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A simple CLI for interacting with macOS reminders

cli command-line macos osx reminders

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A simple CLI for interacting with macOS reminders




# reminders-cli

A simple CLI for interacting with OS X reminders.

## Usage:

#### Show all lists

$ reminders show-lists

#### Show reminders on a specific list

$ reminders show Soon
0 Write README
1 Ship reminders-cli

#### Complete an item on a list

$ reminders complete Soon 0
Completed 'Write README'
$ reminders show Soon
0 Ship reminders-cli

#### Undo a completed item

$ reminders show Soon --only-completed
0 Write README
$ reminders uncomplete Soon 0
Uncompleted 'Write README'
$ reminders show Soon
0 Write README

#### Edit an item on a list

$ reminders edit Soon 0 Some edited text
Updated reminder 'Some edited text'
$ reminders show Soon
0 Ship reminders-cli
1 Some edited text

#### Delete an item on a list

$ reminders delete Soon 0
Completed 'Write README'
$ reminders show Soon
0 Ship reminders-cli

#### Add a reminder to a list

$ reminders add Soon Contribute to open source
$ reminders add Soon Go to the grocery store --due-date "tomorrow 9am"
$ reminders add Soon Something really important --priority high
$ reminders show Soon
0: Ship reminders-cli
1: Contribute to open source
2: Go to the grocery store (in 10 hours)
3: Something really important (priority: high)

#### See help for more examples

$ reminders --help
$ reminders show -h

## Installation:

#### With [Homebrew](

$ brew install keith/formulae/reminders-cli

#### From GitHub releases

Download the latest release from

$ tar -zxvf reminders.tar.gz
$ mv reminders /usr/local/bin
$ rm reminders.tar.gz

#### Building manually

This requires a recent Xcode installation.

$ cd reminders-cli
$ make build-release
$ cp .build/apple/Products/Release/reminders /usr/local/bin/reminders