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spaCy REST API, wrapped in a Docker container.

docker microservice natural-language-processing parsing restful-api spacy

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

spaCy REST API, wrapped in a Docker container.




# spaCy API Docker

**Ready-to-use Docker images for the [spaCy NLP library](**

**[spaCy API Docker]( is being sponsored by the following tool; please help to support us by taking a look and signing up to a free trial**


### Features

- Use the awesome spaCy NLP framework with other programming languages.
- Better scaling: One NLP - multiple services.
- Build using the official [spaCy REST services](
- Dependency parsing visualisation with [displaCy](
- Docker images for **English**, **German**, **Spanish**, **Italian**, **Dutch** and **French**.
- Automated builds to stay up to date with spaCy.
- Current spaCy version: 2.0.16

Please note that this is a completely new API and is incompatible with the previous one. If you still need them, use `jgontrum/spacyapi:en-legacy` or `jgontrum/spacyapi:de-legacy`.

_Documentation, API- and frontend code based upon [spaCy REST services]( by [Explosion AI](


## Images

| Image | Description |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:base_v2 | Base image for spaCy 2.0, containing no language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:en_v2 | English language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:de_v2 | German language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:es_v2 | Spanish language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:fr_v2 | French language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:pt_v2 | Portuguese language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:it_v2 | Italian language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:nl_v2 | Dutch language model, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:all_v2 | Contains EN, DE, ES, PT, NL, IT and FR language models, spaCy 2.0 |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:base | Base image, containing no language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:latest | English language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:en | English language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:de | German language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:es | Spanish language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:fr | French language model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:all | Contains EN, DE, ES and FR language models |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:en-legacy | Old API with English model |
| jgontrum/spacyapi:de-legacy | Old API with German model |


## Usage

`docker run -p "" jgontrum/spacyapi:en_v2`

All models are loaded at start up time. Depending on the model size and server
performance, this can take a few minutes.

The displaCy frontend is available at `/ui`.

### Docker Compose

version: '2'

image: jgontrum/spacyapi:en_v2
- ""
restart: always


### Running Tests

In order to run unit tests locally `pytest` is included.

`docker run -it jgontrum/spacyapi:en_v2 app/env/bin/pytest app/displacy_service_tests`

### Special Cases

The API includes rudimentary support for specifying [special cases](
for your deployment. Currently only basic special cases are supported; for example, in the spaCy parlance:

tokenizer.add_special_case("isn't", [{ORTH: "isn't"}])

They can be supplied in an environment variable corresponding to the desired language model. For example, `en_special_cases`
or `en_core_web_lg_special_cases`. They are configured as a single comma-delimited string, such as `"isn't,doesn't,won't"`.

Use the following syntax to specify basic special case rules, such as for preserving contractions:

`docker run -p "" -e en_special_cases="isn't,doesn't" jgontrum/spacyapi:en_v2`

You can also configure this in a `.env` file if using `docker-compose` as above.


## REST API Documentation

### `GET` `/ui/`

displaCy frontend is available here.


### `POST` `/dep`

Example request:

"text": "They ate the pizza with anchovies",
"model": "en",
"collapse_punctuation": 0,
"collapse_phrases": 1

| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `text` | string | text to be parsed |
| `model` | string | identifier string for a model installed on the server |
| `collapse_punctuation` | boolean | Merge punctuation onto the preceding token? |
| `collapse_phrases` | boolean | Merge noun chunks and named entities into single tokens? |

Example request using the Python [Requests library](

import json
import requests

url = "http://localhost:8000/dep"
message_text = "They ate the pizza with anchovies"
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
d = {'text': message_text, 'model': 'en'}

response =, data=json.dumps(d), headers=headers)
r = response.json()

Example response:

"arcs": [
{ "dir": "left", "start": 0, "end": 1, "label": "nsubj" },
{ "dir": "right", "start": 1, "end": 2, "label": "dobj" },
{ "dir": "right", "start": 1, "end": 3, "label": "prep" },
{ "dir": "right", "start": 3, "end": 4, "label": "pobj" },
{ "dir": "left", "start": 2, "end": 3, "label": "prep" }
"words": [
{ "tag": "PRP", "text": "They" },
{ "tag": "VBD", "text": "ate" },
{ "tag": "NN", "text": "the pizza" },
{ "tag": "IN", "text": "with" },
{ "tag": "NNS", "text": "anchovies" }

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| `arcs` | array | data to generate the arrows |
| `dir` | string | direction of arrow (`"left"` or `"right"`) |
| `start` | integer | offset of word the arrow starts **on** |
| `end` | integer | offset of word the arrow ends **on** |
| `label` | string | dependency label |
| `words` | array | data to generate the words |
| `tag` | string | part-of-speech tag |
| `text` | string | token |


Curl command:

curl -s localhost:8000/dep -d '{"text":"Pastafarians are smarter than people with Coca Cola bottles.", "model":"en"}'

"arcs": [
"dir": "left",
"end": 1,
"label": "nsubj",
"start": 0
"dir": "right",
"end": 2,
"label": "acomp",
"start": 1
"dir": "right",
"end": 3,
"label": "prep",
"start": 2
"dir": "right",
"end": 4,
"label": "pobj",
"start": 3
"dir": "right",
"end": 5,
"label": "prep",
"start": 4
"dir": "right",
"end": 6,
"label": "pobj",
"start": 5
"words": [
"tag": "NNPS",
"text": "Pastafarians"
"tag": "VBP",
"text": "are"
"tag": "JJR",
"text": "smarter"
"tag": "IN",
"text": "than"
"tag": "NNS",
"text": "people"
"tag": "IN",
"text": "with"
"tag": "NNS",
"text": "Coca Cola bottles."


