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An implementation of the circular layout algorithm by Dogrusoz et al. as a Cytoscape.js extension

graph-algorithms graph-drawing graphviz

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An implementation of the circular layout algorithm by Dogrusoz et al. as a Cytoscape.js extension





## Description

CiSE(Circular Spring Embedder) is an algorithm based on the traditional force-directed layout scheme with extensions to move and rotate nodes in the same cluster as a group. Further local improvements may be obtained by flipping clusters and by swapping neighboring node pairs in the same cluster, reducing the edge crossing number.

The algorithm is implemented as a Cytoscape.js extension by [i-Vis Lab]( in Bilkent University ([demo](

Please cite the following when using this layout:

M. Belviranli, A. Dilek and U. Dogrusoz, "[CiSE: A Circular Spring Embedder Layout Algorithm](" in IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, vol. 19, no. 06, pp. 953-966, 2013.

A detailed illustration of CiSE can also be found [here.](

## Dependencies

* Cytoscape.js: ^3.2.0
* avsdf-base: ^1.0.0
* cose-base: ^1.0.0

## Usage instructions

Download the library:
* via npm: `npm install cytoscape-cise`,
* via bower: `bower install cytoscape-cise`, or
* via direct download in the repository (probably from a tag).

Import the library as appropriate for your project:

ES import:

import cytoscape from 'cytoscape';
import cise from 'cytoscape-cise';

cytoscape.use( cise );

CommonJS require:

let cytoscape = require('cytoscape');
let cise = require('cytoscape-cise');

cytoscape.use( cise ); // register extension


require(['cytoscape', 'cytoscape-cise'], function( cytoscape, cise ){
cise( cytoscape ); // register extension

Plain HTML/JS has the extension registered for you automatically, because no `require()` is needed.

## API

The following options are supported when calling the layout, e.g,

`cy.layout({ name: 'cise', clusters: clusterInfo, ... }):`

var default = {
// -------- Mandatory parameters --------
name : 'cise',

// ClusterInfo can be a 2D array contaning node id's or a function that returns cluster ids.
// For the 2D array option, the index of the array indicates the cluster ID for all elements in
// the collection at that index. Unclustered nodes must NOT be present in this array of clusters.
// For the function, it would be given a Cytoscape node and it is expected to return a cluster id
// corresponding to that node. Returning negative numbers, null or undefined is fine for unclustered
// nodes.
// e.g
// Array: OR function(node){
// [ ['n1','n2','n3'], ...
// ['n5','n6'] }
// ['n7', 'n8', 'n9', 'n10'] ]
clusters: clusterInfo,

// -------- Optional parameters --------
// Whether to animate the layout
// - true : Animate while the layout is running
// - false : Just show the end result
// - 'end' : Animate directly to the end result
animate: false,

// number of ticks per frame; higher is faster but more jerky
refresh: 10,

// Animation duration used for animate:'end'
animationDuration: undefined,

// Easing for animate:'end'
animationEasing: undefined,

// Whether to fit the viewport to the repositioned graph
// true : Fits at end of layout for animate:false or animate:'end'
fit: true,

// Padding in rendered co-ordinates around the layout
padding: 30,

// separation amount between nodes in a cluster
// note: increasing this amount will also increase the simulation time
nodeSeparation: 12.5,

// Inter-cluster edge length factor
// (2.0 means inter-cluster edges should be twice as long as intra-cluster edges)
idealInterClusterEdgeLengthCoefficient: 1.4,

// Whether to pull on-circle nodes inside of the circle
allowNodesInsideCircle: false,

// Max percentage of the nodes in a circle that can move inside the circle
maxRatioOfNodesInsideCircle: 0.1,

// - Lower values give looser springs
// - Higher values give tighter springs
springCoeff: 0.45,

// Node repulsion (non overlapping) multiplier
nodeRepulsion: 4500,

// Gravity force (constant)
gravity: 0.25,

// Gravity range (constant)
gravityRange: 3.8,

// Layout event callbacks; equivalent to `'layoutready', callback)` for example
ready: function(){}, // on layoutready
stop: function(){}, // on layoutstop

## Build targets

* `npm run test` : Run Mocha tests in `./test`
* `npm run build` : Build `./src/**` into `cytoscape-cise.js`
* `npm run watch` : Automatically build on changes with live reloading (N.b. you must already have an HTTP server running)
* `npm run dev` : Automatically build on changes with live reloading with webpack dev server
* `npm run lint` : Run eslint on the source

N.b. all builds use babel, so modern ES features can be used in the `src`.

## Publishing instructions

This project is set up to automatically be published to npm and bower. To publish:

1. Build the extension : `npm run build:release`
1. Commit the build : `git commit -am "Build for release"`
1. Bump the version number and tag: `npm version major|minor|patch`
1. Push to origin: `git push && git push --tags`
1. Publish to npm: `npm publish .`
1. If publishing to bower for the first time, you'll need to run `bower register cytoscape-cise`
1. [Make a new release]( for Zenodo.

## Team

* [Alihan Okka]( and [Ugur Dogrusoz]( of [i-Vis at Bilkent University](