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:sunrise: :zap: Add image lazy loading to your React app with ease

hooks image lazyload react

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:sunrise: :zap: Add image lazy loading to your React app with ease




# react-use-lazy-load-image :sunrise: :zap:

> Add image lazy loading to your React app with ease

`react-use-lazy-load-image` uses the [`IntersectionObserver`]( to provide a performant solution to lazy loading images that doesn't involve scroll event listeners. The `IntersectionObserver` API is still quite new so older browsers may not support this, however there are some good polyfills available for these use cases.

`react-use-lazy-load-image` is super light weight so won't add any extra bulk to your app.

As the name suggests `react-use-lazy-load-image` uses React Hooks, so you need to be using React function components to use this library.

### Usage

1. Add a `data-img-src` attribute ([you can customise this](#arguments)) to your `img` tags as your main image source
2. Change the `src` attribute to a placeholder like a small data URL blob
3. Import and run `useLazyLoadImage` in the body of your React function component

Now as your users scroll down the page the images will load just in time.

### Arguments

| Argument name | Default value | Description |
| imageAttribute | `'[data-img-src]'`| The query passed to `document.querySelectorAll` to grab all lazy load-able images on the page |
| imageAttributeKey | `'imgSrc'` | The camel-cased key to pull the `data-img-src` out of the image element |
| rootMargin | `'200px 0px'` | |
| threshold | `0.01 ` | |
| debug | `false` | When set to `true` some useful messages will get logged to the console |
| dependencies | `[]` | React useEffect dependency array, used for re-running this logic if the component re-renders and the `img` references change ([read more about conditionally firing an effect]( |

### Example

import React from 'react';
import useLazyLoadImage from 'react-use-lazy-load-image';

function App() {

return (

Lots of content that means the image is off screen goes here

My image