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React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete

autocomplete component geocoder google-api google-maps react

Last synced: 3 months ago
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React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete




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In order to ensure active development going forward, we are looking for maintainers to join the project. [Please contact the project owner if you are interested.](

# React Places Autocomplete

A React component to build a customized UI for Google Maps Places Autocomplete

### Demo

Live demo: [](

### Features

1. Enable you to easily build a customized autocomplete dropdown powered by [Google Maps Places Library](
2. [Utility functions](#utility-functions) to geocode and get latitude and longitude using [Google Maps Geocoder API](
3. Full control over rendering to integrate well with other libraries (e.g. Redux-Form)
4. Mobile friendly UX
5. WAI-ARIA compliant
6. Support Asynchronous Google script loading

### Installation

To install the stable version

npm install --save react-places-autocomplete

React component is exported as a default export

import PlacesAutocomplete from 'react-places-autocomplete';

utility functions are named exports

import {
} from 'react-places-autocomplete';

### Getting Started

To use this component, you are going to need to load [Google Maps JavaScript API](

Load the library in your project



Create your component

import React from 'react';
import PlacesAutocomplete, {
} from 'react-places-autocomplete';

class LocationSearchInput extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { address: '' };

handleChange = address => {
this.setState({ address });

handleSelect = address => {
.then(results => getLatLng(results[0]))
.then(latLng => console.log('Success', latLng))
.catch(error => console.error('Error', error));

render() {
return (

{({ getInputProps, suggestions, getSuggestionItemProps, loading }) => (

{loading &&
{ => {
const className =
? 'suggestion-item--active'
: 'suggestion-item';
// inline style for demonstration purpose
const style =
? { backgroundColor: '#fafafa', cursor: 'pointer' }
: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', cursor: 'pointer' };
return (





## Props

PlacesAutocomplete is a [Controlled Component]( with a [Render Prop]( Therefore, you MUST pass at least `value` and `onChange` callback to the input element, and render function via `children`.

| Prop | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | :----------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`value`](#value) | string | :white_check_mark: | `value` for the input element |
| [`onChange`](#onChange) | function | :white_check_mark: | `onChange` function for the input element |
| [`children`](#children) | function | :white_check_mark: | Render function to specify the rendering |
| [`onSelect`](#onSelect) | function | | Event handler to handle user's select event |
| [`onError`](#onError) | function | | Error handler function that gets called when Google Maps API responds with an error |
| [`searchOptions`](#searchOptions) | object | | Options to Google Maps API (i.e. bounds, radius) |
| [`debounce`](#debounce) | number | | Number of milliseconds to delay before making a call to Google Maps API |
| [`highlightFirstSuggestion`](#highlightFirstSuggestion) | boolean | | If set to `true`, first list item in the dropdown will be automatically highlighted |
| [`shouldFetchSuggestions`](#shouldFetchSuggestions) | boolean | | Component will hit Google Maps API only if this flag is set `true` |
| [`googleCallbackName`](#googleCallbackName) | string | | You can provide a callback name to initialize `PlacesAutocomplete` after google script is loaded |

### value

Type: `string`,
Required: `true`

### onChange

Type: `function`,
Required: `true`

Typically this event handler will update `value` state.

this.setState({ value })}
{/* custom render function */}


### children

Type: `function`
Required: `true`

This is where you render whatever you want to based on the state of `PlacesAutocomplete`.
The function will take an object with the following keys.

* `getInputProps` : function
* `getSuggestionItemProps` : function
* `loading` : boolean
* `suggestions` : array

Simple example

const renderFunc = ({ getInputProps, getSuggestionItemProps, suggestions }) => (

{loading &&
{ => (




// In render function


#### getInputProps

This function will return the props that you can spread over the `` element.
You can optionally call the function with an object to pass other props to the input.

// In render function


#### getSuggestionItemProps

This function will return the props that you can spread over each suggestion item in your
autocomplete dropdown. You MUST call it with `suggestion` object as an argument, and optionally pass an object to pass other props to the element.

// Simple example

{ => (



// Pass options as a second argument

{ => {
const className = ? 'suggestion-item--active' : 'suggestion-item';
return (




#### loading

This is a boolean flag indicating whether or not the request is pending, or has completed.

#### suggestions

This is an array of suggestion objects each containing all the data from Google Maps API and other metadata.

