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iOS app to inform UT Students about on going events and org meetings

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

iOS app to inform UT Students about on going events and org meetings




newsUT Team - README

# newsUT

## Table of Contents
1. [Overview](#Overview)
2. [Product Spec](#Product-Spec)
3. [Wireframes](#Wireframes)
4. [Schema](#Schema)
5. [Updates](#Updates)

## Overview
### Description
An app that allows users to read news articles from UT News sites such as the Daily Texan and see events going on by clubs.

### App Evaluation
[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]
- **Category:** News & Social
- **Mobile:** iOS
- **Story:**
- **Market:** UT Austin students
- **Habit:**
- **Scope:** Social and news platform for UT

## Product Spec

### 1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

**Required Must-have Stories**

* User can login and logout
* User can use app without an account
* Different accounts (Regular user and a UT Organization)
* Feed of news articles
* Option to post an event (UT Organization only)
* Option to follow a UT Organization (Regular user only)

**Optional Nice-to-have Stories**

* Be able to save news articles
* See a map of events
* Navigate and sort articles by type
* Search for articles

### 2. Screen Archetypes

* Initial Login Screen
* New user/UT org can sign up, login, or skip and use app without account
* Home Screen
* Feed of news, events, and sports articles and news
* Sort and navigate articles by type (optional)
* Think Facebook feed
* Upcoming Events Feed
* Feed of upcoming events
* Calendar (optional)
* Intramural Sports Homepage (optional)
* List teams and upcoming games
* Newsletters
* List newsletters from orgs that user follows
* For UT Orgs, post events option
* Single Newsletter
* Displays a specific newsletter
* Browse/Search Clubs
* Browse and search through UT clubs and organizations
* Think Instagram Explore page
* Single Event Page
* Details on upcoming event
* Page for each UT Org/Club
* Find information on club
* Follow button for regular user to follow the org
* Settings
* Contains Sign Up/Login/Logout

### 3. Navigation

**Tab Navigation** (Tab to Screen)

* Home Screen
* Upcoming Events Feed
* Intramural Sports Homepage (optional)
* Newsletters
* Browse/Search Clubs

**Flow Navigation** (Screen to Screen)

* Initial Login Screen
* Tab View Controller
* Home Screen
* Single Event Page
* Upcoming Events Feed
* Single Event Page
* Browse/Search Clubs
* Settings
* Page for each UT Org/Club
* Newsletters
* Single Newsletter
* Single Event Page
* Page for each UT Org/Club

## Wireframes (Digital Mockup)

### [BONUS] Interactive Prototype

## Schema

### Models
#### User
| Property | Type
| -------- | --------
| Username | String |
| Password | String |
| Favorited Articles | Array |
| Favorited Events | Array |
| Subcribed Orgs | Array |

#### Event
| Property | Type
| -------- | --------
| Title | String |
| Description | String |
| Date | String |
| Image | UIImage |
| Link to Tickets | URL |
| Location | Map Location |
| Users going | Array |
| Host | User |
#### Organization (Subclass of User)
| Property | Type
| -------- | --------
| Name | String |
| Description | String |
| Profile Image | UIImage |

#### Article
| Property | Type
| -------- | --------
| Title | String |
| Content | String |
| Date | String |
| Images | UIImage Array|
| Link to Article | URL |
| Author | String |
| Publisher | Org |

### Networking
- Article Feed
- (Read/GET)
- Events Feed
- (Read/GET)
- Create Event
- (Create/POST) Create new event (Orgs only)
- Event View
- (Create/GET) Save an event
- (Delete) Delete saved event
- (Update/Put) Edit event (Orgs only)
- Article View
- (Create/GET) Save an article
- (Delete) Delete saved article
- Profile View
- (Read/GET) Logged in user
- (Update/PUT) Update user info

## Updates
### Sprint1 - (Week 10)
- Created project
- Created the basic navigation
- Setup table views for the Home feed and Events feed
- Plan for next week
- Meet to work together
- Setup the Parse database
- Create login
- Begin development of different pages
- Basic navigation image:

## Final
### Completed
- [x] Logging in and logging out
- [x] Creating an account
- [x] Tab bar navigation
- [x] Custom auto layout UI that looks industry professional
- [x] Ability to save an event
- [x] Ability to view event
- [x] Ability to create and post an event
### To Do for Future
- [] Implement news articles tab, newsletters tab, and discover/search tab
- [] Fix image bug with events in parse backend
- [] Add maps ability for location
- [] Add UIWebview ability to get tickets for events
- [] Add variation of accounts and ability to follow organization accounts