
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Swift client for Lemmy.

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A Swift client for Lemmy.




# Lemmy-Swift-Client

A Swift client for [Lemmy](

## Features

- Fully Swift type safe
- `async`/`await` compatible
- Supports [all Lemmy API endpoints](
- Uses Codable for easy JSON serialization/deserialization

## Installation

We use Swift Package Manager to make it easy to install and use the Lemmy Swift Client in your project.

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .exact("3.0.0"))

Please note, that we do not subscribe to SemVer versioning at this time due to the massive amount of Lemmy API changes. Please consider pinning Lemmy-Swift-Client to a specific version at this time.

## Usage

Below is an example of a basic usage example of how to use the Lemmy Swift Client.

import Lemmy_Swift_Client

if let url = URL(string: "") {
// Create an instance of the Lemmy API with the base URL of your Lemmy instance
let api = LemmyAPI(baseUrl: url)

// Create a SearchRequest object with the `q` parameter
let request = SearchRequest(q: "Lemmy-Swift-Client")
// Send the request to the Lemmy API
if let response = try? await api.request(request) {
} else {

Luckily this just scratches the surface of what you can do with the Lemmy Swift Client. For more information checkout our [documentation](

## Contributing

All of the `Sources/Lemmy-Swift-Client/Lemmy API` files are autogenerated. Please do not edit these files directly. You can view the auto-generation code in the `autogen` directory.

## Resources

- [Documentation](
- [Repository](
- [License](

## License

Lemmy Swift Client is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](

## Code Formatting + Linting

This project uses [swiftformat]( for code formatting and linting.

Please make sure to lint your code before submitting a Pull Request.

If you do not have `swiftformat` installed, you can install it with [Homebrew](

brew install swiftformat

The repository provides simple `Makefile` targets to run either:

# Lint (will not apply changes)
make lint

# Lint and apply correct formatting
make lint-fix

## Maintainers

- [Charlie Fish]( ([Contact](