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Helper cmdlets which can be used to create simple Sitecore website deployment script in something like 50 lines of code.

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Helper cmdlets which can be used to create simple Sitecore website deployment script in something like 50 lines of code.




Sitecore PowerShell Deployment Framework

Helper modules which can be used to create simple Sitecore website deployment script in something like 50 lines of code.


Basic DB operations - backup / restore / execute, etc.

* Create-Database
* Restore-Database
* Backup-Database
* Attach-Database
* Execute-File


Used to download / extract / package files, etc.

* Download-File
* Extract-Package
* Set-Permissions
* Unzip-Archive
* Add-HostFileContent


All about editing .config files - web.config, include files, ConnectionStrings.config

* Uncomment-ConfigSection
* Set-ConnectionString
* Set-SitecoreSetting
* Set-ConfigAttribute
* Set-ExecutionTimeout

and many other cmdlets


Used to create Sites / AppPools in IIS

* Create-AppPool
* Create-Site


Contains single commandlet which will Checkout / Revert / Update folder from specified SVN repository. It can be split into a few different ones, I plan to do it in future.


Includes single commandlet for invoking a web page

**Deployment script example**


# Framework initialization
$scriptRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ";$scriptRoot\Framework"

Import-Module WebUtils
Import-Module ConfigUtils
Import-Module DBUtils
Import-Module IISUtils
Import-Module FileUtils

# Main variables
$siteName = "PowerCoreSample"
$licensePath = "C:\license.xml"
$sourcePath = "C:\Sitecore 6.5.0 rev."
$targetFolder = "E:\inetpub\wwwroot"

# Additional variables
$packageFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($sourcePath)
$dataFolder = "$destination\$packageFileName\Data"
$websiteFolder = "$destination\$packageFileName\Website"
$serverName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$sqlServerName = "$serverName\SQLEXPRESS"

# Main Script
Unzip-Archive $sourcePath $targetFolder

$server = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $sqlServerName
$databases = "core", "master", "web"
foreach ($db in $databases)
Attach-Database $server "$siteName.$db" "$targetFolder\$packageFileName\Databases\Sitecore.$db.mdf" "$destination\$packageFileName\Databases\Sitecore.$db.ldf"
Set-ConnectionString "$websiteFolder\App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config" "$db" "Trusted_Connection=Yes;Data Source=$sqlServerName;Database=$siteName.$db"

Set-ConfigAttribute "$websiteFolder\web.config" "sitecore/sc.variable[@name='dataFolder']" "value" $dataFolder

Copy-Item $licensePath $dataFolder
Create-AppPool $siteName "v4.0"
Create-Site $siteName "$siteName.local" $targetFolder\$packageFileName
Add-HostFileContent "" "$siteName.local"
