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Pipe things in Ruby

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Pipe things in Ruby




# Piped Ruby
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-> { 'Pipe' }
.>> { |e| "#{e} things" }
.>> { |e| "#{e} in Ruby!" }
.unwrap #=> "Pipe things in Ruby!"

Piped Ruby is a tiny piece of code that aims to bring the beauty of pipe operators and data transformation to your Ruby application.

Credit to [Elixir's Pipe Operator]( and [Chainable Methods]( gem which were the source of inspiration for this gem :-)

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'piped_ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install piped_ruby

And require the gem manually:

require 'piped_ruby'

## Usage

With Piped Ruby doing this:

-> { some_text.upcase }
.>> { |e| MyModule.method_a(e) }
.>> { |e| MyModule.method_b(e, "something") }
.>> { |e| MyModule.method_c(e) { |c| do_something3(c) } }.unwrap
``` the same of doing this:

a = some_text.upcase
b = MyModule.method_a(a)
c = MyModule.method_b(b, "something")
d = MyModule.method_c(c) { |c| do_something3(c) }

Let's take for example a method which imports records from a CSV file:

def call
File.foreach(file) do |line|
-> { values_from(line) }
.>> { |values| match_fields_for(values) }
.>> { |fields| sanitize(fields) }
.>> { |fields| fields).call }.unwrap

The equivalent form would be this:

def call
File.foreach(file) do |line|
values = values_from(line) }
fields = match_fields_for(values)
fields = sanitize(fields) fields).call

## Backstage

Pipe operations happen between Proc objects (blocks). After requiring the gem every Proc in your Ruby program will be capable to start a pipe operation.

operation = -> { 'Foo' }.>> { |e| "#{e}bar" }
operation.class #=> Proc
operation.unwrap #=> "Foobar"

The `PipedRuby#unwrap` method is the way to get the returning value from the last evaluated block:

operation = -> { 'Foo' }.>> { |e| "#{e}bar" }
operation.>> { |e| puts e } #=> Prints "Foobar" and returns a Proc object
operation.>> { |e| puts e }.unwrap #=> Prints "Foobar" and returns nil


- [ ] Write more cool examples in README;
- [ ] Introduce something similar to Elixir's Streams.

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/piped_ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](