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Swizzlean, an Objective-C Swizzle Helper Class.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Swizzlean, an Objective-C Swizzle Helper Class.




# Swizzlean [![Bitrise](]( [![Cocoapod Version](]( [![Cocoapod Platform](]( [![Carthage Compatible](]( [![License](](

A quick and "lean" way to swizzle methods for your Objective-C development needs.

## Adding Swizzlean to your project

### Cocoapods

[CocoaPods]( is the recommended way to add `Swizzlean` to your project.

1. Add Swizzlean to your Podfile `pod 'Swizzlean'`.
2. Install the pod(s) by running `pod install`.
3. Add Swizzlean to your files with `#import `.

### Swift Package Manager (SPM)

[Swift Package Manager]( can be used to add `Swizzlean` the to your project:

1. Add `.package(url: "", from: "1.1.0")`
2. [Follow intructions to add]( the `Swizzlean` package to your project.

### Carthage

You can also use [Carthage]( to manually add the `Swizzlean` framework to your project.

1. Add `github "rbaumbach/Swizzlean"` to your [Cartfile](
2. [Follow instructions to manually add]( Swizzlean dynamic framework to your project.

### Clone from Github

1. Clone repository from github and copy files directly, or add it as a git submodule.
2. Add Swizzlean and RuntimeUtils (.h and .m) files to your project.

## How To

* Create an instance of **Swizzlean** passing in the class of the methods you want to swizzle.
* Call `swizzleInstanceMethod:withReplacementImplementation:` for an instance method passing
in the selector of the method to be swizzled with the replacement implementation. When
passing in the replacement implementation block, the first parameter is always `id _self`
(pointer to the 'Class' being swizzled), and the followed by any other parameters for the
method being swizzled.
* Call `swizzleClassMethod:withReplacementImplementation:` for a class method passing in
the selector of the method to be swizzled with the replacement implementation.
* You can check the current instance/class method that is swizzled by using the
`currentInstanceMethodSwizzled` and `currentClassMethodSwizzled` methods.
* The status of the swizzled methods can be seen by calling `isInstanceMethodSwizzled` and
* Use reset methods to unswizzle the instance/class methods that are currently being
* Methods are automatically reset when the Swizzlean object is deallocated. If you would like to
keep the methods swizzled after `dealloc` is called, set the property `resetWhenDeallocated = NO`.

### Example Usage

Swizzlean *swizzle = [[Swizzlean alloc] initWithClassToSwizzle:[NSString class]];
[swizzle swizzleInstanceMethod:@selector(intValue) withReplacementImplementation:^(id _self) {
return 42;
NSString *number7 = @"7";
NSLog(@"The int value for number7 is: %d", [number7 intValue]);
// returns - The int value for number7 is: 42
[swizzle resetSwizzledInstanceMethod];
NSLog(@"The int value for number7 is: %d", [number7 intValue]);
// returns - The int value for number7 is: 7

## Testing

* Prerequisites: [ruby](, [ruby gems](, [bundler](

This project has been setup to use [fastlane]( to run the specs.

First, run the `` script to bundle required gems and `Cocoapods` when in the project directory:

$ ./

And then use `fastlane` to run all the specs on the command line:

$ bundle exec fastlane specs

## Version History

Version history can be found [on releases page](

## Suggestions, requests, feedback and acknowledgements

Thanks for checking out `Swizzlean` for your swizzling needs. Any feedback can be
can be sent to: .

Thanks to the following contributors for keeping `Swizzlean` Swizzletastic:
[Erik Stromlund]( & [Aaron Koop](