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OpenCensus instrumentation for the Phoenix framework

Last synced: 3 months ago
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OpenCensus instrumentation for the Phoenix framework




# OpencensusPhoenix

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## Phoenix 1.5
Phoenix has abandoned instrumenters in 1.5 in favour of the `:telemetry` library.

Simply ensure that the following code runs while your app is starting up (eg, in the `Application.start/2` callback):

# lib/my_app_web/endpoint.ex check this file for the event_prefix
defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
plug Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:my_app, :endpoint]

# lib/my_app/application.ex, add this line using event_prefix from above:
def start(_type, _args) do
OpencensusPhoenix.Telemetry.setup([:my_app, :endpoint])

## Phoenix 1.4
[Phoenix instrumenter]( callback module to automatically create [OpenCensus]( spans for Phoenix Controller and View information.

Simply configure your Phoenix `Endpoint` to use this library as one of its `instrumenters`:

``` elixir
config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
# ... existing config ...
instrumenters: [OpencensusPhoenix.Instrumenter]

# Resource Names

Prior to Phoenix 1.4, the "route info" was not available to plugs. As such instead of using the http route as the resource name, we use the controller + action combination. For example:

* Pre 1.4: `MyApp.Posts.index`
* Version 1.4 or greater: `/posts`