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DepthAI Python API utilities, examples, and tutorials.

ai cv embedded ml performant spatial

Last synced: 3 months ago
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DepthAI Python API utilities, examples, and tutorials.




# DepthAI API Demo Program

[![License: MIT](](

This repo contains demo application, which can load different networks, create pipelines, record video, etc.

_Click on the GIF below to see a full example run_

[![depthai demo](](

__Documentation is available at [](

## Installation
First you need to clone this repository with
git clone --recursive
In case you have repository already cloned, you can update your submodules with:
git pull --recurse-submodules
There are two installation steps that need to be performed to make sure the demo works:
- **One-time installation** that will add all necessary packages to your OS.
$ sudo curl -fL | bash
Please follow [this installation page]( to see instructions for other platforms

- **Python dependencies installation** that makes sure your Python interpreter has all required packages installed.
This script is safe to be run multiple times and should be ran after every demo update
$ python3

## Docker

One may start any DepthAI programs also through Docker:
(Allowing X11 access from container might be required: `xhost local:root`)

DepthAI Demo
docker run --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw' -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --network host --rm -i -t luxonis/depthai:latest python3 /depthai/

docker run --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw' -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --network host --rm -i -t luxonis/depthai:latest python3 /depthai/ [parameters]

## Usage

This repository and the demo script itself can be used in various independent cases:
- As a tool to try out different DepthAI features, explorable either with command line arguments (with `--guiType cv`) or in clickable QT interface (with `--guiType qt`)
- As a quick prototyping backbone, either utilising [callbacks mechanism]( or by [extending the `Demo` class itself](

### QT GUI usage

See instuctions [here](

![qt demo](

### Command line usage


`python3 -gt cv` - RGB & CNN inference example

`python3 -gt cv -vid ` - CNN inference on video example

`python3 -gt cv -cnn person-detection-retail-0013` - Runs `person-detection-retail-0013` model from `resources/nn` directory

`python3 -gt cv -cnn tiny-yolo-v3 -sh 8` - Run `tiny-yolo-v3` model from `resources/nn` directory and compile for 8 shaves


![cv demo](

For the full reference, run ``$ --help``.

## DepthAI Apps

We currently have 2 apps, ``uvc`` and ``record``.

### UVC app

This app will upload an UVC pipeline to the connected OAK camera, so you will be able to use an [OAK as a webcam](

### Record App

Record app lets you record encoded and synced video streams (MJPEG/H265) across all available devices into .mp4, [Foxglove's .MCAP](, or [ROS' .bag ]( Since mono streams are synced, you will be able to reconstruct the whole stereo depth perception.

Run using ``$ -app record [-p SAVE_PATH] [-q QUALITY] [--save STREAMS] [-fc] [-tl]``. More information about the arguments and replaying can be [found here](

## Supported models

We have added support for a number of different AI models that work (decoding and visualization) out-of-the-box with the demo. You can specify which model to run with `-cnn` argument, as shown above. Currently supported models:

- deeplabv3p_person
- face-detection-adas-0001
- face-detection-retail-0004
- human-pose-estimation-0001
- mobilenet-ssd
- openpose2
- pedestrian-detection-adas-0002
- person-detection-retail-0013
- person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016
- road-segmentation-adas-0001
- tiny-yolo-v3
- vehicle-detection-adas-0002
- vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106
- yolo-v3

If you would like to use a custom AI model, see [documentation here](

## Usage statistics

By default, the demo script will collect anonymous usage statistics during runtime. These include:
- Device-specific information (like mxid, connected cameras, device state and connection type)
- Environment-specific information (like OS type, python version, package versions)

We gather this data to better understand what environemnts are our users using, as well as assist better in support questions.

**All of the data we collect is anonymous and you can disable it at any time**. To do so, click on the "Misc" tab and disable sending the statistics or create a `.consent` file in repository root with the following content

{"statistics": false}

## Reporting issues

We are actively developing the DepthAI framework, and it's crucial for us to know what kind of problems you are facing.
If you run into a problem, please follow the steps below and email [email protected]:

1. Run `` and share the output from (`log_system_information.txt`).
2. Take a photo of a device you are using (or provide us a device model)
3. Describe the expected results;
4. Describe the actual running results (what you see after started your script with DepthAI)
5. How you are using the DepthAI python API (code snippet, for example)
6. Console output