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Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency

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Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency




# p-all

> Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency

Similar to `Promise.all()`, but accepts functions instead of promises directly so you can limit the concurrency.

If you're doing the same work in each function, use [`p-map`]( instead.

See [`p-series`]( for a serial counterpart.

## Install

npm install p-all

## Usage

import pAll from 'p-all';
import got from 'got';

const actions = [
() => got(''),
() => got(''),
() => checkSomething(),
() => doSomethingElse()

console.log(await pAll(actions, {concurrency: 2}));

## API

### pAll(tasks, options?)

Returns a `Promise` that is fulfilled when all promises returned from calling the functions in `tasks` are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is an `Array` of the fulfilled values in `tasks` order.

#### tasks

Type: `Iterable`

Iterable with promise-returning/async functions.

#### options

Type: `object`

##### concurrency

Type: `number` *(Integer)*\
Default: `Infinity`\
Minimum: `1`

Number of concurrently pending promises.

##### stopOnError

Type: `boolean`\
Default: `true`

When set to `false`, instead of stopping when a promise rejects, it will wait for all the promises to settle and then reject with an [`AggregateError`]( containing all the errors from the rejected promises.

##### signal

Type: [`AbortSignal`](

You can abort the promises using [`AbortController`](

## Related

- [p-map]( - Map over promises concurrently
- [p-series]( - Run promise-returning & async functions in series
- [p-props]( - Like `Promise.all()` but for `Map` and `Object`
- [p-queue]( - Promise queue with concurrency control
- [p-limit]( - Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
- [More…](