### `POST` `/ent`

Example request:

"text": "When Sebastian Thrun started working on self-driving cars at Google in 2007, few people outside of the company took him seriously.",
"model": "en"

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `text` | string | text to be parsed |
| `model` | string | identifier string for a model installed on the server |

Example request using the Python [Requests library](

import json
import requests

url = "http://localhost:8000/ent"
message_text = "When Sebastian Thrun started working on self-driving cars at Google in 2007, few people outside of the company took him seriously."
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
d = {'text': message_text, 'model': 'en'}

response =, data=json.dumps(d), headers=headers)
r = response.json()

Example response:

{ "end": 20, "start": 5, "type": "PERSON" },
{ "end": 67, "start": 61, "type": "ORG" },
{ "end": 75, "start": 71, "type": "DATE" }

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| `end` | integer | character offset the entity ends **after** |
| `start` | integer | character offset the entity starts **on** |
| `type` | string | entity type |

curl -s localhost:8000/ent -d '{"text":"Pastafarians are smarter than people with Coca Cola bottles.", "model":"en"}'

"end": 12,
"start": 0,
"text": "Pastafarians",
"type": "NORP"
"end": 51,
"start": 42,
"text": "Coca Cola",
"type": "ORG"


### `POST` `/sents`

Example request:

"text": "In 2012 I was a mediocre developer. But today I am at least a bit better.",
"model": "en"

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `text` | string | text to be parsed |
| `model` | string | identifier string for a model installed on the server |

Example request using the Python [Requests library](

import json
import requests

url = "http://localhost:8000/sents"
message_text = "In 2012 I was a mediocre developer. But today I am at least a bit better."
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
d = {'text': message_text, 'model': 'en'}

response =, data=json.dumps(d), headers=headers)
r = response.json()

Example response:

["In 2012 I was a mediocre developer.", "But today I am at least a bit better."]


### `POST` `/sents_dep`

Combination of `/sents` and `/dep`, returns sentences and dependency parses

Example request:

"text": "In 2012 I was a mediocre developer. But today I am at least a bit better.",
"model": "en"

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `text` | string | text to be parsed |
| `model` | string | identifier string for a model installed on the server |

Example request using the Python [Requests library](

import json
import requests

url = "http://localhost:8000/sents_dep"
message_text = "In 2012 I was a mediocre developer. But today I am at least a bit better."
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
d = {'text': message_text, 'model': 'en'}

response =, data=json.dumps(d), headers=headers)
r = response.json()

Example response:

"sentence": "In 2012 I was a mediocre developer.",
"dep_parse": {
"arcs": [
"dir": "left",
"end": 3,
"label": "prep",
"start": 0,
"text": "In"
"dir": "right",
"end": 1,
"label": "pobj",
"start": 0,
"text": "2012"
"dir": "left",
"end": 3,
"label": "nsubj",
"start": 2,
"text": "I"
"dir": "left",
"end": 6,
"label": "det",
"start": 4,
"text": "a"
"dir": "left",
"end": 6,
"label": "amod",
"start": 5,
"text": "mediocre"
"dir": "right",
"end": 6,
"label": "attr",
"start": 3,
"text": "developer"
"dir": "right",
"end": 7,
"label": "punct",
"start": 3,
"text": "."
"words": [
"tag": "IN",
"text": "In"
"tag": "CD",
"text": "2012"
"tag": "PRP",
"text": "I"
"tag": "VBD",
"text": "was"
"tag": "DT",
"text": "a"
"tag": "JJ",
"text": "mediocre"
"tag": "NN",
"text": "developer"
"tag": ".",
"text": "."
"sentence": "But today I am at least a bit better.",
"dep_parse": {
"arcs": [
"dir": "left",
"end": 11,
"label": "cc",
"start": 8,
"text": "But"
"dir": "left",
"end": 11,
"label": "npadvmod",
"start": 9,
"text": "today"
"dir": "left",
"end": 11,
"label": "nsubj",
"start": 10,
"text": "I"
"dir": "left",
"end": 13,
"label": "advmod",
"start": 12,
"text": "at"
"dir": "left",
"end": 15,
"label": "advmod",
"start": 13,
"text": "least"
"dir": "left",
"end": 15,
"label": "det",
"start": 14,
"text": "a"
"dir": "left",
"end": 16,
"label": "npadvmod",
"start": 15,
"text": "bit"
"dir": "right",
"end": 16,
"label": "acomp",
"start": 11,
"text": "better"
"dir": "right",
"end": 17,
"label": "punct",
"start": 11,
"text": "."
"words": [
"tag": "CC",
"text": "But"
"tag": "NN",
"text": "today"
"tag": "PRP",
"text": "I"
"tag": "VBP",
"text": "am"
"tag": "IN",
"text": "at"
"tag": "JJS",
"text": "least"
"tag": "DT",
"text": "a"
"tag": "NN",
"text": "bit"
"tag": "RBR",
"text": "better"
"tag": ".",
"text": "."

### `GET` `/models`

List the names of models installed on the server.

Example request:

GET /models

Example response:

["en", "de"]


### `GET` `/{model}/schema`

Example request:

GET /en/schema

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `model` | string | identifier string for a model installed on the server |

Example response:

"dep_types": ["ROOT", "nsubj"],
"ent_types": ["PERSON", "LOC", "ORG"],
"pos_types": ["NN", "VBZ", "SP"]


### `GET` `/version`

Show the used spaCy version.

Example request:

GET /version

Example response:

"spacy": "2.2.4"