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Curated listing for AssemblyScript packages, libraries, and tools. 🚀

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Curated listing for AssemblyScript packages, libraries, and tools. 🚀




## Assemble The Awesome

**AssemblyScript Package, Project, and Resources List 🚀**
## Contents

- [Packages](#packages)
- [Utility](#utility)
- [Security](#security)
- [Blockchain](#blockchain)
- [Web](#web)
- [Backend](#backend)
- [Serialization](#serialization)
- [Game Dev](#game-dev)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Math/Numbers](#math-numbers)
- [Transforms](#transforms)
- [Build Tools](#build-tools)
- [I/O](#io)
- [Memory Tools](#memory-tools)
- [Compression](#compression)
- [WASI](#wasi)
- [Lunatic VM](#lunatic-vm)
- [Projects](#projects)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Books](#books)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Community](#community)
- [Companies](#companies)

## Packages
#### Utility
- [JairusSW/as-container]( - Rust-like `Result`` and `Option`` types
- [MaxGraey/as-variant]( - `Variant` type providing dynamicness
- [MaxGraey/as-string-sink]( - Efficient String Builder
- [JairusSW/as-random]( - Random number generators
#### Security
- [jedisct1/wasm-crypto]( - Many hashing algorithms (not updated)
- [mjethani/superfasthash]( - SuperFastHash implementation (unmaintained)
- [krisselden/xoroshiro128starstar]( - Port of xoroshiro128starstar.c
- [hugomrdias/rabin-wasm]( - Port of Rabin Fingerprinting
#### Blockchain
- [ascontract/subscript]( - Subscript blockchain SDK
- [ewasm/biturbo]( - Ethereum 1 EE using Turboproofs
#### Web
- [lume/asdom]( - (WIP) DOM bindings
- [aspkg/ecmassembly]( - (Some) JavaScript APIs ported to AssemblyScript
#### Backend
- [lunatic-solutions/as-lunatic]( - Higher level AssemblyScript wrappers for low level Lunatic syscalls
#### Serialization
- [SteerProtocol/RLP]( - RLP implementation (Private as of now)
- [JairusSW/as-json]( - JSON implementation
- [inkeliz/karmem]( - Fast binary serialization format
- [JairusSW/FASS]( - A blindingly fast schema-driven serialization format
- [piotr-oles/as-proto]( - Protobuf implementation
- [wapc/as-msgpack]( - MessagePack implementation
- [serial-as/borsh]( - Borsh implementation
- [serial-as/json]( - JSON implementation (unmaintained dependency)
- [nearprotocol/assemblyscript-bson]( - BSON implementation (unmaintained)
- [nearassemblyscript-json]( - JSON implementation (unmaintained)
#### Game-Dev
- [battlelinegames/VectorEngine]( - Vector rendering engine
- [battlelinegames/ASWebGlue]( - WebGL bindings
- [mrchantey/Koora]( - 3D game framework
#### Testing
- [as-pect]( - Testing framework inspired by Jest
#### Math/Numbers
- [MaxGraey/as-bignum]( - Fixed length big numbers
- [ttulka/as-big]( - Arbitrary precision big numbers
- [polywrap/as-bigint]( - Math with arbitrarily large integers
- [polywrap/as-bignumber]( - Arbitrary precision integers and decimals
- [Hypercubed/as-mpz]( - Arbitrary precision integer library for AssemblyScript

#### AST/Transforms
- [as-pect/visitor-as]( - Tools to build transforms
#### Build-tools
#### IO
#### Memory Tools
- [fabriciopashajas-malloc]( - Lightweight implementation of `malloc`, `realloc`, and `free` functions
#### Compression
- [01alchemist/as-lzma]( - LZMA implementation (unmaintained)
#### WASI
- [AssemblyScript/wasi-shim]( - WASI Shim for AssemblyScript
- [jedisc1/as-wasi]( - API layer for WASI system calls
#### Lunatic VM
- [as-lunatic]( - A take on WASI adding Processes, Networking, IPC, and Distributed computing
## Projects
- [Hoofdkantoor Demoscene]( - 90's Demoscene built with AssemblyScript
### Games
- [Tugcga/project-h]( - Game and experiment with paths
- [torch2424/wasmboy]( - GameBoy emulator
- [ColinEberhardt/atari-2600]( - Atari2600 emulator
- [Dotneteer/wa-spectrum]( - ZX Spectrum emulator
- [mhonert/chess]( - Wasabi chess engine implementation
- [jolestar/gomoku]( - Go(moku) engine implementation
- [ttulka/breadcrumb-lost]( - A 2d platformer game

## Companies
**Who is using AssemblyScript?**
- [SteerProtocol]( - [Production] Used in data connectors and off-chain compute