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:bulb: A simple NPM Package which returns random Inspirational Quotes. Get your daily quote and stay motivated! :v: :cherry_blossom:

hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2019 inspirational-quotes motivational-quotes nodejs-modules npm-package

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

:bulb: A simple NPM Package which returns random Inspirational Quotes. Get your daily quote and stay motivated! :v: :cherry_blossom:




# Inspirational Quotes

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**A simple [NPM]( Package which returns random [Inspirational Quotes]( It provides awesome quotes to display in your application. Get your daily quote and stay motivated!**

Click [here]( to view this package on NPM registry. Check the homepage [here](

## Getting started


$ npm install --save inspirational-quotes

## Installation

This is a [Node.js]( module available through the
[npm registry](

Before installing, [download and install Node.js](

Installation is done using the
**[`npm install`](** command:

$ npm install inspirational-quotes

## Usage


const Quote = require('inspirational-quotes');

console.log(Quote.getQuote()); // returns quote (text and author)
console.log(Quote.getQuote({ author: false }); // return quote without author
console.log(Quote.getRandomQuote()); // return any random quote


- ***getQuote()*** method returns an object containing ***text*** and ***author***.

"text":"My number one piece of advice is: you should learn how to program.",
"author":"Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook"

- ***getRandomQuote()*** method returns a random **inspirational** quote : *`You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.`*

### Options

Additionally you can provide `options` to `getQuote` method. By default `{ author: true }` is used.


getQuote({ author: false });


- `{ author: true }`: Returns a quote with author information
- `{ author: false }`: Returns a quote without author information

> **Note**: Recommended to use `getQuote` with `{ author: false}` option instead of `getRandomQuote` as it will be deprecated in the further versions. It's available just to ensure the backward compatability.

## Examples

To view the examples, clone the **inspirational-quotes** repo and install the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd inspirational-quotes
$ npm install

Then run the [`examples/index.js`](./examples/index.js):

$ node examples

## Tests

- `npm run test`: Runs unit tests
- `npm run test-lint`: Run lint tests

## Contributing

Do you know any inspirational quotes so one can start working by taking control over thoughts, thinking positively and setting new goals?
Append your quote to `data.json` inside the `data/` directory and raise the PR.

> Please check **[ISSUE [#4](]** : **[Add More Inspirational Quotes](** (Recommended for beginners)

Steps to follow:

- Clone the repository and create a new branch

git clone
git checkout feature/new-quote

- Head to [`data/data.json`](./data/data.json)

cd data
vi data.json

- Add a quote at random index (just to avoid conflicts if every PR appends a quote at the last)

"text":"Your Awesome Quote",
"from":"Name of author"

- Run tests locally

npm run test-lint
npm run test

- Tests passed successfully?
- If yes, please [raise a pull request]( to add the quote
- Otherwise, fix the tests and run the tests again

- Sit and relax! You've made your contribution. :tada:

> **Disclaimer**: There're so many open pull requests. It's not possible for me to merge them all manually. I will write an automation script if that's possible. If you've an idea, please feel free to share it on [discussions]( Happy to take it forward from there.

## Stargazer :heart:

[![Stargazers repo roster for @vinitshahdeo/inspirational-quotes](](

## Related Works

- Checkout [Quotter]( - A twitter bot which tweets random quotes with image and #hashtags!

- Click [here]( to view applications created by open-source community using this module.

> I'll be more than happy to know if you build something using [this]( module. Tweet your work at [@Vinit_Shahdeo](

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## Author

| |
| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| **[Vinit Shahdeo](** |
| |

## Support

[![Open Source Love](]( [![GitHub followers](](

Thank you for being here! **One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching!**

- You can find my other NPM Packages **[here](**.
- Find my blog [here](

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