybe it stands for "Generalized linear... ummm... modeling?"

# A classic example predicting housing prices

>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
>>> from glum import GeneralizedLinearRegressor
>>> # This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes
>>> # Seattle. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015.
>>> house_data = fetch_openml(name="house_sales", version=3, as_frame=True)
>>> # Use only select features
>>> X =[
... [
... "bedrooms",
... "bathrooms",
... "sqft_living",
... "floors",
... "waterfront",
... "view",
... "condition",
... "grade",
... "yr_built",
... "yr_renovated",
... ]
... ].copy()
>>> # Model whether a house had an above or below median price via a Binomial
>>> # distribution. We'll be doing L1-regularized logistic regression.
>>> price =
>>> y = (price < price.median()).values.astype(int)
>>> model = GeneralizedLinearRegressor(
... family='binomial',
... l1_ratio=1.0,
... alpha=0.001
... )
>>> _ =, y=y)
>>> # .report_diagnostics shows details about the steps taken by the iterative solver
>>> diags = model.get_formatted_diagnostics(full_report=True)
>>> diags[['objective_fct']]
0 0.693091
1 0.489500
2 0.449585
3 0.443681
4 0.443498
5 0.443497


# Installation

Please install the package through conda-forge:
conda install glum -c conda-forge