An example of a suggestion object.

active: false,
description: "San Francisco, CA, USA",
formattedSuggestion: { mainText: "San Francisco", secondaryText: "CA, USA" },
id: "1b9ea3c094d3ac23c9a3afa8cd4d8a41f05de50a",
index: 0,
matchedSubstrings: [ {length: 8, offset: 0} ],
placeId: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
terms: [
{ offset: 0, value: "San Francisco" },
{ offset: 15, value: "CA" },
{ offset: 19, value: "USA" }
types: ["locality", "political", "geocode"]

### onSelect

Type: `function`
Required: `false`,
Default: `null`

You can pass a function that gets called instead of `onChange` function when user
hits the Enter key or clicks on a suggestion item.

The function takes three positional arguments. First argument is `address`, second is `placeId` and third is the entire `suggestion` object.

// NOTE: `placeId` and `suggestion` are null when user hits Enter key with no suggestion item selected.
const handleSelect = (address: string, placeId: ?string, suggestion: ?object) => {
// Do something with address and placeId and suggestion

// Pass this function via onSelect prop.

{/* Custom render function */}


### onError

Type: `function`
Required: `false`

You can pass `onError` prop to customize the behavior when [google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus]( is not `OK` (e.g., no predictions are found)

Function takes `status` (string) and `clearSuggestions` (function) as parameters

// Log error status and clear dropdown when Google Maps API returns an error.
const onError = (status, clearSuggestions) => {
console.log('Google Maps API returned error with status: ', status)

{/* Custom render function */}


### searchOptions

Type: `Object`
Required: `false`
Default: `{}`

You can fine-tune the settings passed to the AutocompleteService class with `searchOptions` prop.
This prop accepts an object following the same format as [google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest](
(except for `input`, which comes from the value of the input field).

// these options will bias the autocomplete predictions toward Sydney, Australia with a radius of 2000 meters,
// and limit the results to addresses only
const searchOptions = {
location: new google.maps.LatLng(-34, 151),
radius: 2000,
types: ['address']

{/* Custom render function */}


### debounce

Type: `number`
Required: `false`
Default: `200`

The number of milliseconds to delay before making a call to Google Maps API.

### highlightFirstSuggestion

Type: `boolean`
Required: `false`
Default: `false`

If set to `true`, first suggestion in the dropdown will be automatically set to be active.

### shouldFetchSuggestions

Type: `boolean`
Required: `false`
Default: `true`

// Only fetch suggestions when the input text is longer than 3 characters.
{/* custom render function */}


### googleCallbackName

Type: `string`
Required: `false`
Default: `undefined`

If provided, component will initialize after the browser has finished downloading google script.

**IMPORTANT**: To enable this async mode, you need to provide the same callback name to google script via `callback=[YOUR CALLBACK NAME]`.




Then, provide `googleCallbackName` prop to `PlacesAutocomplete`.


{/* custom render function */}


**NOTE**: If there are more than one `PlacesAutocomplete` components rendered in the page,
set up a callback function that calls a callback function for each component.



window.myCallbackFunc = function() {
window.initOne && window.initOne();
window.initTwo && window.initTwo();



{/* custom render function */}

{/* custom render function */}


## Utility Functions

* [`geocodeByAddress`](#geocode-by-address)
* [`geocodeByPlaceId`](#geocode-by-place-id)
* [`getLatLng`](#get-lat-lng)

### `geocodeByAddress` API

* Returns a promise
* @param {String} address
* @return {Promise}

#### address

Type: `String`,
Required: `true`

String that gets passed to Google Maps [Geocoder](

import { geocodeByAddress } from 'react-places-autocomplete';

// `results` is an entire payload from Google API.
geocodeByAddress('Los Angeles, CA')
.then(results => console.log(results))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

### `geocodeByPlaceId` API

* Returns a promise
* @param {String} placeId
* @return {Promise}

#### placeId

Type: `String`,
Required: `true`

String that gets passed to Google Maps [Geocoder](

import { geocodeByPlaceId } from 'react-places-autocomplete';

// `results` is an entire payload from Google API.
.then(results => console.log(results))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

### `getLatLng` API

* Returns a promise
* @param {Object} result
* @return {Promise}

#### result

Type: `Object`
Required: `true`

One of the element from `results` (returned from Google Maps Geocoder)

import { geocodeByAddress, getLatLng } from 'react-places-autocomplete';

geocodeByAddress('Tokyo, Japan')
.then(results => getLatLng(results[0]))
.then(({ lat, lng }) =>
console.log('Successfully got latitude and longitude', { lat, lng })

### Discussion

Join us on [Gitter]( if you are interested in contributing!

### License