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A fast Vue renderer for Notion pages

cms notion notion-api notion-blog notion-database nuxt nuxtjs vue vuejs

Last synced: 3 days ago
JSON representation

A fast Vue renderer for Notion pages





An unofficial Notion renderer


Package version

Compressed size

MIT license

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## Features

🎯 **Accurate** – Results are _almost_ identical

🎨 **Custom Styles** – Styles are easily adaptable. Optional styles included

🔮 **Syntax-Highlighting** – Beautiful themeable code highlighting using Prism.js

🌎 **SSR / Static Generation Support** – Functions to work with NuxtJS and other frameworks

## Install

> **Warning**
> This is the documentation for the upcoming Vue 3 compatible release of vue-notion.
> For the Vue 2 version, check out the [vue2 branch](

### Vue

npm install [email protected]

### NuxtJS Module

Check out the `/example` folder for a full working example using Nuxt 3.

## Docs

> **Note**
> Potentially outdated -- 3.0.0 docs are a work-in-progress

- `NotionRenderer`: [`docs/`](
- Syntax-Highlighting in Code Blocks (with Prism.js): [`docs/`](
- Notion API: [`docs/`](
- Nuxt: [`docs/`](

> Check out a full working demo at []( ✨
> The code for the demo is in [`example/`](

## Examples

These examples use a simple wrapper around the [`notion-api-worker`]( to access the Notion page data.
It is also possible to store a page received from the Notion API in `.json` and use it without the `async/await` part.

> Use the `getPageBlocks` and `getPageTable` methods with caution!
> They are based on the private Notion API.
> We can NOT guarantee that it will stay stable.
> The private API is warpped by [notion-api-worker](
> If you use these methods a lot, please consider hosting you own instance, as described in [`docs#notion-api`](

### Basic Example for Vue

This example is a part of [`example/`]( and is hosted at [](


import { NotionRenderer, getPageBlocks } from "vue-notion";

export default {
components: { NotionRenderer },
data: () => ({ blockMap: null }),
async created() {
// get Notion blocks from the API via a Notion pageId
this.blockMap = await getPageBlocks("8c1ab01960b049f6a282dda64a94afc7");

/* optional Notion-like styles */
@import "vue-notion/src/styles.css";


### Basic Example for NuxtJS

This example is a part of [`example/`]( and is hosted at [](
The page assumes a Nuxt plugin in `~/plugins/vue-notion.js` that registers via the `useNuxtApp` hook.


const { $notion } = useNuxtApp();

// use Notion module to get Notion blocks from the API via a Notion pageId
const { data: blockMap } = useAsyncData("page_nuxt", () =>

@import "vue-notion/src/styles.css"; /* optional Notion-like styles */


## Sites using vue-notion 🌎

List of pages that are using this library.

- [HelpKit]( — Build Knowledge Bases in Notion
- [StorePreviewer]( — Preview and optimize your app store presence
- [Dominik Sobe's Personal Site](
- [Bersihin Tech](
- [Wisata Diary](
- [AymaneMx's Blog](
- [Notaku]( — Build docs and blog websites from Notion pages
- _...if you're using `vue-notion`, we'd be happy to feature you here_

## Supported Blocks

Most common block types are supported. We happily accept pull requests to add support for the missing blocks.

| Block Type | Supported | Notes |
| ----------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- |
| Text | ✅ Yes | |
| Heading | ✅ Yes | |
| Image | ✅ Yes | |
| Image Caption | ✅ Yes | |
| Bulleted List | ✅ Yes | |
| Numbered List | ✅ Yes | |
| Quote | ✅ Yes | |
| Callout | ✅ Yes | |
| Column | ✅ Yes | |
| iframe | ✅ Yes | |
| Video | ✅ Yes | Only embedded videos |
| Divider | ✅ Yes | |
| Link | ✅ Yes | |
| Code | ✅ Yes | |
| Web Bookmark | ✅ Yes | |
| Toggle List | ✅ Yes | |
| Page Links | ✅ Yes | |
| Cover | ✅ Yes | Enable with `fullPage` |
| Equations | ✅ Yes | |
| Checkbox | ✅ Yes | |
| Simple Tables | ✅ Yes | |
| Databases | ❌ Not planned | |
| Table Of Contents | ❌ Not planned | |

Please, feel free to [open an issue]( if you notice any important blocks missing or anything wrong with existing blocks.

## Credits

- [Jannik Siebert]( – vue-notion Code
- [Dominik Sobe]( – vue-notion Inspiration, Debugging
- [vue-notion Contributors 💕](
- [Tobias Lins]( – react-notion Idea, Code
- [Timo Lins]( – react-notion Code, Documentation
- [samwightt]( – react-notion Inspiration & API Typings
- [react-notion Contributors 💕](

- Big thanks to [NuxtJS]( for being awesome!

## License ⚖️

MIT © [Jannik Siebert](