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Turn your PostgreSQL queries into Charts

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Turn your PostgreSQL queries into Charts




# PostgreSQL Charts

## Screen Shots

It's intended as a visual project. Here's what it looks like.

### Query editing pane


### Chart pane


### Query listing pane


### Chart only pane

So that you can give an URL to just the chart for your coworkers to see (and
download as a PDF, PNG, JPEG or SVG document):


## Description

The *pgcharts* projects is a little web application that takes as input an
SQL query text and outputs its data in one of the following forms:

- HTML table
- Column Chart
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Donut Chart

With more to come (TODO):

- Area Chart
- Line Chart
- Stacked Area Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart
- Grouped Bar Chart
- CSV file

# Initial Setup

The *pgcharts* application needs its own PostgreSQL database to be able to
register user queries and their charts setup:

$ createdb pgcharts
$ pgcharts setup pgsql://localhost/pgcharts

Then you can start the service, which defaults to listening to

$ pgcharts start
$ open http://localhost:9042/

Now, you can use *pgcharts* from your browser. Issue new query, save them
away, and see nice charts from their results!

# Registering databases

Once the *pgcharts* database has been created, it's necessary to
***register*** the database servers you want to run queries against:

$ pgcharts register pgsql://user:pass@host/dbname
$ pgcharts register pgsql://user:pass@host/seconddbname?sslmode=require

The *sslmode* option accepts the following values: `disable`, `allow`,
`prefer` and `require`. The `allow` and `prefer` options are implements in
the same way, translating to the
PostgreSQL driver's value `:try`, where `:try` means *if the server supports

# Implementation

pgchart needs a database where to handle its own data, as it is storing a
list of database connections (where to run the queries) and a list of
queries (with a name and a tags list).

TODO: see about storing query results on the *pgcharts* database so that
it's possible to get back to them later. Maybe with some ways to run
the query again and compare?

# Security

The *pgcharts* web service offers no security implementation, no user role
management or privileges. To keep the service secure, users are only allowed
to query against *registered* database servers.

To register a database server to *pgcharts*, the command line interface must
be used, so only the service administrator is in a position to register new
database servers.

# Usage

pgcharts is a self-contained web application. As such, when you start the
command line application, it starts its own web server that you can connect

# Install

The *pgcharts* application has been written in Common Lisp and uses a bunch
of librairies that are available through the *Quicklisp* distribution
system. The included `Makefile` cares about building a self-contained binary
for you, and can be used as following:

$ make
$ ./build/bin/pgcharts --help

Note that the self-contained binary also includes static web resources such
as *jquery*, *bootstrap*, *Highcharts* and *codemirror*.

## Build Dependencies

You need a recent enough [SBCL]( Common Lisp compiler to be
able to compile pgcharts. It's easy to install on Linux, MacOSX and Windows.

debian$ sudo apt-get install sbcl
centos$ sudo yum install sbcl
macosx$ brew install sbcl