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Advanced training about creating microservices with using Node.js, MongoDB, Redis and modern approaches

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Advanced training about creating microservices with using Node.js, MongoDB, Redis and modern approaches





# Node.js Advanced Training [![Join the chat at](](

## Required

- [JavaScript Base](requirements/
- [JavaScript Advanced](requirements/
- [MongoDB Base](requirements/
- [Redis Base](requirements/
- [Linux Base](requirements/

## Actual for versions:
- **Node.js 4.2+**
- **Mongo 3.2+**
- **Redis 3.0+**

## Program (total: 30h)

### `Training Overview` (15m)

### `JavaScript`

#### [JavaScript Init Check Point]( (2h)

- **Variables**
- **Conditions**
- **Loops**
- **Functions**
- **Prototypes**
- **Asynchronous functions**

#### [New in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)](lessons/02-js-ecmascript-2015/ (2h) [[Homework]](lessons/02-js-ecmascript-2015/

- **Block scoping**
- **Collections**
- **Classes**
- **Generators**
- **Promises**
- **Symbols**
- **Template strings**
- **Arrow Functions**

#### [JavaScript Style Guides](lessons/03-js-style-guides/ (15m)

- **Airbnb Coding Style**
- **Google JavaScript Style**
- **JavaScript "Standard" Style**
- **Crockfords’s Coding Standards**
- **Node.js Coding Style**
- **NPM "Funny" Coding Style**
- **Idiomatic JavaScript Coding Style**

### `Node.js`

#### [Philosophy](lessons/04-nodejs-philosophy/ (15m)

- **Small core**
- **Small modules**
- **Small surface area**
- **Simplicity and pragmatism**

#### [Design Fundamentals](lessons/05-nodejs-design-fundamentals/ (1h)

- **Conceptions**
- **Asynchronous**
- **Event Loop**
- **IO operations**
- **Non blocking**

- **Components**
- **V8**
- **libuv**

#### [Getting started](lessons/06-nodejs-getting-started/ (15m)

- **Versions of Node.js**
- **Installation Node.js**
- **CLI commands**
- **First scripts**

#### [Errors Examples](lessons/07-nodejs-errors-examples/ (15m)

- **System errors**
- **Standard JavaScript errors**
- **Assertion Errors**
- **Custom errors**

#### [Modules and NPM](lessons/08-nodejs-modules-and-npm/ (1h) [[Homework]](lessons/08-nodejs-modules-and-npm/

- **How it works?**
- **Supported formats**
- **Order of load and resolving algorithm**
- **The module cache**
- **NPM registry**

#### [Core modules](lessons/09-nodejs-core-modules/ (2h)

- **Console**
- **Process**
- **Timers**
- **Errors**
- **Events**
- **Stream**
- **File System**
- **HTTP**
- **Crypto**
- **Child Processes**

#### [Useful NPM modules](lessons/10-nodejs-useful-npm-modules/ (1h)

- **Lodash**
- **Async / Neo-async**
- **WS**
- **MongoDB**
- **Redis**
- **Postgres**

#### [Build your own modules](lessons/11-nodejs-create-own-npm-module/ (1h)

- **File structure**
- **Deep with package.json**
- **Local packages**
- **Publish to NPM Registry**
- **Using in application**

#### Common Patterns in Node.js (1h)

- **Callbacks**
- **Error-first**
- **Async function in any case**
- **Recursive async functions**

#### [Design Patterns in Node.js](lessons/12-nodejs-design-patterns/ (4h)

- **Creational Design Patterns**
- Singleton
- Factory
- Abstract Factory

- **Structural Design Patterns**
- Adapter
- Composite
- Decorator
- Facade
- Bridge
- Proxy

- **Behavioral Design Patterns**
- Observer

#### Asynchronous Control Flow (2h)

- **The difficulties**
- The callback hell
- Specific flows

- **Flows**
- Sequential execution
- Parallel execution
- Limited parallel execution

- **Solutions**
- Pure JS functions
- Async library
- Promises
- Generators

#### [Wiring modules](lessons/13-nodejs-wiring-modules/ (1h)

- **Hardcoded dependency**
- **Dependency injection**
- **Service locator**
- **Dependency injection container**

#### Recipes for yours applications (2h)

- **Run long sync operations**
- **Run heavy CPU operations**
- **Connection to MongoDB**
- **Repository pattern**
- ...

#### [Testing in Node.js](lessons/15-nodejs-testing/ (3h)

- **What we test?**
- Cases
- Priority
- **How to do your testing most effective and fast?**
- Classes
- Boundary
- Test levels
- Piramida
- **Approaches**
- Pairwise
- Mocks
- **Tools and libraries**
- Mocha
- Should
- Supertest
- Sinon
- **Code Coverage**
- **Patterns and best practices in testing**
- **Continuous Integration**
- Conception
- Travis CI
- **Continuous Delivery**
- Conception

#### [Documentation](lessons/16-nodejs-documentation/ (1h)

- **Approaches**
- README Driven Development
- Reference documentation
- Unibutique Language
- Changelog
- License

- **Formats**
- Markdown

#### The design and architecture of the application (1h)

- **MVC**
- **DDD**
- **SOA**
- **Micro-services**

#### [Projects: Common recommendations](lessons/18-nodejs-services-recommendations/ (1h)

- **12 factors app**
- **Configuration**
- **Logging**
- **Monitoring**
- **Profiling**
- **Connection to DBs and external services**

#### Project 1: Simple web-site

- **Express**
- **Serving static content by Node.js**
- **Using Nginx as reverse proxy and server of static content**

#### Project 2: Service with REST API

- **Express**
- **REST API design**
- **REST API testing**

#### Project 3: Tiny cloud (micro-services)

- **Micro-services overview**
- **Communication between services**
- **HTTP and Message Broker for communication**
- **Testing of micro-services**

#### Performance and Scaling of application and system (2h)

- **Scaling**
- What is scaling?
- Scaling Law of applications
- Methods of scaling applications

- **Performance**
- What is performance?
- What should we measure?
- Tools for performance tests (Yandex.Tank, ab, siege)
- Analysis of the results
- Recommendations for scaling

- **Cache in applications**

#### Profiling and optimizations of application and system (2h)

- **Top most common mistakes which fail performance**

- **Profiling**
- Memory
- Blocking of EventLoop

- **Tools**

#### Yours applications in production (1h)

- **Best practices of logging**
- **Orchestration (Ansible)**

#### Distribution of your application (Docker) (1h)

- **What is Docker?**
- **Create Docker image with your application**
- **Run your applications**
- **How to run own cloud in 1 click? (Docker Compose)**

#### Final Q&A (1h)

# Author

- [**Andrii Chyzh**](

# License

This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License](

[![Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License](](