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OpenCensus PHP exporters for Zipkin

Last synced: 3 months ago
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OpenCensus PHP exporters for Zipkin




> **Warning**
> OpenCensus and OpenTracing have merged to form [OpenTelemetry](, which serves as the next major version of OpenCensus and OpenTracing.
> OpenTelemetry has now reached feature parity with OpenCensus, with tracing and metrics SDKs available in .NET, Golang, Java, NodeJS, and Python. **All OpenCensus Github repositories, except [census-instrumentation/opencensus-python](, will be archived on July 31st, 2023**. We encourage users to migrate to OpenTelemetry by this date.
> To help you gradually migrate your instrumentation to OpenTelemetry, bridges are available in Java, Go, Python, and JS. [**Read the full blog post to learn more**](

# OpenCensus Zipkin Exporter for PHP

This library provides an [`ExporterInterface`][exporter-interface] for exporting
Trace data to a Zipkin instance.


## Installation & basic usage

1. Install the `opencensus/opencensus-exporter-zipkin` package using [composer][composer]:

$ composer require opencensus/opencensus-exporter-zipkin:~0.1

1. Initialize a tracer for your application:

use OpenCensus\Trace\Tracer;
use OpenCensus\Trace\Exporter\ZipkinExporter;

Tracer::start(new ZipkinExporter('my-service-name'));

## Customization

### Configuring the Zipkin endpoint

You may provide an optional initialization parameter for the Zipkin endpoint.
This value should be a full URL to the v2 spans endpoint.

$exporter = new ZipkinExporter('my-service-name', '');

### Configuring the local IPv4 or IPv6 address

Zipkin allows you to optionally specify the host IP address of the server that
is handling the traced requests.

For IPv4:

// gethostbyname may make a DNS query, so you may want to cache this
$ipv4 = gethostbyname(gethostname());

Similarly, you may set the local IPv6 address if you can obtain it:


## Versioning


This library follows [Semantic Versioning][semver].

Please note it is currently under active development. Any release versioned
0.x.y is subject to backwards incompatible changes at any time.

**GA**: Libraries defined at a GA quality level are stable, and will not
introduce backwards-incompatible changes in any minor or patch releases. We will
address issues and requests with the highest priority.

**Beta**: Libraries defined at a Beta quality level are expected to be mostly
stable and we're working towards their release candidate. We will address issues
and requests with a higher priority.

**Alpha**: Libraries defined at an Alpha quality level are still a
work-in-progress and are more likely to get backwards-incompatible updates.

**Current Status:** Alpha

## Contributing

Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See [CONTRIBUTING]( for more information on how to get started.

## Releasing

See [RELEASING]( for more information on releasing new versions.

## License

Apache 2.0 - See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.

## Disclaimer

This is not an official Google product.
