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A Concise HTTP Framework in Swift

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A Concise HTTP Framework in Swift




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# NetKit

A Concise HTTP Framework in Swift.

## Requirements

NetKit requires Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2

## Installation

### CocoaPods

You can use [CocoaPods]( to integrate NetKit with your project.

Simply add the following line to your `Podfile`:
pod "NetKit"

And run `pod update` in your project directory.

### Carthage

[Carthage]( is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with [Homebrew]( using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate NetKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your `Cartfile`:

github "azizuysal/NetKit"

Run `carthage update` to build the framework and drag the built `NetKit.framework` into your Xcode project.

### Manually

You can integrate NetKit manually into your project simply by dragging `NetKit.framework` onto Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in Xcode.

## Usage

In order to run the included example project, you can install [JSON Server]( It provides a quick backend for prototyping and mocking on your local machine. A sample `db.json` file is included in the example project.

Use `WebService` to create a client for a particular web service and use it to make requests and process responses.

import NetKit

let service = WebService(urlString: "http://localhost:3000/")
.responseJSON { json in
return .Success
.responseError { error in

`responseJSON()` is a convenience method and combines obtaining a response and converting to JSON into one step. You can also use `response()` method to obtain raw response data.

.response { data, response in
print(String(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
return .Success

You can return `.Success` or `.Failure(ErrorType)` from the response handlers to signal error status and control will transfer to `.responseError()` in case of an error.

### Synchronous Requests

You can use `resumeAndWait()` in order to make a synchronous request.

.responseJSON { json in
return .Success
.responseError { error in

### Authentication and SOAP support

If you need to set additional parameters, headers or authentication handlers, you can do so with Swift method chaining.

.authenticate { (method, completionHandler) -> WebTaskResult in
switch method {
case .Default, .HTTPBasic:
completionHandler(.UseCredential, NSURLCredential(user: loginId, password: password, persistence: .ForSession))
completionHandler(.PerformDefaultHandling, nil)
return .Success
.response { data, response in
print(String(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
return .Success
.responseError { error in

### Support For All Configurations and Task Types

You can easily create `WebService` instances based on ephemeral or background sessions (the default is based on .defaultSessionConfiguration()).

let service = WebService(urlString: baseURL, configuration: .ephemeralSessionConfiguration())

Just as easily, you can create upload or download tasks (the default is data task).

let task = webService.GET("resource", taskType: WebTask.TaskType.Download)

### Background Downloads

You can easily setup a background url session and create file download tasks.

let webService: WebService = {
let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier("com.azizuysal.netkit.test")
configuration.requestCachePolicy = .ReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData
let service = WebService(urlString: baseURL, configuration: configuration)
return service

You can use the convenient file download handler `responseFile()` to process downloaded files.

.responseFile { (url, response) in
let path = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask).first?
if let url = url, response = response, filename = response.suggestedFilename, path = path?.URLByAppendingPathComponent(filename) {
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().copyItemAtURL(url, toURL: path)
} catch let error as NSError {
return .Failure(error)
} else {
return .Failure(WebServiceError.BadData("Bad params"))
notifyUser(DownloadService.FileDownloaded, filename: response?.suggestedFilename)
return .Success
}.responseError { error in
print((error as NSError).localizedDescription)
notifyUser(DownloadService.FileDownloaded, error: error)


The MIT License (MIT)