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Fast cartesian product

algorithm cartesian cartesian-product cartesian-products combinations combinatorics data-structures es6 functional functional-programming iterable javascript library lodash lodash-fp nodejs performance product sets typescript

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Fast cartesian product




[![Minified size](](

Fast cartesian product.

Retrieves every possible combination between several arrays
([cartesian product](

[Fastest](#benchmarks) available library in JavaScript.

When producing millions of combinations or combining hundreds of arrays,
[`big-cartesian`]( should be used

# Hire me

[reach out](
if you're looking for a Node.js API or CLI engineer (11 years of experience).
Most recently I have been [Netlify Build]('s
and [Netlify Plugins]('
technical lead for 2.5 years. I am available for full-time remote positions.

# Testimonials

> We are now using this library for and have seen an almost
> 50-fold performance increase from the naive method we used before!
> @MarcelGerber

# Example

import fastCartesian from 'fast-cartesian'

['red', 'blue'],
['circle', 'square'],
// [
// [ 'red', 'circle' ],
// [ 'red', 'square' ],
// [ 'blue', 'circle' ],
// [ 'blue', 'square' ]
// ]

// Return initial indexes
['red', 'blue'],
['circle', 'square'],
// [
// [ [ '0', 'red' ], [ '0', 'circle' ] ],
// [ [ '0', 'red' ], [ '1', 'square' ] ],
// [ [ '1', 'blue' ], [ '0', 'circle' ] ],
// [ [ '1', 'blue' ], [ '1', 'square' ] ]
// ]

# Demo

You can try this library:

- either directly [in your browser](
- or by executing the [`examples` files](examples/ in a terminal.

# Install

npm install fast-cartesian

This package works in both Node.js >=18.18.0 and

This is an ES module. It must be loaded using
[an `import` or `import()` statement](,
not `require()`. If TypeScript is used, it must be configured to
[output ES modules](,
not CommonJS.


## fastCartesian(inputs)

`inputs`: `Array`\
_Return value_: `Array`

Returns a two-dimensional `Array` where each row is a combination of `inputs`.

# Benchmarks

The following [benchmarks](benchmark/tasks.js) compare the performance of this
library against alternatives
[`cartesian`]( and

## fast-cartesian ######################
1 array 1.22ms
2 arrays 1.82ms
4 arrays 3.12ms
8 arrays 1.87ms
16 arrays 4.82ms

## cxproduct ###########################
1 array 1.91ms
2 arrays 3.47ms
4 arrays 3.62ms
8 arrays 2.39ms
16 arrays 5.05ms

## cartesian-product ###################
1 array 4.61ms
2 arrays 2.92ms
4 arrays 11.80ms
8 arrays 14.78ms
16 arrays 21.00ms

## big-cartesian #######################
1 array 7.21ms
2 arrays 6.68ms
4 arrays 8.53ms
8 arrays 7.80ms
16 arrays 18.30ms

## power-cartesian-product #############
1 array 6.84ms
2 arrays 8.54ms
4 arrays 12.35ms
8 arrays 11.78ms
16 arrays 18.98ms

## cartesian ###########################
1 array 3.44ms
2 arrays 11.12ms
4 arrays 13.27ms
8 arrays 16.11ms
16 arrays 22.90ms

## fast-cartesian-product ##############
1 array 23.04ms
2 arrays 24.11ms
4 arrays 30.46ms
8 arrays 45.65ms
16 arrays 65.12ms

## lodash.product ######################
1 array 36.51ms
2 arrays 37.89ms
4 arrays 41.71ms
8 arrays 52.72ms
16 arrays 80.84ms

# Support

For any question, _don't hesitate_ to [submit an issue on GitHub](../../issues).

Everyone is welcome regardless of personal background. We enforce a
[Code of conduct]( in order to promote a positive and
inclusive environment.

# Contributing

This project was made with ❤️. The simplest way to give back is by starring and
sharing it online.

If the documentation is unclear or has a typo, please click on the page's `Edit`
button (pencil icon) and suggest a correction.

If you would like to help us fix a bug or add a new feature, please check our
[guidelines]( Pull requests are welcome!


💻 🎨 🤔 📖

Marcel Gerber


Paul Heidenreich
